After eating the breakfast delivered by Baby-5, Will left this villa area in King's Heights and started wandering in Dressrosa.

Not long after Will left the villa, one silhouette appeared behind the civilian residential building near King's Heights.

"Have you finally appeared, Thunderbolt swordsman, actually made me wait here for one night. It seems that your relationship with the Donquixote Family is not shallow, you actually stayed in the King's Heights."

The one who followed Will in the dark was Irene who had molested Will before.

This sexy beauty in a red dress is staring at Will with piercing eyes. In Ada’s gaze, there is a hint of hatred, but she is very concealed. .

After Will leaves the King’s Heights, he plans to enjoy the beauty of Dressrosa beach.

But it is strange that Will, who is very sensitive, has no idea about the following Ada behind him.

But Will is not completely unconscious, just a little flustered inexplicably.

This makes him a little strange, why this kind of feeling appears in a good manner.

Just as Will just walked out of King’s Heights and came to a sparsely populated road, he suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head, and noticed that something sharp was about to pierce the back of his head.

Will subconsciously grabbed his backhand backward, and then felt a cold and numb palm, and immediately covered Busoshoku Haki on his hand, and then hardened.

The sound of zhi zhi's friction came from the back of Will's head. It can be seen that the attacker's strength is not small, but it did not break Will's Busoshoku Haki.

The act of grasping after the backhand saved Will's life. A large amount of blood slowly leaked from his clenched fist. With the blood infestation, Will's hand unexpectedly appeared. The shape of the dagger, at this moment Will is holding the center of the long dagger.

The transparent long dagger has touched the back of Will's head. He already felt the cold metal texture and the faint pain after being pierced through the skin.

Will oozes cold sweat on his face. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would almost be killed.

And judging from the strength of the transparent long dagger, the dagger was not thrown out, and the other end was definitely held in the hands of the enemy.

But there was no one in front of him, Kenbunshoku Haki was fully opened, Will did not feel the slightest breath.

But Will will not be blindly confident in his style. There are many strange Devil Fruits in this world.

But Will did not draw the sword, and the enemy may have given up the transparent long dagger and ran up while drawing the sword.

The free arm was directly covered by Busoshoku Haki, and then he threw a full punch forward, and the Iron Fist of pitch black struck the unknown enemy with the whistling wind.


Will didn't feel that he hit anything. The huge rumbling sound was just because of the burst of air caused by the rapid punch.

It's a long story from Will's assassination to throwing a fist to counterattack, but it takes less than a second to complete all of the above actions, which shows the swiftness of Will's movements and the inhuman reflexes.

Long-term activation of the'Thunder Stab Method' to strengthen oneself is not without reward. Let alone the degree of physical enhancement, this reaction power alone is worth his perseverance.

After throwing his fist, Will, who was originally disappointed, suddenly heard a loud bang in the distance, and then saw a house in front of him collapsed, giving off a lot of dust.

Will brows tightly knit, although the force of my fist just now can cause a burst of air, but there will never be such an effect of hitting the bull in the air, that is to say~.

Thinking of this, Will looked towards the transparent long dagger in his hand.

At this time, the long dagger is no longer transparent. A cold light twin-edged long dagger appeared in Will's hand, and he could see the extraordinaryness of this long dagger at a glance.

This made Will more certain of his guess, and quickly ran to the place where the sound was just made.

After Will rushed to the ruins, he found that it was an abandoned house. The dust deposited in the house and the rotten musty smell can be easily judged.

After a careful search, Will did not find the enemy, but found the clue left by the enemy.

It was a pool of blood, and a small red rag.

Will squatted down and started to look at the pool of blood. The pool of blood was not caused by trauma. It should have been vomiting blood from the enemy. The bloodstains from trauma are often splashes.

If you change it to the past, Will may have nothing to do with this kind of enemy who completely hides his breath. This is simply a natural assassin, even he almost hates him.

But it is different now. Although he can't track the unknown enemy, some people can. That's "Yi Xue".

After Will took the blood from his body, lightly tapped on the bloodstain, the sword tip of the blood was stained red immediately, but the blood did not absorb the blood. Moreover, a large number of red tentacles began to appear around Will's arm at the position of sword hilt.

Will immediately perceives the message conveyed to him by Yixue. In the east, although the enemy's breath is quite hidden, it is still tracked by Yixue.

This is the ability acquired after the'Yixue' was promoted to Saijo O Wazamono. Drinking the blood of many powerful people made the'Yixue' awaken this ability. Will calls it the'Blood revenge'.

Any target that is tracked by the "Blood of Will", Will will track each other like an Avenger. Until the target dies.

After confirming the position, Will's tracking begins.


In a black and white space, there seems to be no tones, only black and white, making this space appear monotonous And icy.

And in it, it is not completely without other colors, that is, a beautiful and alluring woman wearing a red dress, walking staggeringly, she is the only color in this black and white space, obviously So unique and gorgeous.

The woman's originally beautiful face is full of pain at this time, and her unusually pale face can also tell that she has been seriously injured at this time.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The staggering footsteps stopped, and after a few painful coughs, she vomited a mouthful of blood again.

"Huh, huh, sure enough, I am not his opponent now, I am so impulsive, you will lose your temper at me again after you go back, huh~"

This woman is not someone else, it is Ada who followed Will before. She used her fruit power to assassinate Will. It was obvious that she had failed.

Even if she had already quenched the poison on the dagger, it didn't seem to have any effect on that person's reaction. Seeing the poisonous blood in the throat, it seemed that simply did not exist.

This kind of result Ida had long thought of, how could a strong man like Thunderbolt Jianhao be easily poisoned to death by her? She was just holding a fluke in her heart.

"But it doesn't matter, I will come to you again, Thunderbolt swordsman, next time I won't let you escape so easily."

Ada continues to move forward Walking staggeringly, although the speed is not fast, she is not worried about Will chasing it because she is confident in her fruiting ability.

But after Ida glanced back, she only felt cold all over because she saw Will who had chased her nearby.

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