"Kaido, you won't be drinking here for almost a month at a bar."

Kaido, who was drinking heavily, put down the big jar of wine.

"Huh, I've been waiting for you for so long, so what do you do without drinking."

After that, Kaido's expression began to change, and it was obviously angry.

"I've been waiting for so long, you this bastard." Kaido picked up the wolf fang club next to him, and hit Will with a stick.

'Yi Xue' came out of the body, with a thud to withstand the wolf fang club.

Haki covered his calf, Will kicked Kaido in the face and staggered Kaido. Kaido, who was sitting on the ground, lay directly on the ground.

Kaido is already drunk, how could he be Will's opponent.

Karina on the side was frightened, her hair standing up.

Because Karina feels that Will may have broken with Kaido, and they are already fighting together.

If Will breaks with Kaido, the two will fight immediately. Now there are so many Kaido's men on the island. If she is caught, she will definitely end badly.

The more Karina thought about it, the more frightened she started to back away slowly, ready to slip away at any time.

Karina is completely worried, the scene in front of her is just everyday.

"You guy, you drank too much again."

"Ding", Will put the'blood of the blood' under the sheath, this kind of thing is no longer one or two times.

"Snoring~, snoring~."

The huge snoring sound spread throughout the room, Kaido actually fell asleep.

Karina can't react to the situation in front of her, she doesn't know what to do.

"You guys, aren't you infighting?"

Will looked strangely towards Karina, but it's no wonder that Karina reacted like this.

"No, it's just that Kaido drank too much."

Karina laughed reluctantly and didn't know how to answer the conversation. She is now wearing cloak feathers for some reason. Suddenly, there was a sensation of acupuncture on the back, especially when I remembered Jack looked towards her.

New World is dangerous. Karina wants to go back to the first half of the Grand Line and compare with New World. There is a paradise.

"Will, I seem to have overheard some of your secrets by accident. You won’t stop talking."

"Of course you want to stop talking."

An old voice came from a distance.

"long time no see, Will."

"It’s not too long, it’s just a month. Jack told me before that you have already thought out a specific plan. Tell me about it."

From a distance, it is the "brain" of Beasts Pirates, the goat Old Hu head Tillman.

While Will was talking with Tillman, both of them heard a pop.

Turning her head and looking around, Karina was sitting on the ground, wiping her tears silently, maybe it was Tillman's words that frightened her.

Will is a little puzzled, how did Karina become less and less courageous after landing on the island.

In fact, I don’t blame Karina. If you change to any normal person, after knowing that your landing point is a branch of Beasts Pirates, it will be Karina’s reaction.

Moreover, the person who brought her here was a great swordsman who killed her. Karina's reaction now is completely normal.

"It seems that I scared your friend."

Tillman walked to Karina and stroked the goatee, comforted to Karina;


"little girl, I just joked with you just now, the person who will lead the people is our Beasts Pirates guest."

Ignore Carina and Tillman, Will go When he came to Kaido, he kicked the drunk man, but there was no response.

"Tillman, when do you plan to leave for the'Country of Harmony'."

After Tillman signaled to his subordinates to bring some food to Kalina, he and Will Answered;

"It will take about two days to mobilize all the troops. This time going to the'Country of Harmony' is not necessarily friendly. If the opponent talks to you, we will start the attack. 'The Country of Harmony'."

Will pressed one hand on his chest and sensed the injury in his body.

"Four days, four days later, my injury will be able to recover completely, so it is safer."

Tillman was a little confused and looked up and down Will.

"Are you injured? Who is your opponent? On the golden boat, there are people who can hurt you?"

Will secretly said in one's heart, of course, if not good Luck, he may not be able to leave that ship.

"It's just a small injury. I just played against two old Marines."

Of course, Tillman doesn't believe in Will, the injury that will allow Will to cultivate is definitely not a small injury.

"We have a doctor here, do you need it~"

"Many thanks, but the doctor is exempted. I don't see any doctors except my family."

Will won't let the doctor of Beasts Pirates come to treat him, his body has too many secrets that cannot be known.

Only Tuski, Will will let him treat him because he trusts Tuski completely.

"I'll go to sleep first, four days later, we will set off."

Will walks into the base, which has been completely remodeled by Beasts Pirates and has many bedrooms.

"Wait for me." Karina quickly followed Will.

On this island, perhaps only in the vicinity of Will, Karina can feel a bit of safety.

When he came to the bedroom, Will looked at Karina with a smile.

"Follow me into the room, but there is a price."

Will pushed Karina onto the bed.

Karina was breathing a little bit shortly. Although she knew that she would be slapped in the bedroom with Will, it was better than facing unknown dangers all the time outside.

"Wait, wait a minute, I won't let you touch me in vain, I will cost 100 million Beli at a time."

Will's face twitched, how much does this woman love money? .


New World, a cake-shaped island.

To be precise, this island is formed by cakes.

"The old lady must kill him, must, how this also made me give birth to a child, has been pierced, completely pierced."

A female scream, in Whole It spread from a castle on Cake Island,

This female roar was full of breath. Just by listening to the voice, you knew it was a shrew.

"Mama, calm down, your injury has not been completely recovered."

"Yes, Mama, we will repay the grudge, but we must first recover the injury."

Charlotte Linlin (Bigumam) in the castle calmed down for a while, picked up the dessert beside him, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Are they back, Irene, this time they should bring back a large number of Beli, after all, even I have been greedy for a long time even for the wealth of the Golden Emperor, and I will find the best doctor for me. I must recover my body cultivator. The other injuries don't matter. The son|gong must repair."

Several children of Charlotte Linlin hesitated and looked at each other.

"Mama, we are looking for a doctor, but, that~, Irene is back, there is something, you need some psychological preparation."

Charlotte · Linlin puts his hands down Dessert, looked towards her sons and daughters with bad eyes, dripping down like sulphuric acid, making the corroded zi zi of the bed under her body.

"If you have a fart, just let it go to my old lady!"

After a long time, there was another grieving roar from Charlotte Linlin's castle.

"What, Smoothie is dead? You say it again."

Several Charlotte ·Linlin's children looked at Charlotte ·Linlin with trepidation, not daring for a while Take the call.

"Thunderbolt swordsman, you took Zeus and Napoleon from the old lady, and killed my daughter. You and I are absolutely irreconcilable."

"pu chi ~." Charlotte · The wound on Linlin's body split open, and blood spurted out.

"Asshole, asshole."

Charlotte · Linlin really doesn't have other methods except for a few roars.

Now Charlotte ·Linlin's injury has not recovered. If Will doesn't come to her, Charlotte ·Linlin is already very lucky. As for letting his hand go down to find Will to avenge, it is even more impossible.

If Charlotte ·Linlin really does that, it is very likely that he will lose a few children again.

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