Will was speechless for a while when he heard those little demon words in the room.

"A group of brat, why do I feel like being called Jackie Chan, as if I will be defeated if I am casual."

Will cursed in a low voice and turned to the other direction When he walked, he saved these children, not to make the other party appreciate him.

If it is not necessary, Will will not even go to see them.

The reason for saving them was because they wanted to destroy Bigum’s plan. Now the relationship between the two of them is very clear.

Bigumah is upset, Will will be quite happy, it's that simple.

Now one thing that can make Bigum unhappy is before his eyes. The experimental data of'Candy' has been destroyed by him. Now as long as these children are disposed of, it will be successfully destroyed. Good thing about Gumam.

But Will doesn’t want to kill a child, so he has to think of other methods.

There are many people in this world who think they are righteous heroes, but in fact there are not many people who can be regarded as righteous heroes.

It just so happened that Will knew one, and the other party should be very free, so Will decided to throw this mess to the other party.

Will turned out a Den Den Mushi that had never been dialed in his pocket watch, then picked up the receiver and dialed the Den Den Mushi.

"Bolu, Bolu, Bolu~~~."

For a long time, the other party did not pick up Den Den Mushi. This made Will a little suspicious that the other party would not have Throw that Den Den Mushi? After all, the other party has just gone through a big change.

Just when Will was about to give up, Den Den Mushi was actually connected.

"ka-cha, ka-cha ~."

Before Will could speak, he heard a burst of chewing.

It seems that the other party has changed a lot, or that after letting go of the burden, the whole person is relaxed?

"Really didn't expect, you will take the initiative to call this Den Den Mushi, I think this Den Den Mushi has been thrown away by you, hahaha."

I heard this This kind of hearty laughter, Will a little can't recognize, is this the same person?

"Your changes are really not small. It seems that the position of Fleet Admiral is a burden to you."

On the opposite side of Den Den Mushi, there is a great character with a reputation. Hehe great character.

Predecessor Marine Fleet Admiral, Sengoku the Buddha.

This Den Den Mushi was once entrusted by Sengoku to Momonga and handed it to Will during the Judicial Island incident.

Will always thinks that Sengoku is a conspiracy, but strangely, I haven't seen the slightest movement from the other party for so long.

In the end, he dialed the Den Den Mushi first.

"hahaha, of course, I am now in a relaxed suit. I train new recruits every day, he he tea, and don’t mention how beautiful life is.

Will, would you like to visit me? I’m now in the newly established Marine Headquarters, and you are also in the New World."

"New Marine Headquarters? Why, I remember that Malin Fendor did not sink, right? Akainu was brain pumped? Get Marine Headquarters to New World.

If I go now, Akainu will not welcome him. He is now the new Marine Fleet Admiral. He will definitely remember me because of his character that must be repaid. His sword."

Will was very surprised to hear that Marine Headquarters had moved to New World. He didn't remember such a thing.

"Although Malin Fendo did not sink, the previous headquarter was beaten in half by you and Whitebeard, which made Sakazuki feel ashamed.

But Will, you contact me this time Not to chat with me? A veteran like me, but easily forgotten, hahaha."

After another chewing sound, Will heard the sound of a big mouthful of water.

It seems that Sengoku's life is indeed very moist.

"I have a group of little demon abducted here. I want you to settle them down. Whether to send them back to their hometowns or continue to be experimental products depends on your efforts."

New Marine Headquarters. At this time, on a huge playground, a gray-haired old man put down the food in his hand and his face became serious.

Not far from the old man, a large group of Marines are sweating and exercising their bodies.

This old man is Sengoku, he was a little skeptical after hearing Will's words.

Because of Will in his impression, but a madman plus Battle Madman.

"Little child? Where is it."

"Punk Hazard."

After hearing this place name, Sengoku's browse frowned, eyes slightly narrowed, began Think about it.

If you change to someone else, Sengoku will determine that this is a trap, but the guy on the other side is different.

He and Will have been in contact many times and indirectly fought against each other several times.

That thunderbolt swordsman is different from other Pirates. The other party always does things straight away, not because the other party is stupid. Sengoku can feel that Will doesn't like plotting against.

"I can’t go there now, but I can send my cronies to do this.

Is there anything special about those children? What do we need to prepare, and what is your purpose? What."

Will laughed when he heard Sengoku's series of questions.

This is Sengoku, meticulous and meticulous.

"Those children were given a chronic poison because they were treated as guinea pigs. That poison is dependent on them. You can take them to Begapunk, and he should be able to find a way.

As for the purpose of my doing this, um~, there is no purpose, it belongs to a personal hobby, and there are some other reasons, you don’t need to know these.

But you do Promise me one condition."

There was a moment of silence from Den Den Mushi, and it seemed that Sengoku was thinking about whether what Will said was true.

"What conditions, if reasonable, I can promise you."

"You can let these children be picked up directly, but you are not allowed to explore in Punk Hazard. If I find someone Come and explore on the island, then I will assume that you have abandoned this deal. You should remember my style."

The Sengoku eyes on the other side of Den Den Mushi are slightly narrowed, which is dangerous. The rays of light.

Of course he remembers Will’s style. This lunatic actually went to kidnap Celestial Dragon because of a disagreement, and actually fought against Marine Headquarter during the period.

"Yes, I will send someone to pick up those children, and I will leave the problems to me to solve later, whether it is from the Begapunk side or the Marine side, there will be no news."

After hearing Sengoku's answer, Will smiled with satisfaction.

The reason why he chose to cooperate with Sengoku is because the other party knows how to adapt. It is different from the extreme justice of Akainu, and it is also different from the naive justice of Garp.

And for Sengoku's character, Will is still very relieved, not worried about those children, and worried that the other party will send someone to search Punk Hazard.

Punk Hazard is the production base of SAD. If it is dropped by Marine, Doffy will suffer a heavy loss.

Doffy's recent actions made Will very satisfied with this ally.

"Your guarantee, can you do it Sengoku, now Marine is the territory of Akainu."

Sengoku's laughter came from Den Den Mushi.

"hahahaha, my time as Marine Fleet Admiral is longer than Sakazuki's time as Marine Headquarter, he is just the new Fleet Admiral, new appointment."

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