"As for how to reach the Second Layer~, you only need to climb onto me~ and you can go to the Second Layer~."

After half an hour of waiting, The old tree is finally finished, Will let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, Anita, Tusky, let's go, let's go to the Second Layer to have a look."

After speaking, Will started to use Buyue lift-off, and the other two also Followed by.

Even if they have more curiosity, they can't resist the extremely slow speech speed of the ancient tree.

After seeing the movements of the three of them, Gu Shu spoke again.

"Previous people~, be careful of the second layer..."

The next words in the old tree, Will and the others simply didn’t hear it, maybe after it’s finished, Will Has arrived at Second Layer.

After the three came to the canopy of the ancient tree, they finally saw the entrance of the Second Layer.

On the canopy of the ancient tree, there is a stone ladder. Will successfully climbed the stone ladder and climbed to the Second Layer.

It didn't take long for Will to feel a cold air in front of him, and then Will fought a cold war.

After Physique became stronger, he hadn't felt the cold for a long time. The last time he felt cold was when he was fighting precognition.

It seems that Second Layer should be an ice sheet.

But after Will walked to the end of the stairs and brought the Second Layer, the scene in front of him once again ruined his three views.

What appeared in front of his door was an endless desert. In the desert sky, a fiery-red sun appeared.

The sun did not bring Will any warmth, but rather brought Will a feeling of coldness.

In fact, what the old tree didn't finish just now was,'Previous people, be careful of the temperature of the Second Layer, it's very cold there.'

If it's ordinary cold, Will doesn't care, but the cold this desert brings him is icy cold.

Even if it was him, he felt that his body temperature was constantly lowering. Under this situation, Will will be frozen in a short time before being frozen to death in this desert.

Thunderbolt Jianhao·Will, was frozen to death in a desert. What a funny thing.

But if Will doesn't take self-help right away, then this kind of thing will happen soon.

Because he now feels that the flow rate of his blood has begun to slow down, and the vitality of his body is slowly decreasing.

It was only a dozen seconds, and Will felt like he was going to freeze, and his eyes started to darken, and his consciousness even began to blur.

But right here, Will felt a large group of hair wrap himself up, and then he came to a small space.

Here is much warmer than outside, and there is a light source that emits heat nearby.

"Will, Will, how are you, are you okay."

Anita's voice came in his ear, and then Will's mind slowly began to wake up.

"Ha, what the hell is this place, it is so cold, I almost died just now."

Will observed all around, at this time he was making it by Tuski.' Tibbers' inside.

This big golden bear formed by hair is carrying Will three people walking on this cold desert.

Will hugged Anita next to him, because at this time Anita is getting warmer than me.

After being hugged by Will, Anita also appropriately lowered the temperature she emits without struggling.

Because she knew it was not the time to be joking, Will was almost frozen to death just now.

If it weren't for her and Tusky's special fruit abilities, they might have been frozen as soon as they came in.

After recovering for a while, Will feels he has recovered a bit, so he let go of Anita.

"It seems that in this desert, we can only escape in'Tibbers'. The temperature here is a bit abnormal.

Although the temperature is not too low, You can freeze the blood directly."

Anita looked at the all around environment and asked Will curiously;

"Really, I didn’t feel supreme just now. It's cold."

Will was speechless when he heard Anita's words.

"If even you feel cold, then this is a hell of ice.

But at this temperature, there may be living creatures that can survive."

As soon as Will finished speaking, Tusky stretched his fingers forward, and Will looked in the direction of Tusky's fingers.

What he said just now, instantly slapped his face.

Because an animal was walking slowly not far in front of them.

Seeing the animals walking in front of him, Will feels that this kind of and the desert in front of him is really a bit incompatible, but there are too many surprising things to see today, and his ability to accept strange things has improved. A lot.

Will and the others walked in front of him, a polar bear walking slowly. He has white hair, a bloated body, a black nose and swarthy eyes in front of his mouth.

This thing is not what a polar bear is.

But the situation of this polar bear is not very good, because this guy is walking feebly and is sighed.

Will is pretty sure, this guy was very sighed just now.

The three of them looked at each other and suddenly became interested in this polar bear.

Tusky directly controlled'Tibbers' and walked towards the polar bear.

Because this desert is not the same as an ordinary desert, it is completely frozen ground, and'Tibbers' walking on it will make a thumping sound.

The polar bear shook his body when he heard the sound in front of him, and then he saw the huge monster in front of him.

After seeing'Tibbers', this guy unexpectedly showed a panic expression on his face, and immediately wanted to turn around and ran away.

But then, as if thinking of something, he started to stand still, his face full of struggle.

Seeing this not far away will only sigh. The few people with such rich expressions have been completely attracted by this strange polar bear.

Of course, the one who is most interested in is Tusky, who is very kind to this and the same high IQ animal.

Soon'Tibbers' walked in front of the polar bear.

The polar bear seemed to have finally made up a certain determination, and ran up to'Tibbers' a few steps, and hugged'Tibbers' legs.

Then this polar bear actually spoke human's words;

"Master, for the sake of the same clan, let me stutter. I haven't eaten for three days."

After saying this, the polar bear's face was full of pitiful expressions.

Will is not light on this polar bear thunder, but then he thought, this is a fur clan?

At this time, Tusky had already half-released'Tibbers', and then used the hair to pull the polar bear into the interior of'Tibbs', and then reorganized'Tibbs'.

After seeing Will and the others, the polar bear opened its eyes wide, and then let out a cry of horror.

"Don't eat me, I don't taste good, I haven't bathed in years."

Then this polar bear leaned against'Tibbers' with a face of horror. On the edge of the inner part, raised his paws and made a gesture of surrender.

Will saw this extremely timid polar bear, and felt that the other party really embarrassed this race of polar bears.

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