Okay at this time, McGee also discovered the expression on Chen Qiang’s face. After all, as a small fan, he would definitely observe his idol, so he reacted quickly.

Because I was too excited just now, I forgot to answer my idol’s question for a while and even left the other side alone.

“Sorry Chen Qiang, I was so excited just now!”

So after discovering that his behavior caused trouble to the idol, he quickly apologized to Chen Qiang Said.

“It’s okay! It’s okay! Can you answer the question I just asked?”

To this person who re-reported himself, Chen Qiang’s attitude is also very good, after all, it is him. It was the first time I met someone who admired myself like this. Although I was a little embarrassed just now, I was very tolerant of my fan Chen Qiang.

So when he apologized to himself, he just waved his hand to indicate that he no longer minded the other party’s behavior just now, and asked the question again.

“Sir Chen Qiang, no problem. My name is McGee. I used to be a Pirate. After listening to your speech a few months ago, I joined the Revolutionary Army. Now I am from Buckle Island. The actual person in charge is implementing the governance plan proposed by Mr. Chen Qiang before on the island. The following people are my former Pirate partners and now join the Revolutionary Army with me.”

This Tsemaki suppressed his excitement, but the excitement on his face couldn’t be controlled, but fortunately, he still said all his information.

“Oh! Since you are a comrade of the Revolutionary Army, there is no need to call me an adult. Just call me Comrade Chen Qiang, or Brother Qiang. After all, joining the Revolutionary Army is your own brother. “

After hearing the other party’s introduction, Chen Qiang understood that the other party is indeed a member of the Revolutionary Army, and he is the actual person in charge of this small island, so it is considered to be closer to the other party. .

Although the other party did not mention in the words that he was the one who came to pick him up, it was obvious from his previous performance. Even if the other party didn’t say anything, Chen Qiang understood.

“Is it really possible? Can I really call you Brother Qiang?”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, McGee obviously couldn’t believe it, or said to him In other words, this proposal was so pleasant to him that he couldn’t believe it for a while.

“Of course! Everyone is a partner who works hard for the freedom of the whole world. They are a family, so how can they be so unbelievable!”

Chen Qiang answered in the affirmative.

“Hmm! Brother Qiang!” McGee was nodded with Chen Qiang’s words, and then changed his words to Chen Qiang with excitement.

In the back, Chen Qiang talked with McGee about some things, and at the same time greeted the crew members he stayed below.

At the same time, I also introduced this little fan of myself and the others to my crew, and everyone greeted McGee kindly.

And when McGee saw Chen Qiang’s partners, he was very excited to greet them, and said their respective abilities as well.

This makes Chen Qiang and the others feel that this guy seems to know them better than themselves, and the power of fans is really powerful!

Fortunately, in this situation, how long does not at all last? After all, Chen Qiang and the others still have things to do when they come here.

So after chatting with the other party for a while, after seeing McGee’s mood stabilized, Chen Qiang asked the other party about the future arrangements.

It was also at this time that McGee reacted from the excitement just now, and then he blamed himself very much that he had forgotten even the most important things because he saw an idol.

He blames himself very much, and even wants to slap himself a few times.

Okay at this time, Chen Qiang stopped the opponent’s actions, and chose to forgive him, just let him take him where he should go.

After clearing up his mood, McGee recovered some of his original appearance, and then took Chen Qiang off the boat and walked towards the island.

But because I was really excited, McGee didn’t sit idle after entering the island. While walking, he introduced Chen Qiang to the situation on the island.

This also gave Chen Qiang a certain understanding of this Bakker island.

That is, this island is a typical autumn island, all year round in the autumn environment, and there is a kind of magical maple tree on the island.

Everyday all of these trees will have new leaves growing, and on the 2nd day, the leaves will turn red and then be blown off by the wind, so basically everyday all of these trees have leaves flying in the air Flying, the scenery is very beautiful.

As for the others, some of the policies McGee implemented on this island, the other party also told Chen Qiang again. In the process, Chen Qiang listened very carefully, and also pointed out some of them to the other party. Wrong place.

Until Chen Qiang pointed out the wrong place to him, McGee would have an educated expression on his face, and then asked the friends behind them to write down these things and wait for him to have So empty changed the wrong place.

This way to the place where the dragons live temporarily, not at all is too long, but McGee spends more time with his idols.

The distance that could be reached in a few minutes, it just took half an hour to arrive.

Fortunately, there is a long way. As long as you are moving, you will always reach the end. After walking for a while, they will come to the place where the dragon is.

Then McGee’s subordinates left here with a look of dismay, and went back to their jobs.

As for McGee, because it is the actual controller of this island, it can be regarded as the top of the Revolutionary Army, so not at all left with the others, but stayed and prepared to participate in the following meeting.

“Chen Qiang! Your brat is finally here! This period of time makes us wait!”

Just after Chen Qiang arrived at the place where Sabo lived, he also Without them knocking on the door, the door was opened from the inside, revealing the silhouette of Sabo still wearing a gentleman’s hat.

At this time, Sabo is looking at Chen Qiang in front of him with a smile. There seems to be a complaint in his words, but he also knows that he doesn’t at all care about Chen Qiang. They come. It’s too late, the previous words are just an adjustment to Chen Qiang.

“Brother Sabo!” At this time, after seeing Sabo, before Chen Qiang had time to say a few words to him, Lin next to him jumped out and said hello to Sabo.

“It’s Lynn! How are you doing with Chen Qiang recently!”

“Hmm! Brother Qiang is very good to me!” Lin heard Sabo’s question After speaking, he was also nodded, saying that he was doing well, and then he quickly asked Sabo about the question he cared about most.

“Brother Sabo, don’t you know how my Uncle aunts are doing?”

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