One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 397 Don't meddle in this war!

Glancing at Zefa, Yun Ye showed a smile, Zefa was still the same Zefa, and still had great trust in him.

He reached out and rubbed Xiaoya's head, and gave her a warm smile. The familiar breath made Xiaoya feel extremely at ease.

Yun Ye looked at Aokiji: "Aokiji, you owed me a favor last time in Wano Country, I hope you don't intervene in this war between me and the World Government, although I have already left the navy, I don't want the old Colleagues died at my hands, please understand this."

"..." Qingzhi was a little silent, still digesting this shocking fact.

His brain is not stupid. After knowing that Ye Ren is the Quincy Master, some abnormalities about the Quincy Master can also be explained...

According to Im, the Quincy is a different kind. Is it because of this that he has two bodies?

When I was on Music Island, there were two figures of Quincy. It seems that one of them is Yeren...

And during the battle of the Chambord Islands, the Nightblade suddenly appeared and blocked the Quincy. Is this a deliberate act?

Or to save all their navies?

Moreover, judging from all the information that has happened before, the Quincy Division does rarely attack the navy...

Even if there were, the navy that died in his hands was very few.

So far, except for the ghost spider at the beginning and Stolberg behind, it seems that the Quincy really seldom kills the people of the navy...

Although Huang Yuan was beaten again and again, his life was not in danger. I thought it was because of Huang Yuan's speed that even the Quincy was difficult to kill. Now that I think about it, he should have kept his hands...

Qingzhi took a deep breath: "What is your purpose?"

Yun Ye said lightly: "Overthrow the world government."

Aokiji asked, "What about after the overthrow?"

"Establish a new order."

"You want to rule the world?"

Yun Ye shook his head: "I don't have that much free time. I don't have much interest in power. To overthrow the world government is just that they messed with me! I don't care what happens in the world later. Do you think I will consider it?" These?"

The conflict between the Quincy Division and the World Government can be said to be caused by a short-sighted Celestial Dragon...

Of course, even without the Draco, sooner or later the conflict between the World Government and the Quincy would have occurred.

As long as your reputation is famous enough, you will be feared by the world government, and the world government will not tolerate the growth of pirates.

The positions of the two sides are there, and they are inherently hostile...

"..." Aokiji remained silent. If someone else said such a thing, he would definitely say something arrogant. If the world government provoked him, he would destroy the world government...

But... Yun Ye said such things, but he took it for granted.

Quincy and Yeren are existences that the world government is extremely afraid of, and now he knows that the two are actually the same person.

When the world government faces Yun Ye, can it really win?

Moreover, with Quincy's personality, he really doesn't care what happens to the world after the defeat of the world government...

"About this war, I will consider it carefully." Qingzhi looked at Yun Ye with an extremely serious expression on his face. After speaking, he took a deep look at Yun Ye, turned and left.

From the beginning to the end, he never asked Yun Ye how he managed to have two bodies at the same time, and what secrets he had in him.

Ye Ren can reveal the fact that he is the Quincy, and he already has a lot of sincerity.

He must seriously consider the impact of this matter...

"I'm telling you this so that you don't get involved in this war. The navy is not the running dog of the world government! If the world government really collapses in the future, the navy will be needed to establish the world order." Yun Ye faced Qingzhi The back said something.

Yun Ye actually didn't care about her identity being exposed.

In the past, I didn't want to pay too much attention to it, so that the world government could make up its mind to deal with itself.

In the case of insufficient strength, it is better to develop in a low-key manner.

However, now Yunye doesn't need to care about these things anymore, his strength, even Im, doesn't say that he can stabilize himself.

Even if Im's hole card is completely revealed, he is confident that he can contend.

This is brought by strength!

Again, the reason why Yun Ye revealed this matter to Qingzhi was that he didn't want the navy to intervene in the battle between him and the world government.

He didn't want to kill these fellow navy fellows with a righteous heart...

After pausing, Aokiji didn't reply, but walked outside, hiding his figure, left the NEO Navy Headquarters, and returned to the Navy Headquarters.

After returning to the headquarters, Aokiji held a meeting.

This meeting only needs a few high-level officials of the Navy.

They are all people he can trust.

Sengoku, Karp, Lieutenant General Crane, and the current three generals are the highest-level people in the navy.

Aokiji didn't reveal that Yeren was the Quincy, but he did state Yeren's position.

That is to be hostile to the world government. In the subsequent war, he will take action, and even stand on the side of the Quincy...

Hearing this situation, the faces of the people present all sank.

This is not good news...

But it is also understandable, after all, if the night blade continues to stay in the first half, the world government will not be at ease.

"Standing on Quincy's side, could it be that Ye Ren still has a connection with Quincy secretly?" Lieutenant General He grasped an important point and looked at Qingzhi.

"It's not just that there is a connection, they are the same person..." Aokiji smiled bitterly in his heart, but for some reason, he didn't tell the situation. The less people know about this matter, the better. If it spreads, it is likely to spread Make the whole world more chaotic!

Let the allies of the world government fall into distrust of the world government!

Even though the Quincy has shown great strength, the world government has been gaining power for hundreds of years, and at this time there is still no allied country to jump out and sing the opposite.

But secretly, some allied countries also expressed dissatisfaction.

But they were all suppressed by the world government!

Each of the allied countries represents countless ordinary civilians. If these allied countries distrust the world government, break up with the world government, and have opposition voices because of this shocking news.

The world government will not hold back, and will definitely suppress it forcefully, and maybe even launch a demon-slaying order to destroy it!

Kill chickens and monkeys!

In order to deter other allies, the world government can definitely do this kind of thing!

This is also a point of concern for Qingzhi, so he did not reveal the news that Yeren is the Quincy, even if the people present are trustworthy...

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