One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 353 The most dreadful guy is here!

In the outside world, Lu Qi had worn an earplug-like thing on his ear long ago to block all sounds. He looked at Uta and said coldly: "Is this your ability? Pull everyone into a dream world……"

"Huh? You are a member of the World Government?" Uta looked at Lu Qi from the outside world, frowned slightly, and snapped his fingers. The sound wave rushed towards Lu Qi, trying to pull him into the dream world, but Lu Qi But not hypnotized.

Lu Qi knew Uta's words through mouth movements, and he walked towards Uta step by step: "It's useless, I have studied your ability, as long as you block the sound, you won't be pulled in!"

Also at this time, several other figures rushed from another place, followed by other members of CP0, they surrounded Uta and approached step by step.

Their task this time is that the soul fruit is true, but through Uta's ability to use just now, they also noticed that Uta's ability is terrifying!

As long as anyone who hears her singing, as long as they don't have strong domineering, they will be absolutely irresistible!

Fortunately, they were prepared in advance, and after knowing Uta's ability, they closed their hearing.

He was not pulled into the dream world!

Regarding Uta's ability, Lu Qi is extremely vigilant at this time. If one is not handled well, it may cause great trouble to the World Government!

It might even destroy the entire world!

Uta was surrounded, and her brows were also wrinkled. If the singing cannot be heard, then... her ability will not work...

But at this moment, gunshots sounded in the distance, and a bullet wrapped in armed weapons hit Lu Qi!

"Huh?" Lu Qi paused, avoiding the attack of the bullets, and looked over there.

I saw over there, the people of the Red Hair Pirates came towards this side!

Domineering can be resisted, red-haired elites, although they also heard Uta's singing, but their domineering can release the ability of singing fruit.

Uta's ability is not enough to pull them into the dream world!

The red-haired man looked at Lu Qi coldly, his domineering aura was suppressed suddenly, and the sky seemed to be stirred up and became cloudy: "People from CP0?"

"Red-haired Shanks..." Lu Qi and the other CP0 members backed away, looking at the red-haired with serious faces.

Seeing their domineering fluctuate violently, Lu Qi calmly said: "Can you use domineering to resist the ability of Gegeguo?"

"Xiang...X...why..." After seeing the red hair, Uta was stunned for a moment, her inner feelings welled up, but she just stared blankly at the red hair and the group, pursing her lips and watching. Shanks.

"Long time no see, Uta, you've grown up!" The redhead ignored Lu Qi, but looked at Uta with a smile on his face.

"I finally saw you again... Shanks..." Uta smiled and looked at the red hair with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

The red hair showed a fatherly smile, and stretched out his right hand to Uta: "We, come to listen to your singing, sorry, it's late..."

Behind him, all the rest of the red-haired pirates also looked at Uta with a smile.

They watched Uta grow up, and they also treated Uta as their own daughter.

"Really? Come pick me up..." Uta didn't take the red-haired hand, but lowered his head, not looking directly into the red-haired eyes.

The red-haired frowned, as if he could see that something was wrong with Uta's situation at this time, but before he could speak, his knowledgeable color suddenly jumped, and he turned his head to look in one direction.

At the same time, the navy is also aware of the situation here. They were also affected by the ability of the singing fruit just now, but they are all veterans, so naturally they will not be easily recruited.

At this time, it has already arrived here.

However, those lieutenant generals who followed did not have this ability.

Without high-level domineering, it is the perception that cannot resist the hypnosis of the fruit of singing...

The people who came here were only three veterans, and one quasi-general Chafu!

"The red-haired pirates... that's CP0, and the world government has made arrangements..." Sengoku said in a low tone, looking at the field.

'Huh? Luffy, why is this brat here? ’ Karp also looked towards the field, and then stared at the straw hat group who fell near Uta with wide eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching...

Why is this bastard here? did he become unconscious there?

What a fool!

Garp thought with hatred, and looked at Uta: "Is it the singing just now?"

Regarding Uta, Garp has also heard from Luffy, and knows that she has a good relationship with Luffy...

I also know the relationship between Uta and red hair.

"Haven't the Katakuri Pirates and the Quincy come over yet?" Lieutenant General Crane also looked at the field and whispered.

The arrival of the navy naturally cannot escape the perception of other people here, and they all look over there.

"Navy...they didn't go to Wano Country, why did they come here?" The red hair also frowned. Didn't all the navy go to Wano Country to snatch ancient weapons at this time?

Is it also for the soul soul fruit? Or for Uta...

Over there, another group of people also rushed over here.

The members of the Katakuri Pirates headed by Katakuri also came here following the movement.

Those who can resist the ability of Gege Fruit are all strong.

Smoothie, Perospero, and the three captains of the former jailbreaker pirate group are all domineering and powerful, but they can barely resist the hypnosis of the song fruit!

Of course, Katakuri also contributed. His overlord look and knowledge look are both high-level. Using his powerful knowledge look, he also awakened the hypnotized Perospero.

"The red-haired pirates, CP0, the navy, is it true that the world government has also taken action?" Smoothie looked at everyone in the field, and frowned slightly.

Perospero and the other three also looked solemn.

At this time, the three captains of the Prison Breakers Pirates have been implanted with other memories by Charlotte Brin using memory fruits. At this time, they are completely loyal to the Katakuri Pirates and will not reproduce other idea.

Now they are one of the generals of the Katakuri Pirates!

"It seems that it's not too late." Katakuri walked over, looking around, thinking to himself: "Has the Quincy arrived yet?" '

'Navy, CP0...' Katakuri turned his eyes around and looked at Uta: "Then... this lady, can you give me the soul soul fruit?"

"Katakuri..." On the navy side, Sengoku looked in the direction of Katakuri and the others, frowning.

However, Katakuri's arrival here did not surprise the navy. They had seen the red-haired and Katakuri's people land before.

It's just that they still have a headache, and there is another four emperors, and... there is an even more troublesome Quincy who has not come...

"It's getting more and more lively..." Kapununu said, but at this moment, he was thinking about how to save his stupid grandson...

"Katakuri, do you want to take action on my daughter?" The red-haired stared at Katakuri, his eyes turned cold.

"If the Soul Soul Fruit is in her hands, then... there is no choice but to go to war! Redhead, unless you ask your daughter to hand over the Soul Soul Fruit to me!" Katakuri looked at Red Hair without any fear.

The two four emperors looked at each other, and their domineering aura collided with each other!

However, at this moment, another more powerful domineering overlord color came down, and the three overlord colors collided and clashed with each other.

The disorderly overlord color hedged, causing the clouds in the sky to roll, and the purple-black lightning flashed even more!

The terrifying shock wave seemed to turn into substance, impacting everything on the island, causing the entire island to vibrate. On the music island, those rib-like buildings were also under the impact, with cracks appearing, as if they were about to break!

The sea water forms waves due to the impact, and beats it out!

After the three strands of domineering hedged, they dissipated at the same time. This was just a greeting!

But at this moment, the faces of all the people present became serious.

Because they know that the most dreaded guy... has arrived!

Calvin, it's a little late...

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