One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 383: Dorag's Arrangement!

Vegapunk was silent for a moment, and then said: "He is the most hidden existence. In the whole world, the only people who know him are Wulaoxing."

Drago said: "Did he control Uranus?"

Vegapunk shook his head: "I don't know."

Dorag was silent.

They have no intelligence at all about that person.

Even though Vegapunk has been in the world government for so many years, he only knows that such a person exists.

For the rest, I don't know.

His identity seemed to be deliberately hidden!

Drago looked at Vegapunk: "Is today the opening day of the World Conference?"

"Well, do you have any other plans?" Vegapunk said.

He had already been in contact with Dorag before.

It also revealed to him the recent changes in the sea situation.

"Arrangement, it doesn't count, but someone should come to pick us up." Dorag said lightly.

"Really?" Vegapunk just said, and then threw a bunch of keys towards Dorag, which were the keys to the stone shackles of the sea building and the prison door. He looked at Dorag and said seriously: "The The wall is a special creation that can block the perception of knowledge and knowledge. The other people in the institute have been fainted by me, and we only have a quarter of an hour... But I can't guarantee that I can leave here alive, as long as I step out of here, outside They are all enemies..."

This is the holy land of Mary Joa, the headquarters of the world government, and the guards are so powerful.

Below is the headquarters of the navy. As long as there is a slight disturbance, the navy will rush over at any time.

There's even a world master who they don't know the details about at all...

As long as they step out of the laboratory, they will be discovered.

Vegapunk was closely monitored, and the people who watched him in the laboratory were all stunned by him in some way.

However, there are still a large number of people from the outside world surrounding the entire laboratory!

There will be no mistakes!

The only flaw is that the world government doesn't know that Drago knows Vegapunk...

Moreover, the relationship does not seem to be shallow...

Drago picked up the key, opened the handcuffs, stood up, used the key to open the cage, walked out, and said with a smile: "Even if the success rate is low, I still have to try..."

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Drago would naturally not act rashly, and many of his actions were purposeful.

Their revolutionary army not only heard news about Im, the lord of the world, from the battle of the Chambord Islands, but also news about the world government's new weapon creations.

Pacifist Seraph!

Know that Seraph is transformed from a living person!

The unlucky ones of two supernovas...

To possess this kind of technology, only his old friend Vegapunk has this kind of technology in the whole world!

When he knew that the world government was transforming artificial humans, Dorag was inferring the intention of the world government.

That is... to transform the more powerful people among the pirates into the combat power of their world government!

The banning of Qiwuhai and the successive failures of the navy made the world government realize that their power can no longer control the situation at this time!

The strength of Quincy and Yeren made them extremely afraid!

They must have more and stronger combat power!

So, pacifists appear, Seraphs appear!

The world government must do everything possible to increase their power, in order to deal with the next stable situation!

Killing the holy land of Mary Joya was not something that was thought of by Dorag.

It is a planned and purposeful action!

First, he wanted to investigate the real background of the world government, the intelligence of the Lord of the World.

There is another point, that is Vegapunk!

From the start, he had no victorious vision for the trip to the Holy Land.

He was betting that even if he and others failed, he would not be killed on the spot.

But like those two supernovas, they were used by Vegapunk to transform them into their own power!

This is undoubtedly a big gamble!

If you lose the bet, you lose everything...

The bet is won, and after knowing the specific situation of Im, they can also make a plan against Im!

But it's a pity that when they faced Im, they lost without even seeing his face, and they lost completely!

However, his other goal was achieved. The world government did not kill all of them, but planned to transform them into pacifists!

He met Vegapunk as he wished, and made contact with him!

Vegapunk is not his spy in the world government, nor is he his subordinate.

However, they have the same idea, the same idea.

that's enough!

Right now, Vegapunk wanted to rescue them, which did not exceed Drago's expectations.

Drago still knows the character of his old friend very well!

This is also the only chance for Vegapunk to leave the control of the world government!

He agreed to become the chief scientist of the world government, not for the world government, but because the world government has enough funds to give him research...

Of course, if what happened to Dorag did not happen this time, he would continue to stay with the World Government to study...

Rescuing the people of the revolutionary army was also an extremely dangerous thing for him.

However, he still did it like this...

No one wants to be watched and controlled forever, and so is Vegapunk!

He has long been tired of such a life!

The two went to the outer layer and unshackled the other revolutionary soldiers.

At first, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army were surprised when they saw Drago who came out with Vegapunk, but they didn't say anything.

Although they didn't know why Drago suddenly decided to attack the Holy Land, they believed in Drago and knew that he would not make reckless actions!

Perhaps, being imprisoned here was also expected by Drago...

A group of people quickly assembled and walked to the door of the prison. As long as the door is opened, then... it means... the battle is coming!

Vegapunk said solemnly to Drago: "If you open this door, you won't be able to block the perception of knowledge."

Drago nodded, and his face became serious: "I know..."

This time, if they cannot escape from the Holy Land smoothly, then... everything will be over!

As long as he is still alive, then...his goal is still possible to achieve!

But at this moment, with a bang, the door in front of them was suddenly blasted open.

A figure rushed in.

He bumped into Duo LaGe and others.

Xiong looked at the group of people: "It seems that you don't need me to come here, you have your own way to get out, Drago."

Xiong also had doubts about Dorag's sudden attack on the Holy Land.

He is very clear about Drago's character, and it is impossible to make such a reckless action.

The trip to the Holy Land is probably in his plan!

Drago is such a guy, plan before you move!

"No, you came just in time, bear!" After seeing the bear, Drago didn't have too many surprises on his face, as if he knew it a long time ago.

There is a reason why Dorag chose today as the day to escape.

He knew from Vegapunk that the World Conference had been held ahead of schedule.

The kings of all Confederate States will arrive at the Holy Land.

Before that, the task he gave Xiong was to use his status as a member country to contact Vegapunk during the World Conference...

I didn't contact Xiong later because I was afraid of being monitored by people from the world government.

At that time, the bear had already returned to his hometown, Sobel Kingdom.

Knowing that all of them have been defeated by the world government, the bear who has all of their life papers naturally knows that their lives are safe, and they are likely to be imprisoned.

Faced with this situation, with Xiong's character, it is impossible to sit idly by and will probably use this opportunity to rescue them!

This is his trust in the bear!

Now that the bear appeared, Drago was not surprised!

Moreover, if the bear is here, then...using his ability, there is still a high chance of them escaping...

"But now, the world government probably won't take care of us... Over there, the Quincy appeared..." Xiong looked in that direction, and his sense of knowledge caught the movement there.

After a quick scan, I realized that the Quincy Master had also come to the Holy Land...

The Quincy Division is a greater threat to the world government than their revolutionary army!

As long as the Quincy appears, then... the attention of the world government will definitely be on the Quincy...

So, in a way, everyone in the revolutionary army is already safe...

"What?" Drago looked surprised, and looked over there, and saw five thunder dragons suddenly surged, covering the entire Pangu City!

The other members of the Revolutionary Army were also surprised. Why did the Quincy appear?

This chapter should not count as water, right? The revolutionary army has always had a dark thread, the meeting between the commander of the revolutionary army on Happy Street and the protagonist, the joining of Fujitora, the trip to the Holy Land... As I said before, the rewards for all members of the revolutionary army will be increased because of one incident, It is also set in the outline long ago, and what should be explained still needs to be explained!

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