One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 402: The Power of a Sword!

'Ye Ren, are you a capable person...' Qingzhi looked at Yun Ye in mid-air and took a deep breath, but he knew that Ye Ren was the Quincy Master!

This guy not only has two bodies and two identities, but also the moves used by the two identities are different, and even have nothing in common, but they are all so powerful that it is shocking!

Patino Yunye, what kind of secret does he have in him, to be able to do this...

"Is this the attack launched by the World Government on Moon Night Island? Quincy was able to resist such an attack?" Momotu looked up into the sky, feeling the oppressive feeling, and couldn't help trembling slightly.

This is not fear, but resisting that sense of oppression!

"It's no wonder the world government has stood up for hundreds of years. With that person around, any threat can be easily wiped out!" Zhan Guo also frowned slightly, and he was surprised by the sense of oppression transmitted from the sky.

Faced with such an attack, even if all the people in the navy took action, they might not be able to resist it!

However, they couldn't resist, but if it was the might not be impossible!

"The Quincy can resist it, and the Nightblade should be able to do it too..." Garp also looked very solemn. If it were him, even if he broke out with all his strength, he would not be sure that he would be able to resist and not die!

The people in the NEO Navy are all extremely dignified. Facing such an attack, they can't intervene, and they can't help Yun Ye. They can only pray that Yun Ye can take the attack!

"Brother Yunye..." Xiaoya nervously looked at Yun Qi in midair, clenched her hands tightly, and a worried look flashed across her face.

Although she knew that Yun Ye was very strong, but... would she be able to resist such an attack?

"..." Zefa didn't speak, and also stared at the sky.

Under the gaze of countless people, Yun Ye moved.

The sky was covered by sixteen thunderbolts, and Yun Ye was wearing a virtual mask, raising his hand with a sword: "Yueya Tianchong!"

With a sound of 'buzz', a dark red terrifying slash shot out from the silver fiber's sword edge, turning into a crescent moon slashing thousands of meters into the sky!

In this blow, Yun Ye merged Crescent Sky Chong and False Flash!

If it is said that the five dragons can be strengthened through the instant coaxing of different attributes, then... at this time, under the state of 卍解天锁, Zhanyue and Void, Crescent Sky Chong and Void Flash are also highly compatible skills!

The two skills are fused into one, bursting out with stronger power!

'Boom! ! ! '

With one sword strike, the entire sky seemed to be cut open. The sixteen world-destroying thunderbolts came into contact with the strike, and a deafening sound erupted. The two attacks only stalemate for a moment, and Yun Ye's strike directly killed the god. It was crushed and dissipated into countless light spots!

Moreover, Yun Ye's slashing strikes are still going unabated, but their power is slightly weaker, and they are still slashing towards the sky!

With a sound of 'Chi', the ancient technological creation above the sky was directly cut off by Yun Ye's sword, leaving only a little mechanical wreckage floating!

"The holy land of Marie Gioia? Although it's a little far away, it's not impossible to reach... The knowledge and knowledge locked on me, and also exposed your position! The Lord of the World!" Yun Ye cast his gaze in the direction of Marie Gioia, sneered, and looked up. Slashed down with a sword in his hand again: "Yueya Tianchong!"

With a sound of 'buzz', the slash of thousands of meters rushed out along a straight line towards the position of the Holy Land Marie Gioia. Everything it passed was slashed, and the space seemed to be cut!

Connecting the sky and the earth, the clouds, the sea, and even some uninhabited islands were all cut in half under this slash!

"Ye Ren, you deserve to die!" Im's expression was startled, he didn't expect Ye Ren to be so terrifying, this sword crossed a long distance and slashed at him!

Moreover, this slash made him feel threatened!

Standing up suddenly, he mobilized a huge amount of armed forces, and the powerful fluctuations even slightly distorted the space!

"God's punishment!" Im shouted, the ability was used, and the natural disaster took shape. In the thick clouds, thunder rolled, and several hundred meters of thick thunder pillars were wrapped in armed colors. They collided with each other!

'Boom! '

With the collision of the two as the center, the space trembled, and the sea water turned into a 100-meter tsunami and hit the surroundings. A loud bang resounded throughout the entire first half. Immediately afterwards, the space seemed to be unable to withstand the collision of the two attacks. Aftermath, cracks appeared!

However, the several thunder pillars still only resisted for a moment, before they were directly cut off by Yun Ye's slash, and the slash was still like a smashing bamboo!

"Earthquake!" Powerful fluctuations in life erupted from Im's body. Accompanied by the faint roar of the beast, Im grasped the void with his right hand. The red wall suddenly rose from the bottom of the sea, and was covered by armed colors in the next moment, turning into pitch black. The 10,000-meter-high wall was like a mountain, blocking the front of the Holy Land Marie Gioia!

This high wall is even many times larger than the Navy's Gate of Justice. It stretches there, like a giant guarding the holy place, standing still!

Block any attack!

'Boom! ! '

There was another roar that resounded through the entire first half. This time, Yun Ye's slash was blocked for a moment, and Im's huge armed force competed with Yun Ye's slash. The surface of the sea roared and boiled, creating a tsunami!

But it was only a stalemate for a few seconds, and the next moment, the mountain-like high wall collapsed, and was cut in half by Yun Ye's sword!

The slash was still powerful and domineering, with a speed like lightning, breaking through layers of obstacles, and slashed straight at Im!

"Unexpectedly..." Im didn't expect that Yeren's attack would be so powerful, and he could still break his own attack with a slash from such a long distance!

But after all, he has lived for hundreds of years, the three kinds of domineering have naturally reached high-level, even surpassed the high-level use, knowledge and knowledge can predict the future, let him realize one step in advance, before the slash hits him, the huge vitality It exploded suddenly, the armed color covered the fist, and it smashed down with one punch!

'Boom! '

The fist collided with the slash, and the force transmitted from the fist made Im's face change drastically. No matter how much he resisted, he still pushed back unstoppably!

Im's legs had already plunged into the red earth continent, and the boundless force hit him. The red earth land under his feet was like tofu. It couldn't bear the impact and cracked every inch of it. Im's body was still pushed back!

The top of the entire Red Earth Continent seemed to have been plowed, and a long ravine stretched across the Red Earth Continent!

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