One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 314 Actions of all parties

A few days later, the news has spread all over the world...

Countless people know what happened in Chambord Islands!

After all, it involves the Navy, Supernova, Fire Fist Ace, Quincy, Nightblade and other figures who play an important role in the sea...

Caused by a Piao Piao fruit, it is an event that can be regarded as a top war!

It's just that things didn't make a big fuss. The war between the navy and the Quincy Division ended hastily with Ye Ren's involvement...

However, those supernovae who were called the extremely evil era in the first half should have suffered a severe blow before they entered the new world.


The three supernovas, Captain Skulachman Arp of the Radio Pirates, Edward Newgate of Whitebeard II, and Capone Becky, captain of the Flame Tank Pirates, were all captured by the Navy and completely lost. their news...

The rest of the supernovas who were attacked may have been lucky or had relatively strong means. During that battle, they were not captured by the navy, and some of them had already passed the fishman island, entered the new world, and started a new life. adventure……


The big forces in the new world knew about this incident, but they didn't take any action.

The Four Emperors are still sticking to their positions, and there is no action on the surface, but they don't know what they are preparing secretly, in order to cope with the general trend in the future...


And the protagonist group Luffy and others, after seeing the real strong, also want to become stronger, in order to be able to deal with those strong in the future.

After learning about this, Lei Li proposed to the Straw Hats to let them learn domineering from him...

Luffy discussed it with other partners, and they all agreed to suspend the trip for half a year, and wait for half a year before continuing to start a new trip!

With Lei Li's guidance, they can master the ability of domineering faster!

When facing Enilo, except for Luffy, they were defeated without even a little resistance...

But most of the powerhouses in the new world have two-color domineering!

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, the three main forces followed Rayleigh to an uninhabited island in the windless belt to learn domineering.

Robin and Nami were originally studying with Xia Qi, but when they were still in the Chambord Islands, Sabo and Kerla came to them.

After the two brothers recognized each other, Sabo proposed to Luffy that he wanted Robin to let Robin help their revolutionary army.

This time, Robin knew the relationship between the Revolutionary Army and Luffy and the others, and did not refuse. After all, they had decided to suspend sailing for half a year, so Robin would go to the Revolutionary Army for the next six months.

Franky got a pacifist, and he also stationed on the 13th island to study the technology of the pacifist!

Like Chopper, Usopp is on an uninhabited island like Luffy. That island not only has powerful creatures, but also special plants and medicines.

Usopp studied the shells on the empty island and used them to refit his weapons, and Chopper studied the medicines that he had never seen on the island to improve his medical skills!

And Brook was also on the uninhabited island at the beginning, but left halfway, he wanted to meet the recently famous singer Uta, he is a fan of Uta...


Because after the Chambord incident, the supernova entered the new world, and it also made a big move!

After the Kidd Pirates entered the new world, they also experienced various dangers along the way. They defeated several pirates with higher rewards than Kidd. The reward amount has been increased, and their strength and influence have also increased. Two-color domineering, with a few little brother pirates under his hands!

However, during a certain voyage, he was found by the Beasts Pirates, and the leader was none other than Drought Jack, one of the three disasters!

The Hundred Beasts Pirates have been attacking those pirates who have just entered the new world during this time, with extremely cruel methods, either surrender or die.

With Kidd's pride, it is naturally impossible to surrender, and a conflict broke out between the two sides in an instant!

Kidd couldn't be defeated with the power of the three disasters. The two sides fought back and forth, and finally retreated from each other!

However, the follow-up did not end. Beast Kaido turned into a dragon and fought again with all members of the Kidd Pirates. In the end, the Kidd Pirates retreated and Captain Kidd broke his arm and escaped!

Except for Kidd, everyone else was captured by Kaido...


On the other side, a natural fruit ability user named Enilo parachuted into the new world, and showed great combat power, easily defeating a pirate group with a bounty of more than 500 million Baileys!

On that day, the thundercloud condensed into a ball and fell in the air, annihilating the pirate group in an instant!

So far, Enilo has made a name for himself in the New World, calling himself "Thor"!

Moreover, in a certain battle, a conflict broke out with the strange monk Urki, one of the supernovas who escaped the pursuit of the navy and entered the new world. The specific reason for the conflict is unknown.

Afterwards, the strange monk Urgi joined Enilo, became the second in command of Enilo, and established the Thor Pirates!

Later, for some unknown reason, the Thunder God Pirates chose to attack the Hive Island where Wang Zhi was located. The battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the Thunder God Pirates won, occupied the Hive Island, and became the new owner of the Hive Island. !

For a time, the Thunder God Pirates became famous and spread all over the world!

Its captain, Thunder God Enilo, offered a bounty of 700 million Baileys!

Vice-captain, strange monk Urgi, offers a bounty of 400 million Baileys!


Barrett, the descendant of the devil, has also been active during this period. Since occupying an island as a stronghold, many people have joined his power in admiration.

Barrett has been looking for ancient weapons since he knew that there are ancient weapons in this world, and his purpose is very clear. It is one of the ancient weapons, Pluto, known as the worst battleship!

He used to be a member of the Roger Pirates. He was no stranger to ancient weapons, but he always regarded them as legends. How could there be such things in the world?

Later, it was because the news of Neptune spread, and the ability to summon Neptunes could not be faked, and according to gossip, the World Government was also looking for the whereabouts of ancient weapons...

All these evidences show that the three ancient weapons do exist!

Moreover, there is already an ancient weapon in the hands of the Quincy, this is the most convincing news!

It is also because of Neptune that the world government is so afraid of the Quincy...

Ambition, Barrett has a very strong ambition. He doesn't care about the big secret treasure. He is a member of Roger's ship. Although he is not satisfied with that secret, he still knows something about it!

His ambition is to become the strongest in the world, surpassing Roger and anyone else!

And the one who can best use his fruit ability is Pluto, the king of the underworld!

If he can fuse with Pluto, the evil battleship Pluto, then... Who else is his opponent in the world?

Just owning the Neptune's Quincy can already make the world government so fearful. Then, if I integrate Pluto with Pluto and exert the full power of Pluto, the whole world will surrender at my feet!

What world government, what navy, Quincy, Nightblade, Whitebeard, these people can't be their opponents!

But this time, he did not know where he got some news, saying that the Hive Island might be hiding information about the whereabouts of ancient weapons...

He naturally attaches great importance to the news about ancient weapons, and has already gone to the past to investigate clearly, but it is basically false information, which was lied by some bounty hunters in order to defraud the rewards.

Facing this kind of people who dared to deceive him, Barrett didn't hold back, and sent them to see Huang Quan...

Barrett looked in one direction, grinning at the corner of his mouth, revealing an evil arc: "Hive Island? Thor... Enel, hehe, let's meet this guy who calls himself Thor!"

Kawen stuck to death, the more difficult it is to write at the end, it has entered the late stage, it is estimated that there will be no new world, after the pirates are finished, the book will be over, the specific length is not very clear, but it should not It will exceed 1.5 million words! Going to review the outline... I'm not sure if I still have it tonight, if not, I will make it up tomorrow, sorry...

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