One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 392 The Navy's Worries

The Quincy's declaration of war caused the whole world to fall into panic.

Countless people started to discuss.

"The Quincy took advantage of the World Conference to set foot on the holy land of Mary Joa and declare war on the World Government. This is a war that determines the direction of the world!"

"The Quincy or the World Government, who will win?"

"Also, the supreme ruler of the world government is not Wu Laoxing, but someone else!!"

"The black hand behind the world government, he is the master of the world government!"

"Is there any information on this guy? Why have you never heard of it?"

"I don't know, he's too mysterious..."

"Where should we go in the future? The conflict between the Quincy Division and the World Government is about to change..."

Countless people started discussing this matter, and everyone knew that the final battle was inevitable!

The World Government and the Palace of Wangxu...

It depends on when Quincy leads the army of Wang Xu Temple into the country!

However, many people were surprised that it was the Quincy who declared war on the World Government, not the World Government on the Quincy.

From this point, it can be seen that Quincy is more confident than the World Government...

The world government has been standing for hundreds of years and has controlled the world order for hundreds of years. However, it has only been a few years since the establishment of the Quincy's Wangxu Palace?

To have the strength enough to shake the world government is too shocking and too legendary!

No one has ever reached this point. One Piece Roger just started an era of great pirates, which has been remembered by countless people.

And the Quincy is declaring war openly and squarely!

Never before!

All this is due to the individual strength of the Quincy Master, his strength has reached an unprecedented level!

Although the ten blades are strong, they are only about the same as the cadres of the former Four Emperors. To be able to have such confidence, everything depends on the Quincy Master!

His existence is the foundation of Wang Xu's confidence!

But in any case, the declaration of war is a certainty!

Countless people are watching, the arrival of the final battle...


Here at Navy Headquarters, at a meeting.

Everyone is having a headache because of this matter.

The Quincy's declaration of war also made the world government feel pressure and act more quickly. They are not without a sense of crisis, and plan to make the first half of it a monolith as soon as possible!

As a subordinate force, the navy is busy.

"Quincius..." Aokiji rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a little pain in his head. The world government ordered that a lot of troubles would be piled on his head. During this period of time, he has no time to relax...

He looked at Huang Yuan and asked, "Huang Yuan, tell me what happened in the Holy Land at that time."

Huang Yuan is a person who has personally experienced the Battle of the Holy Land, and he wants to learn more information from Huang Yuan at that time.

There was a sudden riot in the holy land, and they were naturally aware of it, so they set off immediately.

However, it still takes time to go from the Navy Headquarters to the holy land of Maryjoa. Although it is not long, it is not so easy to go up above 10,000 meters.

By the time they arrived, the Quincy had already left.

The battle between Quincy and Im didn't last long.

Their navy just closed it in the past and did nothing.

Huang Yuan's body was covered with bandages, and his expression was rare and serious: "This time, Quincy's attack has greatly exceeded my expectations. He is so powerful that even the Lord of the World he said was suppressed by him... And, He does possess the ability of soul soul fruit, able to mobilize flames, thunder homiz... the power surpasses that of Charlotte Lingling... From that person's mouth, what kind of alien should the Quincy be, able to eat two kinds at the same time? Devil fruit power!"

Yunye is naturally not a different kind, he can only eat the soul soul fruit, the reason why it gives Im such a feeling may be because of Yunye's other skills, or because he has two bodies...

Even the word "heterogeneous" came from Im's mouth, and Huang Yuan was just guessing.

"Heterogeneous, the person who ate two kinds of devil fruit...Information came from the palace of Wang Xu, Uta who ate the soul soul fruit is still alive, so... how did the Quincy master remove the devil fruit from the body of the capable person?" Extracted? This kind of method is beyond our imagination." Lieutenant General He took a sip of tea, thought for a moment, and said lightly.

She is a personal experiencer of Music Island, and knows that Uta is indeed a user of two kinds of devil fruit abilities, and it also triggered a very special event, even those undead who had died for a long time were summoned...

After the Music Island incident, Uta was taken away by Quincy and became one of the Ten Blades.

But I didn't expect that the Quincy Master really had a way to extract the devil fruit from the body of the capable person...

How did you do it?

If you don't figure it out, then... this is a huge threat to other devil fruit users!

No one wants to face an enemy who can take away their ability to stand, and so does their navy!

Sengoku frowned and looked at Aokiji: "The Quincy has declared war with the World Government, and the war will come sooner or later. The World Government has also begun to search for powerful Devil Fruits purposefully, and the speed of clearing the first half has been accelerated. In order to deal with Quincy, their actions are unprecedentedly decisive! The navy is the strongest force under the World Government, under this situation... oh..."

At the end, Sengoku sighed lightly.

Maybe the Warring States period was a loyal supporter of the world government, but the navy has been wiping the world government's ass for so long, and knows how the world government's urine is like...

Now he can no longer wear the same pair of trousers with the world government, otherwise, he would not have announced his abdication at that time, and recommended Aokiji as the leader, just to make other changes in the navy!

He also has a slightly different idea about the world government.

He didn't want the Navy to go on like this any longer.

His concept has also undergone some changes!

He wants the navy to become a purer navy, not a running dog of the world government...

However, they are still unable to completely separate from the world government, and they also need to take into account the threat of the Quincy Division...

In the future war, the navy will definitely be at the forefront, which makes the Warring States extremely worried...

What role should the navy play in this war?

What kind of position should we stand on?

Can their navy survive the coming war?

Qingzhi narrowed his eyes, he also knew the seriousness of the situation, took a deep breath, he looked at everyone and said slowly: "I want to talk to Yeren..."

This is not the first time Aokiji has such an idea.

Everyone here is well aware of the strength of the night blade.

It is an existence that can compete with the Quincy Master!

In the war between the Quincy and the World Government, no one would ignore the existence of the Night's Blade, and he didn't know what position the Night's Blade would stand on. He wanted to confirm...

No one could guess what Ye Ren was thinking, it seemed like he was at odds with the world government, but he didn't have much against the world government.

Wano Country's actions don't know what role it plays.

From Wano's battle, it can be seen that he has no idea about ancient weapons, otherwise he wouldn't have directly destroyed Pluto...

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