One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 399 Action against the Nightblade!

New world, a certain sea area.

The boat of the Straw Hats is moving slowly.

After the Music Island incident, they continued their journey.

"Ten, one billion Baileys??" Nami swallowed with a newspaper in her hand, her small mouth slightly opened, and the sign of "money" already appeared in her eyes.

"What is a billion Bailey?" Chopper curiously pointed his head over, looked at the newspaper in Nami's hand, and said what was on it: "The competition, the winner, a billion Bailey?"

Surprised, Chopper sat down on the ground suddenly, rolled around twice before shouting, "Ah, ah, ah, a billion Baileys?"

"What billion Bailey?" The rest of the people also looked over curiously.

"Oh? It's about Moonlight Island, right?" Robin sat on a chair with a refreshing ponytail, her slender legs folded together, one hand resting on her chin, holding a newspaper in her hand and said with a smile: "The Moonlight Island side Held a feast for the whole world, a food festival, this food festival, not only Uta's concert, but also a martial arts competition, the winner can get a reward of one billion Baileys!"

"Billion Bailey? It's so shocking that people lost their eyes!" Bones Brook said "yo ho ho ho ho" and then slapped his head: "Oh, I don't have eyes..."

"Moon Night Island, is that Quincy's territory?" Sauron stopped exercising and asked curiously.

"What a big deal, a billion Baileys!" Usopp also smacked his lips, not counting the amount of their bounty, the sum of their entire ship is not as big as this figure...

"One billion Baileys, I don't know how many good things can be transformed..." Franky said in a low voice.

He once got a pacifist in the Chambord Islands, combined with his own transformation technology, he also tinkered with many technological products.

Their Wanli Sunshine was also modified a lot by him.

But because Nami didn't give money, he didn't have the capital to implement many of his ideas...

"Food Festival? Isn't there a lot of delicious food?" Luffy's focus has never been the same as other people's. When Robin said it, he only heard the words "Food Festival"...

Sanji didn't know what he was thinking, but this time he rarely spoke.

Of course, he is very clear about Moon Night Island, and he also knows where ingredients from all over the world are gathered. Whether it is the first half or the new world, almost as long as there are channels to obtain ingredients, Moon Night Island can find them everywhere.

This can be said to be the dream place of all chefs.

But... As for Moon Night Island, he didn't think much about it.

Because, after understanding, he knew... The Vinsmoke family is a force under Wang Xu Palace...

His brothers and sisters, as well as his father, are all on Moonlight Island...

Nami clapped her hands, with Bailey's light shining in her eyes, and waved her big hand: "Moon Night Island is the territory of Quincy, and Quincy is Ace's uncle. We should go there, there should be no danger, and... ten Billion Bailey!! Luffy, I will leave this billion Billion to you!!"

"Oh! Food Island, Food Festival, there must be a lot of delicious food!" Unlike Nami, Luffy only thinks about food, and his eyes are almost in the shape of big bones...

"Yo ho ho, Uta is over there too, by the way, let's take a look at her recent situation, she should have come out of her confusion." Brook didn't care about what Uta did to him. Too many, he still has a lot of experience, it can be seen that Uta is just stuck in a dead end.

After joining Wang Xu Palace, her song style has also changed, and Brook still pays attention to it.

"Is it a competition for the whole world? There should be many swordsmen going there, I really look forward to it!" Zoro is also a little eager to try.

"'s decided, little ones, let's head towards Moon Night Island!" Luffy laughed, as if he was already looking forward to the delicacies on Moon Night Island!

"..." Seeing that his companions were all in high spirits, Sanji lit a cigarette and took a puff, exhaled the smoke, and also laughed.

Why think so much?

Moon Night Island is so big, it is not so easy to meet them...

Besides, he is also somewhat interested in the ingredients of Moon Night Island.

It is said that the ingredients of the whole world can be seen there, which is also very attractive to him as a chef!

Robin watched the lively scene with a smile on his lips.

"Billion Baileys, here I come!" Nami licked her lips, as if she had imagined the scene after owning a billion Baileys.

Just like that, the group turned the rudder and headed towards Moon Night Island!


The holy land of Mary Gioia, in the newly built Pangu City.

The five old stars sat together. After the last incident, none of the five of them died, but they were almost injured...

One of them narrowed his eyes: "The navy has assembled and is moving towards the position of the NEO navy."

"This time, no matter what, the Nightblade must be eliminated!"

"However, there is still a connection between Yeren and the navy. It's no wonder that Yeren let Aokiji and the others go when they were in Wano Country..."

One person said sharply: "The high-level officers in the navy... It's time to clean up!"

"Hmph, since Aokiji came to power, we can see his attitude towards us. Their navy already intends to break away from our control!"

"I originally wanted Sora to take control of the navy, but I didn't expect that damned guy from the Quincy to run to the Holy Land, causing Sora to be injured again. Without Vegapunk, it would be difficult to completely repair his injury..."

"Damn, recently, everything has been going wrong!"

"Let the navy test the Nightblade first, and later, Lord Im will make a move!"

"Ye Ren is not weak, but he only has one person. Facing our forces and Lord Im, this time, he can't escape!"


Wu Laoxing has been very busy recently, and they need to deal with a lot of things.

Im didn't care about this at all. After that battle, Im fell into a deep sleep again, but this time against the Nightblade, Im would wake up and attack the Nightblade!

Let Wu Laoxing have some confidence!

After all, only Yeren in the NEO Navy is more difficult to deal with. The others can be ignored, but they are not very threatening.

This time, they are out in force!

The general mobilization of the navy, coupled with the background of their world government, can definitely kill the night blade completely by surprise!

Yeren is strong, even in their hearts, Yeren is as powerful as Quincy!

But they didn't believe that so many people couldn't take down a night blade!

In exchange for the position of the Quincy at Nightblade, facing such a lineup, it is impossible to win!

Otherwise, why didn't the Quincy Master, who had the upper hand, kill them when they were in the Holy Land, but left a word declaring war and left in a hurry?

It was because at that time, the high-level combat power of the navy had already arrived at the Holy Land. Facing all the combat power of the navy and the world government, the Quincy Division did not dare to fight recklessly!

That's right, Wulaoxing and others think so...

The world government's calculations are not incomprehensible. They are already prepared for the navy. Let them do it, just to test it and consume the combat power of the night blade!

Even the navy needs to be eradicated if it has a different heart!

Moreover, attacking the night blade is also in their plan. The other areas have been cleared, and the NEO navy is short...

For the thorn in the NEO Navy, it must be removed as soon as possible!

Facing the night blade, they must also treat it seriously!

The navy is just one of their preparations, and they don't expect the navy to be able to deal with the night blade. If they could, they wouldn't have let him kill Akainu in full view!

This time, Im also plans to make a move!

Yeren is as famous as Quincy, although Im has never been in contact with Yeren, judging from the information, Yeren's strength may not be inferior to Quincy...

It would be too dangerous to keep such a guy!

They must be exterminated!

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