One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 359 Dream and Reality Overlap The Dead Resurrection!

outside world.

Yun Ye didn't pay attention to the surprise of the others, and after ordering Luo not to let anyone get close to Uta, he rushed out in the same figure and came to the top of the monster.

"Xixiang Nine Speeds!" At the same time, both bodies punched out a powerful punch at the same time!

‘Boom boom boom! '

The dream and the outside world, the monster was hit at the same time, and then suddenly exploded!

As the monsters were crushed at the same time, the dream world also began to shake, and then the sound of'Kaka' came!

Immediately afterwards, the entire dream world began to shatter!

'buzz buzz...'

The dream world, the outside world, and the entire space vibrated!

You can even see more and more places where the two worlds intersect!

It's like the two worlds are beginning to merge...

Finally, with a bang, all changes stopped, and everything returned to calm!

The people in the dream world and the people outside are all watching with serious eyes. This kind of movement doesn't look like it looks like after the ability is released!

Did something happen?


In the field, countless figures appeared out of thin air. In the real world, the Straw Hat Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, Katakuri Pirates, Navy, CP0, and other ordinary people are all Appeared in the real world!

There was a 'boom', as if the whole world was shaken!

Immediately afterwards, strange cracks appeared in the sky. The cracks were not pitch black, but a misty mix of colors!

And there are some cracks, which are another color, like a chaotic color, and there is a cold breath coming out of it...

"Here, is it reality?" Lieutenant General He saw Warring States Garp and others, and thought it was the fruit of Song Ge's ability, which was lifted!

But upon closer inspection, she discovered anomalies in the sky, anomalies in the sea, and, at a location in a port, she... saw her body! !

Others also noticed the abnormality. Ben Beckman was the first to know. He jumped a few times and came to a place. He reached out and touched his body, but found that he could touch his own body!

"Reality and dreams are intertwined..." Ben Beckman's face darkened. He also couldn't understand what was going on!

‘Is it because Uta ate the double fruit? ’ Thinking in his heart, he came to the side of the red hair, frowned and said: "Uta's ability has not been released, the dream and reality are intertwined together!"

The rest of the people were also extremely horrified, because what they saw, they also saw their own body!

"what happened?"

"Why are we down there?"

"I'm going crazy, am I dead?"

Chaos, the field began to become chaotic!

Countless people started to move around, and the scene in front of them scared them a lot!

"Huh? Are we out?"

"No, no, look over there, our bodies!"

The Straw Hats and their party also saw other people from the outside world, and thought they had appeared from the dream world.

But they also saw their own bodies, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

Seeing his body, Brook continued to play the violin, and couldn't help but shouted: "Why is my body still moving? ability has been released all the time?"

The Straw Hats and their party also looked at it, and they found that Brook's body was still playing the violin...

Moreover, there are some cracks that seem to spread from Brooke's body!

Those chaotic cracks and the cold aura coming from it seemed to come from Brooke's body!

"What's going on here?" Even if the title of Warring States is a wise general, it's numb at this time!

What the hell is going on!

"And...there are two Quincy Masters?" Zhan Guo looked in that direction. At this time, two figures stood together, one with a blurry face, and the other with the face of Quincy Master, but the aura of the two was Exactly the same!

Red-haired, Hawkeye, Garp, Katakuri, Sengoku... and other well-informed masters all discovered abnormalities at this time!

what did they see

There are actually two Quincy Masters?

And the aura on his body is exactly the same, even the terrifying aura is the same!

But very quickly, they saw that the vague and invisible Quinciler fluctuated a bit in his domineering aura, and then his whole body changed from real to virtual, and finally disappeared completely.

Back to Nightblade.

Yun Ye didn't mean to explain anything. He saw it when he saw it. Anyway, Ye Ren's identity had already blurred his face with his ability, and his domineering also prevented other people's knowledgeable prying eyes, so it was impossible to be discovered.

Yun Ye turned to look at the entire island, and he also frowned slightly. The current situation was also beyond his expectation.

Just roughly guessed the general situation.

The soul soul fruit gives soul to singing, and Uta's ability can create a dream world.

The dream was originally fictitious, but because of the soul soul fruit, it has a soul!

The soul is the most important thing in a person. Even if there is no body, as long as the soul is still there, even if you become a skeleton, you will still be resurrected from the dead.

