After walking within the cave for a while, Will once again perceives the large swarms of ice scorpions in front of him.

No need to flee this time, Will even cares about these ice scorpions too much.

After a while, there was the sound of'wow~wow~' from the front of the cave, and Will knew that those guys who almost killed him were coming.

"Come here, you guys stand back a little."

As Will's voice fell, a large swath of ice scorpions appeared in front of them.

"Electromagnetic barrier·Wall of Thunder."

A wall formed by lightning formed in front of Will, and then quickly attacked the ice scorpions.

"Tzzzzzzz ~."

Before these ice scorpions knew what was going on, they were already electrocuted by Will.

The others on the side have seen this situation before and are not surprised.

After solving these ice scorpions, the entire group stepped on the corpses of the ice scorpions and set off again.

This cave is not very long, but along the way, Will encountered seven or eight groups of ice scorpions.

But they were all solved easily by Will, and no accident happened.

These ice scorpions are not weak, but when they can't get close, they can't play their abilities at all, so they can only let Will kill them.

But if Will is close by these ice scorpions, even if he has Anita's ability to protect him, he might also be bitter about it.

It didn't take long for Will to reach the end of the cave. This time there was a winding stone ladder, which should be the entrance to the upper level.

"Would you like to go up together, Hamm."

Snow Bear Hamm lowered his head at this time, and did not have the joy of revenge, because its clansman had all died , Even if it killed these ice scorpions, it didn't feel so happy.

"No, I will send you here. This is my hometown. I want to stay here."

"Really, I wish you good luck, ha M."

After speaking, Will led Tuski and Anita up the stone stairs, while Hamm walked out of the cave.

It wants to return to the place where its own ethnic group lives, because it misses the same ethnic group very much.

After separating from Hamm, Will soon walked to the end of the stone ladder and came to the Third Layer of Tongtianlou.

Will motioned to Anita to disarm her ability. After Anita disarmed her ability, Will felt the breeze blowing across his face.

It turns out that being able to move freely is such a fun thing, that damn Second Layer, that piece of cheating desert.

Will looks up and looks around. Although the Third Layer is much more comfortable than the Second Layer, the overall environment is not too good.

The land all around is a bit dry. There are only a few tenacious grasses growing sparsely on the ground, and there are no other plants growing on this land.

There is also a slightly strange smell in the air, which reminds Will of the once heavily polluted hometown. This is the smell of the air in his hometown.

Will walked forward, and it didn't take long before he felt prying.

Will looked all around and found nothing, which made Will a little strange. What was going on just now.

Just when Will was strange, he heard a zi zi sound produced by steel rubbing.

Looking at the sound source, a big metal ball with a fist was found on the ground not far away.

That is a silver metal ball, in the very center of the metal ball, it is emitting red light at this time, like an electronic eye.

Will, after seeing this metal ball, guessed that this thing might be peeping at him.

I immediately thought that this should be a technological product, something similar to monitoring Den Den Mushi.

After being discovered, two rows of steel wings popped out on both sides of the metal ball, and then flew up on the ground and began to flee to a distance.

Will certainly won't let the opponent escape like this. At his speed, he came under the metal ball in two steps and grabbed it.

After being caught by Will, the metal ball began to struggle fiercely, but under Will's powerful force, there was no effect.

Then an electronically synthesized sound came from the metal ball.

"P33X, the intruder was found, the information is being transmitted, and the transmission is complete."

"Scan the enemy battle strength, scan completed, destruction level."

"Can't resist, start to transmit the alarm signal, and the alarm transmission is complete."

Just after the electronic synthesis sound ended, Will felt the metal ball in his hand begin to disperse high temperature.

Discovering this situation, Will directly threw the metal ball far away.


After the metal ball was thrown by Will, it actually self-destructed and blasted all around a large area of ​​mud.

Will saw this scene, eyes slightly narrowed, this thing gave him a very bad feeling, dull and cold.

This should be the mechanical creation of the Third Layer. Just as Will was about to continue exploring the Third Layer, a sirens suddenly sounded in the distance.

Hearing the rapid sirens, Will guessed that it might be related to the metal ball just now.

Because he just heard the words'intelligence transmission, alert' and so on.

"Let’s go there and take a look around, I have a feeling, there should be the old nest of the self-destruct metal ball just now."

But we haven’t waited for Will to walk far. , I saw a group of mechanical creatures rushing forward, including simple humanoid robots and various mechanical wild beasts.

Although these mechanical creatures have different appearances, their steps are exceptionally neat. Red's electronic eyes are staring at Will in full, without emotion.

"Drip, drip, drip, the scan is completed, the location of the destruction-level creature has been confirmed, and the destruction has begun."

After a metal ball in the air issued a command, these mechanical creatures began to attack Will attacked.

"Crack, crack, crack." After a sound of steel collision, strange guns of various styles began to appear on the bodies of these mechanical creatures.

"Da, da, da~."

Then there is a ruthless burst of fire, which looks like Will be sieved.

Will certainly wouldn't let them attack. He pulled out the blood from his waist and dodged away from the dense and fast bullet. Will rushed directly towards the group of mechanical creatures.

Although I don't know why, these mechanical creatures are quite unfriendly, so let's cut it out first.


The blue light flashed, and a mechanical leopard was cut into two by Will.

Then something unexpected happened to Will. At the break of the mechanical leopard, a lot of blood spewed out.

But'Yixue' has not absorbed any life force, so Will is a little confused, but these are not important, and he is still fighting.

After Will killed a mechanical leopard, the robots stopped shooting and rushed towards Will neatly.

The one who greeted them, of course, was Will's sharp edge.


A simple humanoid robot was cut off by Will. Red's electronic eyes flickered, flying in the upper body in the air, and directly hitting Will with a fist. Come.

And several other humanoid robots also cooperated in a tacit attack on Will at the same time.

Although these robots cooperate tacitly, they are not very fast.

But Will discovered one shocking thing, that is, the body refinement of these robots is very strong, much stronger than him.

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