Chen Qiang, who showed his figure, was also decisive. Now that the man has been rescued, his next battle is only to create greater chaos.

Now that the opponent’s Peak experts have all shot, and they are still unable to deal with the existence at all, Chen Qiang of course also understands that what he wanted to do before creates even greater chaos. The idea is no longer realistic.

So he was very decisive. After showing his body shape, he directly slammed into the opponent’s mouth and let the opponent swallow himself in one bite.

Through the powerful corrosive power of the strange space in the opponent’s stomach, he directly killed only the people inside, and then activated the flesh and blood remaining on the Megatron, which was resurrected on the ship this time.

The old man on Hulk’s side, apparently after fighting Hulk for a while, found that the opponent was only at this level, so he didn’t go on playing, and hit Hulk’s directly. Head, let him fall straight to the ground.

It was also at this time that Chen Qiang started the injury transfer, fixed the flesh and blood that Hulk left on the ship, and then resurrected him from the flesh and blood on the ship, and that was in the body of Holy Land Mariejois , But after the Hulk here was resurrected, it turned into blood and disappeared in place.

On the ground, only the iron ball that Hulk just used was left, nothing else.

“It’s really a weird ability, but fortunately, it has been a long time since I have been physically active. I hope that when I meet, I will be a little surprised!”

The old man also saw the process of the disappearance of Hulk’s body throughout, and said with some sigh.

After all, he is the longest alive among the five Old Xings. He has been alive for more than four hundred years. It is the first time he meets things like this in Holy Land. .

For such a long time, from the beginning of his main role, he has never met an opponent who can let himself go. One is that no one dares to make trouble here, and the other reason is that in this world simply no one can The one who asked him to do his best.

Perhaps Whitebeard could be evenly matched with him when he was young, but at that time Whitebeard did not attack here, and he was also impossible to leave here in order to fight, after all, he was on the surface world government-government The controller is basically impossible to leave because of this kind of thing.

So I never fought Whitebeard. As for the previous top war, Whitebeard broke into Marine Headquarters. At that time, Whitebeard was already old. It was simply not worth his shot, so I didn’t go.

Of course, a young man came here more than ten years ago and wanted to challenge them, but the other party used Way of Sword and came under the banner of Challenge Way of Sword, so he was also impossible. Grab other people’s food, so I didn’t make a shot.

So for hundreds of years, he has simply never encountered an opportunity to let him take a shot. Today’s shot is the first time in hundreds of years, and it adds to his boring life. It’s a bit interesting.

Furthermore, looking at Chen Qiang’s operations, it is obvious that he will come here in the end and challenge them. When the time comes, he will grow a lot. After all, he is the kind of physique. The growth rate is still Quite fast, thinking about this old man is still a little excited.

But these are just thoughts in his heart. Not at all, the slightest expression on his face, just a calm look at the disappearing Hulk on his face, and he just flashed away and left here, back In their office.

After all, this time Chen Qiang made a big fuss on Holy Land Mariejois. He still has a lot of things to deal with. It is simply impossible to stay here. Before I came here, I only thought that the army was too incompetent, so he came forward to solve the opponent. , So as not to disturb the sleeping adult.

So now that the matter has been dealt with, of course he won’t stay here any longer and just walk away.


That is, after Chen Qiang and Hulk also retreated from Holy Land Mariejois, the bustling city just started to slowly restore order.

Those slaves who fled to the city to make a fuss before were also slowly arrested. Of course, there are more slaves who rushed through the city gate and fled before the battle was over here. Out of the city.

The blonde woman Chen Qiang rescued from the dungeon before, after eating some food, regaining some strength, took a look at the place where Chen Qiang was fighting over there, turned and left the city Among them, fled towards the outside of the city.

Although there is the Red Line mainland outside the city, not at all the way down to one side of the sea, the area of ​​the Red Line mainland is also very large, and it can be more than the width of the Grand Line.

So after they escaped from the city, if it wasn’t for bad luck, they were also impossible to be captured by the army who chased them back.

Obviously, this blonde woman is the group of bad luck people. It hasn’t been long since escaping from the city. Behind her, there is a battallion army soldier chasing in the direction where she is.

After all, the person who was controlled by the weird instrument of torture set up by the Celestial Dragon, at this time, even if the physical strength has not recovered much, but it is still very simple to solve these people who are chasing after.

I saw that after she found these army soldiers, although she was still escaping forward, her speed was actually lowered deliberately so that the soldiers behind could keep up with her.

When these army soldiers approached her and were about to capture each other, a small dagger appeared in the woman’s hands.

Then I saw the cold light flashing dagger, flashing past the soldier’s eyes like a flying butterfly, and then the soldier felt something flowing out of his neck.

I wanted to reach out to block it. I really couldn’t block it. With blood flowing wildly, the soldier slowly fell to the ground weakly.

And the blonde woman who finished these not at all stopped her movements, and saw her silhouette, constantly shuttled among the squad’s soldiers, just a breathing time, those who just wanted The soldier who arrested him, one by one, was set in place as if they had been fixed.

When the woman’s movements stopped, all of them fell to the ground with fear in their eyes, and a long wound appeared on each of their necks.

After solving these soldier, the woman did not rush to leave here, but pulled out a soldier’s clothes similar to her body shape, put it on her body, and then slowly left. Here.

But I don’t know if it’s because of her bad luck, or other reasons. In the subsequent escape process, no matter how she disguises, the army will find her and pursue her. .

Faced with this situation, she fled all the way. She had been on the Red Line mainland for more than a month before she found the opportunity to take a hang gliding wing and glide all the way from the Red Line mainland to enter When you arrive at New World, get rid of the hunting of the soldier behind.

I also met Chen Qiang and the others who had saved her in New World, and after some incidents, joined Chen Qiang among them.

Of course these are just things to say. Now she just left this place after changing her clothes and walked away from Holy Land Mariejois.

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