"Your daughter, is dead."

After some thinking, Will decides to speak frankly. White lies are not always white of.

Will can completely imagine that this Old Lady will look for her daughter in the next few years, or even more than ten years.

That kind of feeling may be more uncomfortable than death, so it is better to tell her the fact now, even if it is despair, it is much better than a long suffering.

"No, impossible, how could my daughter die."

Old Lady staggered back two steps, her face full of incredible expression.

"Ah~, it's dead. I saw her body. It has been buried by my companions. Are you going to see it."

Old Lady's body was shaken , Looked at Will with a demanding look.

Will can feel that she wants to tell her that she is lying to her.

But Will will not do such an irresistible thing. The world is cruel. Although sometimes full of love, the world has become cruel on this small island.

"Walk straight to the east of the town. When you reach the wasteland, you will find many ice sculptures. After searching in the vicinity, you should find her tomb."

After Will finished speaking, he planned to turn around and leave, but suddenly felt that the windbreaker behind him was caught.

"She, did she suffer when she died."

The Old Lady has been flustered after knowing that her daughter had gone near the pool of blood sacrifice. Now this kind of bad news is almost almost gone. She was crushed.

"According to my experience, she will not be very painful. Needless to say, I have killed thousands of people with a sword in my hand. With her physique, she will not survive that kind of injury for long. "

Old Lady slowly loosened Will's trench coat, the look in her eyes dimmed.

Will didn't look at Old Lady's expression, but after thinking about it, Jie did help him a little bit.

"I once promised Jie to help her kill Lord Aum. If you are interested, if the time permits, I will bring her to you.

En ~, just wait for me in front of your daughter's grave, if you can live till then."

After speaking, Will continues to move forward. He has other things to do.

"I will definitely wait, I will definitely wait."

Old Lady mumbled and repeated, although the voice is not high, Will has a back Feeling cold.

He can feel that this Old Lady will definitely do things that shock everyone, including him.

Never underestimate a desperate person, especially this kind of widow who has lost her husband and two daughters. She is now a little crazy.

"Interestingly, this island is really getting more and more interesting, Lord Aum, what kind of creature are you, hide it underwater. If I catch it, the Old Lady will Will become your hell messenger, he he he."

Will uttered a frightening chuckle and disappeared from the crowd in the town.

In a house in the distance, a pair of eyes glanced at the silhouette of Will going away from time to time.

It was Mayor Black. He had received news before that the three of them were not buried or underwater, so he came here early and waited for the three of them.

He didn't dare to stare at Will all the time, because he knew that a strong man like Will at this level would immediately perceive his gaze.

"These bastards, why are they so strong, why don’t they leave the town and be nosy here.

In that case, I only have to release that thing, and I don’t know she can Can't control that thing."

Mayor Black sighed, and then walked out of the house to prepare his own plan.

It didn't take long for Precognition and Garp to return to the town. They didn't seem to leave the town until the matter was resolved.

At this time, Will is in a grocery store with a small tin can in his hand.

This tin can is the only item Will found on the island that can be counted as a diving tool, and it contains a lot of air.

And the original function of this tin can, after asking the grocery store Boss, Will was a little speechless.

This thing is used to blow balloons. You heard it right. It is used to blow balloons quickly. It was invented by a nearby island full of toys.

Learning of one result, Will is speechless again about the technology tree of One Piece World.

This is completely a small oxygen tank, actually used to blow balloons? The high-pressure technology is definitely not simple.

No longer struggling with these issues, Will walked out of the grocery store after paying the money, heading to the hotel and Monet's round.

After returning to the hotel, Will found that Monet had been waiting for a long time, and he also saw Buffalo with dark circles.

The little brother laughed happily after seeing Will, and then raised the two Little Pi boxes in his hands.

It seems that Buffalo is lucky.

"I plan to dive into that pool again, do you two want to see the excitement with me?"

Buffalo was a little confused, but after Monet’s description, this buck-tooth Little brother got interested right away.

"Okay, Lord Will, let's go see the excitement."

Monet was also nodded and signaled to go together.

But the two of them can only watch the excitement in the vicinity. If they want to get close to the pool of blood sacrifice, it is completely impossible.

Just as Will was about to set off again, Den Den Mushi's voice rang from his pocket watch.

After Will took out Den Den Mushi, he found that it was Den Den Mushi of Tusky, so he picked it up immediately, and then heard Anita's anxious voice.

"Will, where are you? When are you coming back? I have something urgent here."

I heard Anita’s anxious voice, Will’s browse frowned, could it be the two of them? What trouble did you have in Dressrosa?

"What's the matter with Anita? I'm having trouble on an island near Dressrosa? I need to go back right away?"

Hearing Will’s voice, Anita calmed down.

"I may not be able to continue the adventure with you for the time being."

Will was surprised that the adventurous Anita actually said this, it seems that something really happened. .

"Tell me about Anita, what happened, I will try my best to help you solve it."

Anita was silent for a moment.

"My father is sick, very seriously ill, Den Den Mushi said that he may not live for a month, wu~."

I heard Anita's cry Sound, Will also became silent. He really couldn't help Anita in this matter. The other party's father is Celestial Dragon. Needless to say, Mariejois's famous doctors must be many.

But the fact that Will can't help doesn't mean that others can't help.

"Anita, don’t panic. Have you forgotten Tuski’s medical skills? As long as it is not a deadly disease, Tuski’s fruit power can still be eliminated."

Anita She stopped crying, and it seemed that she still believed Will very much.

"Uh, I'm going back to Mariejois right now, I want Tuski to be with me."

"Ah, go back, I'll wait for you back in Dressrosa, if anything If necessary, just contact me and I will definitely help you."

Anita sobbed twice again.

"Well, Will you are so kind, then I went to Mariejois with Tuski, and the boat is ready."

After saying goodbye to Will, Anita hung up Den Den Mushi.

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