
Just after Chen Qiang brought everyone to this small shop, he entered a room in the shop, and inside was The people of the Revolutionary Army who had been waiting here, after seeing Chen Qiang coming in, saluted Chen Qiang together.

“What are you doing? I have already told you. Our philosophy is to build a world where everyone is equal. What you are doing now is not at all what an equal person should do. Yes.”

“Although I am a consultant, we are all equal, but we do different things, but our purpose is the same, that is, to overthrow the current world government-government , So we don’t at all distinguish between high and low.”

“You can call me a consultant directly, that is, my position. You don’t need to increase the honorific name like people at the back, it will seem very unusual. Equality, since we are people who work hard for equality, how can we not take equality in our hearts!”

After hearing these people’s name and bowing behavior after entering, Chen Qiang Very dissatisfied and said to these people.

As for why they did this, in addition to wanting to give the other party a bit of prestige, they also wanted to completely imprint their own ideas into their hearts.

After Chen Qiang gave them a lesson, their faces began to flush, and then, looking at Chen Qiang with excitement, at the same time the worship in his eyes was also covered up. Can’t help.

“Got it, consultant!”

After being excited for a while, they finally controlled their excitement, and then said seriously to Chen Qiang.

Although there is no such respect in the tone of voice, there is still a trace of worship in their eyes.

“en!” Chen Qiang was satisfied to see the other person like this, and then continued: “How are you preparing for the live broadcast?”

” Secret agents from all over the world are already in action. I believe they will soon be able to complete the things explained above.”

When I saw Chen Qiang asked, the Revolutionary Army standing at the front, quickly Reported the situation aside.

“en! Tell these spies and call them attention. After the live broadcast starts, I will give them half an hour to let them escape. It’s up to them whether they can escape or not!”

“If the consultant did this, will this live broadcast be accidental? Our Revolutionary Army aims to overthrow the world government and establish a New World where everyone is equal. No one is afraid of sacrifice!”

“As for sacrifice, you are not afraid of sacrifice, but remember that only by living can you create the New World. When you die, you will have nothing. Not being afraid of death does not mean that you will die if you are alive. First of all, this idea It’s not right!”

After hearing the Revolutionary Army’s answer, Chen Qiang said with dissatisfaction.

“Yes! The consultant taught your excellency!” After hearing Chen Qiang’s lesson, these Revolutionary Army were not only lifeless, but they looked at Chen Qiang with moving eyes.


“Okay, go ahead and deal with the platform construction work, and arrange a room for us, we will be here today Stay for one night and wait until the platform is set up tomorrow, and we will start our action.”

After Chen Qiang asked some news from these Revolutionary Army, he asked them to do their own business. , And he will start to talk to Aiwen about a clear speech.

“Advisor, really kind, really only someone like him can have such a great ideal and build a world where everyone is equal!”

Just got out of the room A Revolutionary Army that came out said with some emotion.

“I’m still called the consultant, I’ve said that before, we are all equal, but the positions are different.”

“Yes! The previous consultant also said your excellency Now, only when all of us take the idea of ​​equality for all as an absolute creed in our hearts, can our revolutionary idea be recognized by more people, and our revolution can be completed faster, so that the world of equality for all can emerge earlier. !”


After leaving the room, a group of Revolutionary Army chatted one by one, just waiting for them to return completely After I got to work, they all chose to be silent and started working silently.

After all, before the start of the speech, their purpose is still not to be exposed, at least not to prevent it from being exposed before this action.

Of course, they are not unchanged. At least when they returned to their posts, they did more seriously. After all, Chen Qiang told them before that no matter what job they are in, everyone is They are equal. As long as they do their work well, they are working hard for the success of the revolution.

So the mental outlook of the Revolutionary Army personnel who returned to their posts is obviously much better than before.


While these Revolutionary Army are working hard to accomplish their own affairs, Chen Qiang also started to talk to Ai Wen on the speech for tomorrow.

As for Hulk and Lin, Hulk went outside and started his own meat-eating journey, while Lin consciously sat next to Chen Qiang, watching them quietly. People are chatting about tomorrow’s speech.

Time flies quickly. It’s just this speech that Chen Qiang and Aiwen spent a whole day. During this time, Chen Qiang took it from the depths of his memory. A lot of speech literature from previous lives came out, constantly improving various details.

The speech draft is also written, written and revised, and revised and overthrown again. In this continuous cycle, one day has passed.

During this period, except for lunch and evening meals, the two of them basically did not stop for a moment. It was not completely ended until a speech that satisfies both of them appeared.

“Huh! I’m really tired, I haven’t touched my mind like this for a long time!”

After finishing the speech completely, Chen Qiang collapsed in a chair physically and mentally exhausted. Above, the discussion on this day even made him feel even more tired than a day of fighting.

But after a day of hard work, I got a good takeover. In this speech, many declarations from Chen Qiang’s previous life were combined.

As for the effect of this speech, take a look at Ai Wen, who completed this manuscript with me. Now looking towards Chen Qiang with his eyes full of worship, Chen Qiang understands the power of this manuscript. , As long as Aiwen tells all the manuscripts on the on platform tomorrow, I believe that the fire of revolution in all parts of the world will be ignited by this.

Of course, the colors of these revolutionary fires may be different, but they will continue to grow, and finally fuse together, forming a red flame that burns all over the world, completely destroying this decaying world, let’s Let people build a new world in the ashes.

It is not only Chen Qiang and Ai Wen, but Lin who is on the side believes this.

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