In the same way, after possessing the dream of the soul, to some extent, the dream and reality are distorted and become a part of reality!

In the past, because the monster acted as the connection point between the two worlds, it was a kind of overlap between dream and reality, and it was stable, and the two worlds did not interfere with each other.

But this node was destroyed, the originally stable dream world was destroyed, and the whole dream was projected directly into the real world for some reason!

This is how it happens!

Dreams and reality merged...

"Hahaha, don't think I'm defeated! As long as the capable person doesn't die, then... I'm invincible!" In the island, black notes surged again, and the monster that had been defeated revived again, showing a wild smile!

Wuta, who was originally beside Yun Ye, had his soul pulled out by him, and merged with him, in his own body! !

His voice was piercing and sharp, like the scream of aunt's soul!

At this moment, he has controlled Uta, in a sense, he is Uta, and Uta is him!

He also possesses double fruits and is a double fruit capable person! !

"And this one, the fruit of the underworld!" The monster stretched out his hand, and the note seemed to come alive, pulling Brook's two bodies over.

No matter how much Brook struggles, it's useless. Under the influence of the Soul Fruit and Song Fruit's abilities, even Brook can play the violin at the same time!

Naturally, the Straw Hats would not just sit back and watch Brook being taken away, but they were directly knocked out by the monster's laughter!

"Dreams are reality, and dreams are controlled by me, turning reality into reality. Here, I am a god! Gods, omnipotent!"

"Then... imagine the shadows of all the most terrifying people in your mind, and I will let them... reappear in this dreamland! Extradition from the Underworld·Soul Summoning!!"

The monster laughed loudly, extremely rampant. He was originally a sealed-up demon king. He has survived for an unknown number of years. Before that, he had a little consciousness of his own. He used Uta's ability to revive himself and destroy a country!

Now he is endowed with a soul by the soul soul fruit, which makes him reborn, becomes stronger, and becomes extremely cunning and intelligent in terms of intelligence, and he quickly figured out his current situation!

The song song fruit creates the world, the soul soul fruit empowers the soul from virtuality to reality, and the yellow spring fruit communicates with the underworld...

In the dream, he is omnipotent, because he created this world!

In this world, he is a god!

As his voice fell.

From the cracks shining with chaotic colors, things like spirit flames projected down, and the spirit flames kept swaying in front of the monster...

"Come back, deceased undead, in this dream world, reappear your former glory!" The monster laughed, controlling the dream, using Brook's Huangquan fruit to entice the underworld, and the soul of the deceased undead. The spirit body is summoned, and the dream transforms the spirit body from virtual to real!

So as to achieve an alternative resurrection!

The monster's double fruit ability broke out into a wild laugh: "I will give you a new life, a new title, seven sins!! You are the subordinates of the devil! Fight for me and destroy all enemies for me! Bring the whole world into it! My rule!!"

The next moment, the spiritual body that was originally just the flame of the soul suddenly changed, and seven figures emerged, with different heights and shapes, but one thing is that they are extremely powerful!

At the same time, the seven figures opened their eyes, and in the eyes, there was a cluster of soul flames beating!

"Huh? What's going on?" A man with a mustache looked at his hands.

"Well, where is this place?" A fat-looking woman twisted her neck.

"Jie Jie Jie, Navy? Karp? Sengoku?" A man covered in black mist shot at the audience, and finally looked in the direction of Navy.

"Jiehaha, isn't I dead? It's so interesting!" A man whose feet were sword blades and was suspended in mid-air touched his body.

"Pirate? Navy? Is there a war?" A figure was smoking a cigar, and his eyes were sweeping around.

"Guhaha, so many acquaintances..." A man in a cloak with a golden hook in his right hand looked around.

"Is the old man alive again?" A man in a cloak and holding an umbrella-shaped cane touched his face.

In the arena, as the sound came out, it attracted everyone's attention. Under the horrified gaze of almost everyone, the seven figures gradually solidified, and finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes...

"Then... that is?? How is this possible?"

"How could it be them?"

"One Piece, Gore D. Roger?"

"Four Emperor Charlotte Lingling!"

"Rox, the overlord of the sea!"

"Golden Lion Shiji!"

"Chi, Marshal Akainu?"

"Shichibukai. Sand Crocodile!?"

"Red Earl, Redfield..."

Everyone looked at the seven people in shock and rubbed their eyes. What's going on here?

How could these people appear here? ?

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