Punk Hazard.

This is a small island with beautiful scenery. The island is known for its mild climate. The four seasons are like spring, and there are few cold or hot weather.

Six years ago, Marine came to this island. Because of the peaceful climate and all around the large forests surrounding the island, the senior officials of World Government decided to make this a secret experiment. base.

Four years ago, a scientist named M. Caesar Courant caused an experimental accident on the island. A large amount of poison qi began to spread on the island, causing a large number of deaths and injuries to the experimental prisoners on the island. Only a few survived, but some of the nervous systems were destroyed by poison qi, and all survivors were paralyzed.

At the same time as these death row prisoners, there were also the Marines stationed on the island. The responsibility of these Marines was originally Protect these scientists on the island, but because of the accident caused a large number of deaths, the death toll is even higher than the death row.

This kind of scandal was immediately covered up by the World Government, and M. Caesar Courant was arrested at the same time, but because M. Caesar Courant was indeed an excellent scientist, he was involved in the poison qi bomb. His accomplishments even surpassed Begapunk, so the World Government decided to declare that M. Caesar Courant had been sent to prison, but actually put the other party under house arrest and continue to study the poison qi bomb.

Three years ago, under Warden's negligence, M. Caesar Courant obtained the key to the Kairosaki shackles on his neck. After that, he escaped with his own gas fruit ability and has since disappeared from the sight of the World Government.

After escaping the sight of the World Government, M. Caesar Courant did not give up the results of his research all the time. Although in the eyes of outsiders, the previous accident was caused by the failure of his experiment, but Caesar himself knew ,He succeeded.

Although it is not completely successful, he has already produced the prototype of the weapon called'Death State' that he envisioned.

Caesar secretly escaped back to Punk Hazard, and successfully deceived the trust of those desperate death row prisoners with botched lies. He began to lurch on this island and continue to study his poison qi bomb.

But it didn't take long for Caesars to discover that experiment funding is a huge problem. Now he needs to spend a lot of money to buy the materials that were used at random, and he has to risk being discovered.

Be aware that he is now a bounty offender, and Marine has announced his bounty.

But it doesn't matter, Caesar thought of a way, that is to find some people who are eager to get his weapons to cooperate, he provides some poison qi bombs, and those collaborators provide money.

It was fine at the beginning, but it didn't take long for Caesar to discover that those collaborators were looking for him and planned to imprison him in his own hands, just like the previous World Government.

This frightened Caesar, because none of his partners were good people. Not only did he have many strong men, but he was also extremely powerful.

Just when Caesar was almost desperate, a man found him with the head of his former collaborator.

That man has a resounding name, Yaksha Donquixote Doflamingo. After understanding Caesar, he also knows that the person in front of him is Helmsman and Joker of Underworld.

Through the initial cooperation with Joker, Caesar has completely gained a foothold in Punk Hazard, not only obtained a large amount of experimental materials, but also the protection provided by the other party.

The price of all this is precisely that he created a Catalyst called SAD by stealing the results of Bergapunk’s experiments.

Using this Catalyst to cultivate some fruit trees by pouring, you can get a kind of artificial Devil Fruit called SMILE.

Although it is very difficult to cultivate this kind of fruit, his partner Joker has solved this problem.

And just when Caesar was worthy of attention, he had to bring better news.

The monster of New World, Kaido, one of Yonko's beasts, actually took a fancy to the poison qi bomb he researched, and also bought a lot from him.

Caesar feels that he is beginning to grow taller. Compared with him, Begapunk is not worth mentioning. His poison qi bomb will change the pattern of the world.

But when Caesar was proud, he received a report from his subordinates that several Battleships approached Punk Hazard, and then two people landed on the island.

When I saw these two people on the monitor, Caesar almost fainted. Why would there be two Marine Headquarters on the island?

Is it here to catch him? In order to catch him, actually dispatched two Marine Headquarters?

This almost scared Caesar ran away directly. Kaido's reputation is indeed loud enough, but for Pirate, Marine will not care if he has Yonko to take shelter, just as it is.

Just when Caesar had packed up his luggage and was about to run in the secret passage, his men once again told him the good news that the two Admiral were not here to arrest anyone, but instead. Fight to the death on the island.

The other party should have taken a fancy to Punk Hazard's harsh weather. Even if it sinks here, Marine will not lose much.

Although Caesar doesn’t have to worry about being arrested by two Admirals anymore, he also begins to silently feel heartache. He has been in business for more than a year and has now become his base camp. If this place is sunk, Then his loss would be great.

At that time, he might only have to go to Joker. Now he and Joker are only a cooperative relationship, but by then he will be the subordinate of the other party and his identity is completely different.

Although the result of the final duel between the two Admirals made Caesar a little worried and changed Punk Hazard's environment, fortunately, the island did not sink, but the environment was a little worse.

In the beginning, Caesar would often curse precognition and Akainu, but then Caesar discovered that Punk Hazard is now his natural laboratory.

Although the environment here is harsh, it is also safer.

The current Punk Hazard is half of Iceland with snow all year round, and half of the island of fire in the hell of flames. As long as he finds a way to seal off one side of Iceland, Punk Hazard will become an unlandable one. Kojima, this Coke broke Caesar.

And just when Caesar was about to start transforming the island, he had a hard time. Because of the severe shortage of labor, the death row prisoners who survived by chance were all paralyzed with their lower limbs. Apart from moving with equipment, he was unable to do some heavy lifting. Physical labor.

God took care of Caesar once again, and one person took the initiative to find Caesar to cooperate with him.

This person is the new Shichibukai, the death surgeon Trafalgar Luo.

Through the secret cooperation with Trafalgar Luo, Caesar gained a large number of loyal to him, half human half beast's subordinates, and successfully transformed Punk Hazard.

At this time, Caesar started to be complacent, supercilious, he didn’t care about Will’s deal, not for other reasons, just because he couldn’t tolerate it. Others bought the products made by Begapunk in his hands. fruit.

But what Caesar didn't know was that Will had arrived above Punk Hazard at this time, ready to come to him to settle accounts.

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