Dressrosa, an underground trading port.

A tall brawny man is sitting on the ground drinking and eating meat, while a man in a pink feather coat is standing beside him.

The brawny man sitting on the ground is Jack, and Jack looks impatiently at the toys in front of him.

He came to Dressrosa not only to buy artificial Devil Fruit, but also to buy a lot of weapons.

Just when Jack held up the large jar of wine in front of him and was about to shout for a few sips, he suddenly stopped his movements.

"This aura, who is it."

Jack looked towards Doffy Ramingo on the side.

"Don't mind, this is a friend of mine."

Doffy immediately knew that things were not good today, and the sugar did not hold Will, because he also felt Will's breath Up.

"Your friend? This arrogant aura, is he provoking?"

If the opponent is not strong, Doffy would definitely step on Jack's face fiercely superior.

In his Kenbunshoku Haki perception, Will did not give off any breath, just wandering in Dressrosa.

And Jack has got up and walked in Will's direction.

"Hey, Jack, the transaction is still going on, and that's my friend, what do you want to do?"

Jack stopped, turned his head and looked towards Doffy Raming Ge, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Joker, if it wasn't the boss who wanted an Ability User Legion, I would kill you now."

Then Jack turned around and walked outside the underground port.

Doffy Ramingo kicked away the jar of wine Jack had just drunk, and the veins swelled on his forehead.

"This brainless bastard, it would be better for Will to kill him."

After taking a deep breath, Doffy Ramingo took out a Den Den Mushi in his hand, and then Dial through.

Den Den Mushi was picked up soon.

"Doffy, what are you calling so close, I have already sensed you."

Will walks on the street in Dressrosa, feeling the unkindness in front of him Breath, laughed.

"Will, that aura, who dared to approach, is one of Kaido's three plagues of drought·Jack. He may provoke you, it's best~"

"Doffy Needless to say, I won’t fight him on your turf. I remember there is an isolated island north of Dressrosa. It seems to be called Greenbite. It’s a good place to fight. How do you feel."

Doffy Ramingo in the underground port sits on a wooden box beside him, sighing in his heart, why are all allies so far apart?

"Many thanks, Will, Dressrosa is the hard work of our family. Before as a last resort, I don’t want to destroy it. This is my nest.

Jack is Zoan. ·Ancient species·Mammoth Fruit Ability User, he is good at."

Doffy Ramingo was interrupted by Will before he finished speaking.

"Doffy, I appreciate your kindness, but to explore the enemy’s ability and style in battle, isn’t it also fun to fight.

That guy is very advanced from me. It's gone, it's hanging up."

After finishing speaking, with a click, Den Den Mushi in front of Doffy Ramingo closed his eyes and dropped his head.

Doffy Ramingo also stood up and walked towards the ground, and then Will had promised that he would not fight in Dressrosa, but Jack's stupidity might be the case.


Put away Den Den Mushi in his hand and feel the imposing atmosphere in front of him, Will Laughed.

A subordinate of Kaido of the Beasts, this is the first strong man Will meets after coming to New World. It's really a long-lost battle. I hope that guy can be strong.

At the same time, Will also wants to know how far he is now.

It didn't take long for Will to see Jack walking towards him, behind Jack, and following some of his men.

Two thick yellow braids hang on his chest. The unusually large body shape makes Jack appear more violent. He has a metal jaw on his mouth for some reason. If you are timid, Just looking at Jack will subconsciously look away.

And Will perceives Jack's breath, like a gunpowder keg that is about to explode, anger and frenzy are used to describe Jack.

Will will fall ill in the fierce battle, but he is usually very normal, but the Jack in front of him is different. This is a mania.

"You guy, are you provoking? You damned bastard."

Jack walked up to Will and looked at Will condescendingly.

Will froze for a moment and did what he wanted. As for such an arrogant provocation?

"Brain disability,"

After speaking, Will also gave Jack a middle finger. Of course he couldn't bear this kind of provocative behavior.

The extended middle finger Jack and the men behind him may not be able to understand, but they can still understand the word "brain".

"Who are you this bastard talking about, do you know who the adult in front of you is?"

"This is Mr. Jack, Yonko Kaido's confidant."

"Kneel down to apologize to Master Jack, then cut off your two hands, and spare you today."

The men behind Jack started talking at once to Will verbally. Attack, but no one did it.

Because they know Will, although they dare to stand behind Jack and speak rudely to Will, that is the courage given to them as Yonko's subordinates, but it is different to shoot against Will, even if they are Yonko's subordinates, their strength It won't become stronger either, it is very likely that he will be slashed by the great swordsman in front of him.

"It’s a miracle that you have a brain-dead with a bunch of waste. It’s a miracle that you can live up to now! Or, you are really strong? Drought·Jack."

Jack grabbed the one behind. Feather cloak, threw it into the hands of his men next to him, and then moved his muscles and bones a bit, and planned to start with Will.

"I heard about you, Thunderbolt swordsman, today Dressrosa is your grave."

Jack was about to do it, but Will was lifting his palm.

Jack's action that was going to rush forward stopped, somewhat puzzled, his first reaction was that the guy in front of him was scared, but even so, he had to crush the enemy in front of him.

"There is a small island called Greenbite to the north of Dressrosa. I am different from your kind of brain damage. I will not wantonly destroy on the territory of allies. Come if there is a kind. I will wait in Greenbite. You."

After speaking, Will walked in the direction of Green Bit, leaving Jack entire group standing in place.

"Master Jack, that guy won't set a trap in Greenbit, should we send a flying-capable'given group' there to investigate the situation?"

bwhite’s Sipshead’s IQ is obviously higher than Jack’s, but it’s a pity that Jack didn’t listen to what he said.

"No need, take me to Greenbite, I will kill him myself."

Sipshead reluctantly, can only take Jack to the direction of Greenbite.

On a tall building behind them, Doffy Ramingo crouched on the top of that building, looking coldly at Jack who was going away.

If it were not for the threat of Kaido, Doffy Ramingo even planned to join forces with Will to destroy this'stupid elephant'.

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