Buffalo successfully landed on the island, and then in the sky began to rain heavily.

The cold rain slapped on the face under the strong wind, and there was a slight pain and coldness.

"Although I was a little embarrassed, I finally escaped. Let’s stay on the island tonight. It's not too early."

Will greeted the two. With a sound, he walked in the direction of the town ahead.

Because of the rainstorm, the sky is already black at this time.

After Will walked far away, he vaguely felt that no one was coming behind him, which made Will a little puzzled.

But in this heavy rain, Kenbunshoku Haki completely failed, so Will can only look for the two of them by sight.

After searching for a circle, Will did not see any silhouette, which made his look a little harder to look.

I just left the rainstorm area, did this come to an island with unknown danger?

It seems that the two have been met by accidents, but Will has nothing to do in this heavy rain.

At this moment, Will vaguely heard a call for help, and the voice was somewhat familiar.

It's Monet's voice.

After hearing Monet's voice, Will rushed to the direction of the sound. Soon, Will saw Monet's silhouette.

At this moment, Monet was lying on the ground, calling Will weakly, while Buffalo was on the side.

Will was quite speechless when he saw this scene, he forgot that both of them are Devil Fruit Ability Users.

Fruit Ability User is almost waste in this kind of heavy rain, just like Monet and Buffalo now.

Monet was better, lying on his back, moving on the ground with difficulty, but seeing her feeble appearance, she couldn't move a meter even in one night.

The Buffalo on the side is suffering a lot. This buck-tooth little brother is lying on the ground. At this time, the stagnant water on the ground has completely submerged Buffalo’s face, emerging from both sides of Buffalo’s cheeks. It can be seen from the bubbles that he may have drunk a lot of rainwater.

According to this situation, he will be drowned?

This scene makes Will a little bit emotional, Devil Fruit can make a person without combat capability become stronger quickly, but also not at no cost.

Fear of Kairosaki, spurned by the sea and fear of sea water, after being exposed to a certain amount of sea water, I began to feel weak.

If the above two points are still acceptable, the most speechless thing is that Devil Fruit Ability User will become weak after more than half of his body is immersed in fresh water.

And there is a kind of weather in the world called torrential rain, in which Devil Fruit's ability is simply useless.

If there were heavy rains during the war at the top, the situation would be wonderful.

Will lifts Buffalo from the rain instead of letting the opponent spit bubbles on the ground.

"Huh, hu, hu~, it's dangerous, you almost drowned, Lord Will, why did you leave suddenly? Monet called you for a long time just now."

Will was also a little embarrassed, because of the heavy rain, he hadn't heard Monet's shout at all.

Tugging Buffalo, who was weak, Will came and brought Monet by his side.

At this time, Monet looked towards Will with a bitter look, which made him even more embarrassed.

"he he he, you two, don’t be so stingy, there should be a small town in front of you, we go there to rest for a night, when the time comes, pick whatever you like."

Holding the weak Monet behind his back, and Buffalo Will can only carry him.

Will won't go back to this little brother, but Monet is different.

Feeling the soft touch coming from the back, Will not only sighed, but the feeling of carrying the girl is good, so he strengthened the idea of ​​carrying Buffalo.

The three are not far from the town. After a while, Will walked into the town.

The size of the town is similar to that of Loguetown. It is not very big, but it is also rich.

At this time, the streets of the town were empty, even if they wanted to come, who would go out in such heavy rain.

Walking on the streets of the town, Will found a reasonably luxurious hotel before he walked for a long time, and then opened the door.

Ignoring the warm reception, Will put Buffalo on the ground, and then Monet also on the ground.

Monet is better. Although the whole body is still a little weak, he will soon recover.

But Buffalo doesn't use it. This little brother with buck teeth drank a lot of muddy water. At this time, his face was full of muddy spots.

Will didn't know much about handling this situation, and looked towards Monet, who had already stood up.

Monet was also helpless, saying that he had no choice.

"The simplest and rude way, Buffalo, can only blame you for your life."

While speaking, Will put his feet on Buffalo and it was a little bulging. Belly.

The weak Buffalo was not in a coma, but was a little sluggish after inhaling a lot of muddy water.

I have to say that the physique of One Piece World is really powerful.

"Wait for Lord Will, I think I can get a rescue, at least I can find a doctor."

Will also feels that Buffalo's words have some truth, and it seems that the other party also knows what Buffalo said. He has to step on it directly with his foot to help him get rid of the sewage in his lungs and stomach.

"Call the best doctor in your town, money is not a problem, just say that there are patients in need of emergency treatment."

After Will this strange entire group enters the hotel , The waiter had already found the boss of the hotel.

The boss of the hotel is a middle age person with myopia. At this time, he was also stunned by the situation in front of him.

"Guest, guest, there is no doctor in the town now. Three days ago, the only doctor left in the town had mysteriously disappeared."

I heard the other party say the town When there is no doctor, Will feels a little strange. The area of ​​this small town is not small. At least there are tens of thousands of people inhabited. There is no doctor?

But Will didn't pay too much attention to it. All weird things would happen in One Piece World, he was used to it.

"Buffalo, did you hear that, there is no doctor in the town. But don't worry, I can barely count as half a doctor."

Then Will stepped his foot on Buffalo's again. On the stomach, ready to treat this little brother with buck teeth.

Monet had already guessed Will's treatment method, and turned his face to the side with an expression that couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The boss of the hotel is watching with a look of surprise, and behind him stands a young waiter who is also curious.

Everyone's eyes focused on Will's feet, and Will didn't let them down, and stepped down sharply.

Buffalo immediately turned into a human body fountain, and a lot of sewage and mud spurted out of the mouth.

Will flashed to the side with a foresight, but the others had no such good luck, and were slapped with mud.

After Will stepped on one foot, Buffalo spewed a lot of sewage, but it didn't get better.

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