“Wait…wait, I am willing to surrender!”

It was Van der Deyken who was taken away from Pirate Ship by the crew. In the world, after seeing his own Fishman crew die in front of him one by one, he was still arrogantly looking towards the Fishman crew who relied on him to find the opportunity to attack this powerful ship from the side, maybe There is still a chance to occupy the other side.

It’s just this kind of thought that just appeared. All his crew members were cleaned up. And he and the crew members who were pulling him were obviously let go by the other party. Was directly killed under the attack.

For this situation, Van der Deyken IX also understood clearly, so without any hesitation, he directly surrendered to Chen Qiang.

“Catch him in! Keep his life, I still have some use!” Regarding the opponent’s surrender, Chen Qiang only thought about it and agreed, and asked Parker to get him in.

It’s just that Chen Qiang accepted the opponent’s surrender. He didn’t want to save the opponent’s life. He just wanted to do an experiment. Chen Qiang suddenly remembered a Pirate fan novel he had read before. Mentioned.

That is to prepare a large box, hang all kinds of fruits in the box, and then kill the fruit Ability User in the box in the sea, so that you can get a Devil Fruit.

Chen Qiang certainly wants to try this kind of speculation, which is why he did not directly kill Van der Deyken IX.

As for whether to keep his alive and send it to the Fishman Island Palace in exchange for the trust of Fishman Island, Chen Qiang doesn’t care at all, after all, the dead Van der Deyken IX The same effect can be achieved.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, my lord, for taking my life around me. I will serve you very hard in the future, work extremely hard for you, and dominate the entire sea.”

The Megatron has just been restored to its original state. After taking Van der Deeken IX to the deck at the same time, he directly knelt on the ground, praying to Chen Qiang and they said.

“Don’t worry! It won’t make you work extremely hard, I just want you to do an experiment for me!”

In the face of the other party’s begging for mercy, Chen Qiang is only slightly Laughed, answered the other side.

As for Aiwen, Parker and Lin, the three of them really didn’t mean to speak. After all, the three of them didn’t even know why Chen Qiang left each other’s lives, let alone Chen Qiang’s experiments. , They also don’t understand at all.

“Brother Qiang, what kind of experiment is it?” Lin, who was most curious, was puzzled when Chen Qiang talked about the experiment, so she asked Chen Qiang directly.

“An experiment on Devil Fruit, you will know soon!” Chen Qiang smiled and pinched Lin’s fleshy cheek and said.

“Parker, go get ready, get a bigger box with a variety of fruits in it, as long as we put on some, you can put some on it!”

“Okay! I am also very interested in the captain’s experiment!”

Hearing Chen Qiang’s words, Parker agreed without any hesitation, and prepared with expectation. Up.

After all, for Parker, many of Chen Qiang’s ideas are very powerful. For example, the idea of ​​deforming, which he had never thought about before, so there are all kinds of ideas that Chen Qiang put forward. With the idea that Parker is looking forward to doing experiments in person now.

“Okay! It’s your turn!” After instructing Parker to prepare, Chen Qiang said with a smile and looked like Van der Deyken IX.

“I…what do I need to do?” At this time, Van der Deyken IX had already recognized Chen Qiang’s identity. After all, for this Undead who dared to kill Celestial Dragon Chen Qiang, as the Fishman Van der Deyken IX, of course knows it.

Before, he still thought about surrendering and then looking for opportunities to deal with Chen Qiang and the others. After knowing Chen Qiang’s identity, this thought disappeared. Now he just wants to The opponent’s hands were holding his life, so when Chen Qiang looked towards him, he stepped back a little bit in fear, subconsciously.

“Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just a small mouth on your body!”

Chen Qiang’s smile has not disappeared, he is still smiling, and then he doesn’t wait for Fan De Daiken IX replied, Chen Qiang directed a tiny slash with his hand, and then opened a hole on Van der Daiken IX’s shoulder.

“Don’t you think it’s okay? Don’t be nervous!”

After opening a hole in the opponent, Chen Qiang made a stroke on his hand and it came out. Some blood, and then pressed it on the other side’s wound, and smiled and comforted the other side at the same time.

Although it seems that there is no danger now, but I don’t know why Van der Deyken IX always feels that Chen Qiang’s smile has strong malice, so this makes him very uneasy.

In his uneasy mood, it was a shame that Parker showed up here with a large iron box that was completely closed, and placed it in front of Chen Qiang, and then turned towards Chen Qiang nodded. , Stepped aside, wanting to see how Chen Qiang did the experiment.

The same is true for others. After the iron box was taken out, they looked towards Chen Qiang with anticipation to see what Chen Qiang wanted to do.

“Come in!”

Chen Qiang didn’t let them wait any longer. He smiled and invited Van der Deeken IX and said, and pointed to the iron after he finished speaking. box.

Faced with Chen Qiang’s invitation, Van der Deyken IX wanted to refuse, but he didn’t dare at all, so the frustrated Van der Deyken IX slowly entered into obediently. In the box.


When Van der Deyken IX entered, without any hesitation, Chen Qiang went to Level 2 and closed the door of the box and let Van der Deeken IX. King Ken IX was completely plunged into darkness.

Van der Deeken IX, who was locked in the box, a fierce fear arose from his heart. A huge anxiety made him who had just entered want to escape quickly, but he had not yet Wait for him to move.

A stream of water penetrated in from all around the box, and quickly fell on him, causing him to lose strength and collapse into the box.


Vander Deyken IX, who collapsed in the box, just output a word and was directly submerged by the sea. Fortunately, although he had eaten Devil Fruit, he was still Fishman, and he could still breathe and so on underwater.

I just haven’t waited for him to be grateful. The wound Chen Qiang left on him before suddenly showed a large amount of blood, although it drowned him in the blood, and the blood quickly The change formed a bloody long sword with a handle, which pierced directly into his body.

It was just a breathing time, and he died directly. At the same time, when he died, a wisp of black smoke that was difficult to see flew out of his body, quickly sinking into a fruit around him. Among them, disappeared.

The fruit that is submerged in black smoke is changing rapidly. Various strange lines appear on the fruit, and its shape changes rapidly.

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