The movement of the Vinsmoke family's residence naturally cannot escape the perception of the strong present.

Ye Ren looked over there, smiled and said, "It's really interesting that someone dares to make trouble on your territory."

Quincy also looked over there, and said calmly, "It's just a bunch of little guys playing around."

The red hair also spread the knowledge and knowledge, and after knowing it was Luffy, he was surprised: "Hey, it's Luffy and the others."

"Uh, it's really him..." Ace also spread his sense of knowledge, detecting the aura of Luffy and others.

For some reason, after knowing that it was Luffy who made the noise, he was not surprised. Instead, he looked at Quincy cautiously: "Uncle, that straw hat Luffy is my younger brother..."

Now Moon Night Island is holding a food festival, which is not a big deal for Wang Xu Palace.

If someone makes trouble, the people in Wang Xu Palace will not sit idly by.

He is a little worried...

The Quincy looked at him, understood what he meant, and said, "I know, but since there is trouble on the island, a small punishment is still required..."

Quincy showed an inexplicable smile: "Straw hat Luffy, one of the supernova pirates, should not be weak, then... let him go to the duel arena to compete!"

Directed to Luo who was on the side: "Luo, you are also one of the former supernovas, you should know more or less people from the Straw Hat Pirates, you go and bring all the people from the Straw Hat Pirates to the duel field, let their It is a small punishment for several main players to participate in the competition."

"Yes, my lord." Luo took the order and left the spot in a flash.

Looking around the crowd, Quincy said with a smile: "The competition over the duel field is about to start, if you are interested, you can go there and have a look, and those who are interested can also participate in this competition, no matter what you are Everyone can participate.”

"Gu la la, let's go there together, and let's see how noisy the little guys of this generation are." Because of the relationship between Ace and Quincy, White Beard has no conflict of interest between the two parties, but they get along relatively harmoniously .

Moreover, White Beard also faintly intends to abdicate, and he intends to let Ace take his place.

"Oh? Is Luffy going to participate? Then I'll join in the fun." Ace was also excited, he hadn't competed with Luffy for a long time.

I also want to see Luffy's current strength.

When they met in Chambord Islands and Music Island, Ace wanted to see Luffy's strength.

However, something was wrong at that time, so they each left after a brief exchange of pleasantries.

Now is the chance!

"Then... how about including me?" At this moment, a voice suddenly interjected.

When everyone looked around, they saw a blond young man wearing a top hat walking towards him, and beside him was a petite beauty with a beautiful appearance.

It is none other than the second in command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo and his little girlfriend Kerla.

"Hey, Sabo? Are you here too?" Ace was a little surprised when he saw Sabo, but soon, a look of joy appeared on his face.

After learning that Sabo was not dead, he wanted to meet Sabo, but he never found the opportunity, and the traces of the revolutionary army were still hard to find.

Later, the revolutionary army fell into the sand in the Holy Land, and he wanted to go directly to the Holy Land to rescue Sabo...

It's just that before he could act, the Quincy Division had already killed the Holy Land, and the members of the Revolutionary Army also ran out in the chaos.

"Long time no see, Ace." Sabo looked at Ace with a sunny smile.

This is also the first time they met after they left Goa Kingdom, and Sabo was also very happy.

After a brief chat with Ace, Sabo looked at the Quincy, and after a salute, he said, "The last time you left in a hurry, you haven't expressed your thanks to you. Reach out."

"Your revolutionary army came to see Vegapunk, right?" Quincy said lightly.

"Uh...haha, maybe..." Sabo showed embarrassment on his face, which was also one of the purposes of his visit this time.

Being exposed by the Quincy in public made him a little embarrassed...

Yun Ye didn't care about this, Quincy said indifferently: "Then... everyone, please go to the duel field."

"Are the three brothers going to compete? This makes me interested." The red-haired also laughed.

He also has some understanding of the relationship between Luffy and Saboyes.

Yeren said to Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, if you are interested, you can also participate. I heard that you still have some friendship with the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Is it possible?" Xiaoya showed a big smile. When she was in Alabasta, she also met the members of the Straw Hat Pirates once, and they fought together.

She even fought against the three main players of the Straw Hats.

But the three of them were not her opponents at the beginning.

After hearing that Yunye admired the Straw Hats, Xiaoya naturally had the idea of ​​not admitting defeat. During this period of time, the training was also very hard.

Yunye also saw this, and made this suggestion to Xiaoya.

"Then I'll go over there too, with Luffy's personality..." Ace knew Luffy's personality, if Luo's attitude was tougher, Luffy would not listen, so, in order not to make things worse again , he also planned to go there.

"I'll go there too, I haven't seen Luffy for a long time." Sabo also went there.

The big guys are meaningless to this. Faced with this competition, these old guys will naturally not make a move, but if there is a good show to watch, who wouldn't be happy?

A group of people headed towards the duel field.

And Luo's figure teleported several times, and he also came to the residence of the Vinsmoke family, and met the people of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luo's attitude was neither good nor bad, but with Luffy's personality, he naturally wouldn't listen to others, and the two sides almost fought.

Later, Ace and Sabo appeared, and Luffy didn't do anything.

Ace also wiped off his sweat, but fortunately he came here in time, otherwise with Luffy's temper, things would probably be a big mess...

Sabo is also very speechless. After so many years, Luffy's character has not changed much.

The members of the Straw Hats were also relieved to see Ace and Sabo appear, and they finally stopped making trouble...

This is the domain of the Quincy Master. If you offend him, what's the deal?

"Oh? Do you want to compete with Ace and Sabo?" Luffy immediately became excited when he heard this, looked at the two, grinned and said, "Now I have grown up, and I will not lose to you! "

The three of them used to compete frequently when they were young, but he was the one who was beaten...

As for Ace and Sabo, the two are evenly matched...

Now with this opportunity, Luffy naturally wants to rise up!

A group of people also went to the duel field.

Soon, the competition in the duel field began!

The people who appeared on the stage were the captain of the second team of White Beard, and Ace the Fire Fist.

Sabo, the second in command of the Revolutionary Army.

The Straw Hat Pirates, one of the supernovas.

Thunder Cloud Ya of NEO Navy.

A member of the Vinsmoke family, a combatant under the Ten Blades banner.

There are also other powerful players with high bounties who are well-known in the new world, making the people in the field burst into high enthusiasm!

Because of the large number of people, it is impossible to compete one by one, but a melee!

Ace felt a little helpless when he saw the dense crowd of people in the field. Although he knew that there were many people who came for the billion Baileys, he didn't expect so many...

The venue was almost full of people...

I have long wanted to have the three brothers appear in the same frame. It is my own idea. If the readers talk about water, I will also recognize it...

I will solve this episode tomorrow, and then speed up directly. Although the outline and ending have been set, there is no chapter outline. I am not sure how many chapters are needed... Please forgive me, the new author can only estimate the approximate completion time... …

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