“Xinghuo? Are you a Revolutionary Army?”

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, precognition not at all was because Chen Qiang directly agreed to join him. Any happy expression appeared on his face, but instead he looked at Chen Qiang with a puzzled face and said.

“It’s Revolutionary Army, yes! But Xinghuo is the name of my squad!” Chen Qiang didn’t mind the other party’s expression, but just explained to him a little bit.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the other party has hidden things to do when he joins him, whether it is to monitor himself or to inquire about intelligence through his own mixing into the Revolutionary Army.

Anyway, the other party was absolutely impossible because of what, after listening to my speech, I felt that I really agreed with that idea and joined it.

Since he has identified the other party and has attempted, Chen Qiang will certainly not be shocked by the other party’s expression.

Obviously at this time, the precognition also knew that the other party might know that his purpose was impure, so he didn’t even conceal it. It directly gave Chen Qiang a feeling that he originally wanted to detect intelligence and joined it.

“Hey! I said you two, dare you to mention anything about joining the Revolutionary Army in front of us Marines, do you think we don’t exist!”

Obviously here The words of the two fell into the ears of Magellan on the other side. Now Magellan’s entire face was darkened, and he roared at them.

“Sorry!” After hearing Magellan’s words, precognition first turned to apologize to the other party, and then looked towards Chen Qiang again and said: “I really don’t need my help to treat them Are all resolved?”

“No! We are Revolutionary Army, not terror-terror-sub-child, they have justice in the hearts of Marines, but they are different from our ideas!”

“In my opinion, they are all entangled existences, there is no need to kill to the last one!”

After Chen Qiang heard the words of precognition, he shook his head and said, this time I also specifically explained to precognition why I stopped him.

Hearing this, there was no expression on precognition’s face, but the pupils in his slightly squinted eyes did expand rapidly, and then restored to their original state, as if nothing happened, faint nodded.

“Since I don’t need me to solve them, then what is the boss Chen Qiang going to do now? I think our ship should not be able to escape the other party’s pursuit!”

After being precognition nodded, I boarded the Megatron directly. After checking the Megatron’s situation, he said to Chen Qiang.

“Don’t call me the boss, we are Revolutionary Army, and we are not a black club. Just call comrades. Or if you are not used to it, you can also call me captain like the other crew members. No problem.”

For the precognition problem, Chen Qiang first corrected the caller’s name, and then continued: “As for how to get out of here, when you appear here, it’s already It’s solved!”

“Oh!” For Chen Qiang’s words, precognition not at all objected, saying that he is no longer Marine Headquarters, and there is simply no way to order Marines to do things, but after a faint nod, He found a peach tree on the boat that hadn’t been destroyed, leaned against, put on the blindfold on his head and started to sleep.

As for the performance of precognition, Chen Qiang did not say much, just slightly laughed, and then turned to other people and said: “Get ready! Let’s get out of here!”

” Okay!”

The other crew members first glanced at the distant Battleships that were parked in the distance, then nodded, walked towards the Megatron control room, and told the news that they were being repaired. Parker of the ship.

Facts are just as Chen Qiang guessed. After the precognition got on Chen Qiang’s ship, Marine had no plans to attack now.

After all, if only Chen Qiang is alone, the people on the Magellan ship can barely restrain each other, but now we have to add the Former Marine Admiral precognition, then these actions will obviously change if they want to succeed. It’s impossible to complete.

As for the strength of Marine Headquarter, no one knows better than these Vice Admiral, such an existence simply cannot be solved by them together.

So it is very wise, these Marine Vice Admiral all came to Magellan’s ship at the same time, stopped Magellan who was a little angry and wanted to take action, and then reported this to their new Marine Fleet Admiral Akainu. .

“What? Kuzan joined Undead Chen Qiang’s team?”

Obviously, when I heard the news, Akainu, who was opposite Den Den Mushi, was also shocked, although before When the precognition left here, the ostensibly used excuses were indeed inconsistent with him.

But as Marine’s current Fleet Admiral, Akainu knows that before the precognition left Marine, Fleet Admiral Kong, the world government-government military commander, had sought precognition.

After coming out of Sora, precognition proposed to resign. At the same time, he used the reason for disagreement with himself, which was not discussed with him at all.

But even so, Akainu still sees some clues from the various actions of precognition.

The reason why he was so shocked by this news was because he had no idea that the other party would directly join Chen Qiang’s team in this way, which was obviously beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, after all, it is Marine Fleet Admiral now, and Akainu quickly calmed down and gave Marine an order to retreat.

After all, he who has fought with precognition knows that Marine’s battle strength simply impossible is the opponent of precognition, even with the existence of Magellan, because Magellan’s fruit ability is very difficult to be restrained by precognition. Deal with, in front of precognition, Magellan can’t exert his own strength at all, so for unnecessary losses, retreat is the wisest choice.

“Kuzan, what is your purpose?”

Finally, after hanging up the phone, Akainu still muttered a little puzzled.

On returning to the battlefield, Magellan was unwilling to give Marine Ben an order to retreat after hearing Akainu’s order.

Chen Qiang didn’t know what happened here, but the result was the same as he thought. During the precognition aboard not very long time, Marine retreated directly.

“They really retreat! Brother Qiang is so amazing, I guessed it!”

Seeing the Battleship evacuating here in the distance, Lin pulled Chen with surprise on her face. Qiang’s arm said.

“Of course, I won’t look at who your Brother Qiang is!”

For Lin’s praise, Chen Qiang is still very popular, so in front of Lin, Chen Qiang Lifting his head pretending to be profound.

“Hmm! Brother Qiang is the best! Hulk, you are right!”

“Hmm! Hulk also thinks the captain is the best!”

Hulk on the other side heard Lin’s inquiry and said nodded earnestly.

“Okay! Now the battle is over. Ask Parker if the chef robot is broken. If not, let the chef robot start up. We are going to have a banquet for newbie. If it breaks, Let him put the things in his hands first, and fix the chef robot first.”

“Good Brother Qiang!” After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Lin first glanced at the precognition on the other side of the bed, and then nodded, dragged Hulk to the lower deck of the ship.

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