One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 347: The Man Who Controls the Universe!

"Commander of the New World of the Revolutionary Army, with a smile, those with the ability of gravity fruit..." The gravitational five old star looked at the smile who floated over the rock, and his face turned cold: "It seems that you are all out this time!"

The revolutionary army's raid was too fast, and there was no time for the world government to react.

At this time, Wu Laoxing radiated his knowledge and knowledge, only to realize that the entire holy land was in turmoil.

Several major commanders of the revolutionary army have appeared, fighting CP0 in the Holy Land!

"Although I don't see anything in my eyes, it's the first time I've seen this kind of filthy and evil atmosphere. The holy land of Mary Joa is really the most evil place I've seen in my life. It really makes me feel disgusted. ..." As soon as Xiaoxiao set foot on the holy land of Marie Gioia, she sensed that the place was filled with boundless filth.

The entire holy land of Mariejoa is full of mood swings of despair and fear, and these emotions emanate from those slaves!

Smile, who lost his eyes, has a keen sense of knowledge, and he knows that this place is the most evil and filthy place in the world!

"Gravity? It's just my inferior ability! Since you are all out, then, stay here!" The gravitational fruit, Wu Laoxing, snorted coldly, opened his five fingers towards the sky, and activated his ability, pulling a meteorite in space Come down, hit the two of them with a smile on Dorag!

"Ability doesn't care about strength, it depends on who is using it!" Yixiao sheathed his stick knife, and also used his ability to pull a meteorite down.


In mid-air, two meteorites collided together, the flames exploded, and there was a loud noise, the two meteorites exploded at the same time, and a shock wave came down from the sky!

"Evil ghost, one cut!" The sword of the great swordsman on Wulaoxing with the knife soared into the sky, and there seemed to be an evil ghost behind him, and a blood-red slash rushed towards Duorag!

"Air cannon!" The five old stars of air ability clasped their hands together, the air was squeezed together by him, and the condensed air shock wave rushed towards Drago.

The battle is on again!

"Wind Dragon Claw!" Dorag yelled softly, his right hand was clawed, and he grabbed it in the void. The storm condensed in his palm, and the wind blade cut out like a sharp claw.


Attacking and colliding, a terrifying sound wave erupted, and the air wave rolled over and over again, impacting all around!

All five of them possessed general-level combat strength. When they collided, the entire Holy Land trembled. The battle was extremely dangerous. You came and went, it was extremely fierce, and if you were not careful, you would die!

On the other side, Sabo searched furtively in the Holy Land, and finally came to a huge solemn door.

This room is exactly the room where the Void Throne is located, and it is also located in the deepest part of Pangu City, where Im sleeps!

At this time, on the throne, Im opened his eyes, as if he had sensed something, looked towards the direction of Wano Country, and whispered in his mouth: "Has another light awakened?"

Im got up, walked to a small door next to him, opened the door and walked in, and entered among the flowers. Im came to a square table, looked at a map laid out on the table, and looked at the markings and on the map of China: "This time, is it Pluto?"

"The lineage of the guardians...inheritance recorder, it's time to get rid of it..." An indifferent voice sounded among the flowers, and Im picked up a paintbrush...

And outside, looking at the huge door, Sabo took a deep breath and pushed the door open!

After pushing open the door, a strange scent of flowers came into Sabo's nose, which shocked him, and then he looked into the room vigilantly.

As far as the eye can see, it is a huge throne!

When Sabo saw this throne, for some reason, Sabo’s heart shook suddenly. Drago’s guess was correct. In the world government, there may be a person who is above the five old stars. This person is the real leader of the world government. rulers!

The throne represents the supremacy of the world government!

He is also the king of this world that Master Quenching once said!

Sabo walked in. Behind the Void Throne, there was a quaint little door, which was open at this moment.

Approaching cautiously, Sabo looked inside, and saw a man wearing a four-fingered crown and a cloak, whose face and gender could not be seen clearly, standing in front of a table...

He was holding a writing brush in his hand, and was pointing to the location of Wano Country on the map, but at this moment, the man wearing the crown suddenly stopped and turned to look at Sabo at the door. There was no slight emotional change in his eyes.

Stared by this man's eyes, Sabo's whole body seemed to be stared at by some terrifying beast, his whole body was frozen in place, only his eyeballs could move, and his limbs seemed to be fixed in place by something!

This feeling caused cold sweat to 'swipe' off Sabo's forehead, and he said with difficulty: " real master of the world government?"

"Revolutionary Army?" Im looked at Sabo, without too much expression fluctuation on his face, did not answer Sabo's words, his knowledge and knowledge radiated through the door, and an indifferent and emotionless voice came out: "Oh? He actually killed Mary in the Holy Land Joya?"

This building seems to be able to block the perception of the color of knowledge. If the door is not pushed open, the color of knowledge cannot penetrate or spread out at all.

"People from that family?" Im glanced at Dorag, as if he had sensed something, and his tone paused: "Joyboy..."

"Hmph! How bold!" Im's god-like pupils fluctuated, and he snorted coldly.

Outside, for some reason, the sky was covered with thicker clouds, and terrifying lightning bolts rolled down. The terrifying domineering look seemed to be able to suppress everything, and the entire Marie Gioia was suppressed!

Together with Duo LaGe and Wu LaoXing, who were fighting, they all felt this domineering arrogance, and their hearts trembled suddenly!

"This is... Overlord's look?" Drago's face was extremely serious. He had never seen such a level of overlord's look before, and he couldn't even think of resisting...

The domineering look in his body also seemed to be suppressed tightly...

Even at this moment, it is extremely difficult to use domineering, domineering, ability seems to have lost its effect...

But Wu Laoxing's complexion changed, and only Im was able to release such a powerful and domineering look!

"Is Master Im awake? Someone found that room?" Wu Laoxing with the knife seemed to realize something, and his face changed wildly.

"Damn it, someone sneaked in!"

"They must be stopped, and this news cannot be revealed!"

The faces of the other five old stars also changed, they realized the seriousness of the matter!

‘Is this the purpose of the Revolutionary Army? '

Several five old stars thought of this at the same time, and their faces became extremely gloomy.

Im is their king, the hole card of the world government, and no one should know about it!

Immortality, but it is more attractive than the Great Secret Treasure...

Countless people will want to know how to live forever, and even point the finger at the world government!

Together with the royal families of those allied countries, they will also want to find out this news. Changsheng, there is no one in power who does not yearn for it!

That's why the world government will completely erase this kind of thing, together with the past hundred years of history!

Just when everyone was shocked by this terrifying domineering look.

Immediately afterwards, countless celestial phenomena emerged-tornadoes raging and rolling, ground fires erupted like volcanoes, thunder fell like rain, aurora tore the sky, blizzards poured down and low temperature shrouded, the earth trembled and ruptured...

The whole world seemed to come alive at this moment, and countless strange celestial phenomena began to emerge, shocking everyone's minds!

A series of celestial phenomena appearing in the same place at the same time...

This is, natural power, but also personal power!

Im, the master of the world, the one who controls the world's celestial phenomena!

As soon as the attack was made, all the members of the revolutionary army were captured...

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