One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 307 Thunder Dragon Covers Shampoo Land!


Faced with this question, none of the three generals responded.

Declare war with Wang Xu Palace?

This is no joke!

They can't make up their minds yet!

The current navy is absolutely capable of destroying a force of the Four Emperors, but whether it is worth it is still a question.

You must know that Wang Xu Palace is in the New World, if their navy wants to take action against Wang Xu Palace, they need to gather all their troops and break into the New World.

If the navy does not go all out, it is impossible to destroy Wang Xu Palace!

The geographical location is simply not suitable for the navy to launch a general offensive.

Declaring war is just a joke. At most, it will be a joke and a small-scale conflict will break out.

The two sides are separated by the Red Earth Continent, so it is too troublesome to fight...

Just mobilizing the navy's troops is enough for them to eat a pot...

The new world is not so easy to break through, there are four emperors and one king watching!

And there is still the world government suppressing it, and I don't know why the world government is so afraid of the Quincy, and even gave orders not to provoke the Quincy.

The reason why the original book was able to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates was because they took the initiative and set the battle location at the Navy Headquarters. If the battle location is in the New World and both sides are in the same position, then it is really hard to say what the ending will be... …

"That's a lot of nonsense. As long as you, the controller, are killed here, your Royal Palace will be destroyed without our hands!" The green cow snorted coldly, opened his five fingers, turned into tree roots, and stretched out suddenly , stabbing towards Yunye.

Although the body has been transformed, the ability of the devil fruit still exists, and the ability will not be disabled due to the transformation.

After all, ability resides on the soul!

"Oh, why did General Green Bull do it?" Huang Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Green Bull. He could see some changes in the character of Green Bull after it was transformed.

He became even more decisive in killing, making him seem to see another red dog...

"We can only do it! Although the World Government has said not to attack Quincy rashly, but if we let Quincy leave at this time, our navy will be laughed at!" Jinjin Piluo looked at Yun Ye.

The navy has been hit one after another during this time, Yeren Zefa left, and the navy headquarters has been hit hard.

If the world knows that they dare not attack Quincy again, then the navy will lose all face!

The prestige of the navy has also completely fallen to the bottom!

Slashing with a sword, the majestic slash swept across, cutting along the ground, and slashed back towards Yunye!

"That's the only way..." Huang Yuan didn't want to fight against Quincy, but the other two generals did.

He is also not good at fishing.

Move the golden light between your fingers, and a laser beam shoots out!

The three generals shot at the same time, and the momentum was extremely shocking!

"My lord, let me help you block one person!" Ye Qi stepped forward.

But it was interrupted by Yun Ye waving his hand: "No need, I will solve it myself!"

Ye Qi nodded and retreated, she firmly believed in the strength of her lord, even if there were three generals, they would not pose a threat to him!

Yunye faced the attack of the three generals, and the overlord's face enveloped the three people in front with a 'boom'. Facing this overlord's face, Tao Tu and Huang Yuan were both very calm. This kind of overlord's face...

The green bull was wiped out because of his emotions, but nothing could be seen on his face.

Yunye looked at the three generals and sneered: "Actually, I really want to know, was Yeren once stopped by you when he killed the red dog?"

"Did he overwhelm all the high-level navy and kill the red dog alone! I'm curious, can you tell me? Ye Ren...his strength!" Yun Ye laughed, and thunder surged behind him, The Taigu Gouyu seemed to contain the ruthless power of thunder, and thick lightning bolts shot out, bombarding the ground, buildings, and the mangrove trees in the distance, leaving a hole in them!

"The ninety-nine of breaking the way. The five dragons will be destroyed!" Following Yun Ye's voice, there was a 'boom', and the five thunder dragons rose against the wind, majestic and majestic, and a terrifying aura erupted from Yun Ye.

The five dragons stretched their teeth and danced their claws, each of which was comparable to an archivine mangrove tree. When it turned slightly, its breath oscillated, causing all the bubbles in the entire shampoo field to start to burst!

The pressure of the five dragons seemed to cover the entire Chambord Islands. Countless people looked up and saw this terrifying scene!

"This kind of momentum..." Kidd looked over there, his eyes became extraordinarily dignified.

"Hehe, it's really curious, what happened over there?" Luo also looked up at Island No. 7 with a solemn tone.

They teamed up to defeat a pacifist. Before they could catch their breath, they saw the movement from over there!

"The person who can unleash such an attack is definitely not a small person, but it makes me curious. No, I have to go and have a look!" Kidd's eyes flashed with heat. He wants to see someone who can emit such an aura. one time!

"Hehe...then let's go and have a look!" Luo hugged the ghost and cried, also heading towards the seventh island!

"Huh?" Ace paused, looked up, and thought to himself: 'Is this his strength? So strong! '

Luffy and his group followed Rayleigh to Island 13, but they all stopped and looked at Island 7 as they walked.

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes and said, "Sure enough, there was still a fight..."

"Is it the battle between the Quincy and the Admiral?" Nami also saw the five brontosaurus baring their teeth and claws. Even at such a distance, they seemed to be stared at by something, and their hair stood on end!

Lei Li said: "With his strength, it is estimated that he can fight against three generals alone!"

"So powerful?" Sanji's face flashed with surprise.

Sauron was also silent. He narrowed his eyes and said seriously: "Faced with such a scene, how can I not watch it? I want to know the gap between myself and them!"

Lu Fei also pondered for a moment, and he said to the rest of his partners: "You and Uncle Rayleigh go there first, I want to go and see too..."

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said, "How can I be missing in such a scene?"

Lei Li looked at the three of them and smiled slightly: "Such a scene is indeed rare, so it's good to go and see it, go and see, the battle of the top powerhouses in the sea!"

The three nodded and headed towards Island No. 7.


Before the attack of the three generals came, Yun Ye's five dragons had been turned and destroyed, and the momentum overwhelmed the entire Shampoo Land!

"Go!" Yun Ye grinned sneeringly, pointed to the front, and five thunder dragons roared out, majestic, like a world-destroying dragon!

With a 'boom', the attack of the three generals collided with the thunder dragon, and they were directly crushed and smashed almost without the slightest resistance!

The Thunder Dragon's momentum continued unabated, and it suddenly attacked!

"Hey, hey, this is not a joke! Let's be serious... Bachi Qiong Gouyu!" Huang Yuan has seen this move before, and knows the horror of this move, his face turned solemn, his hands crossed, and endless light bullets spread Come out, collide with brontosaurus one after another!

"Tianyixin Swordsmanship: Draw the Sword and Slash!" Taotu's eyes jumped wildly. She also sensed the danger coming.

The sword body and the scabbard rubbed to accumulate strength, and then exploded violently!

A golden slash about a kilometer long pierced through, as if it could cut through everything in front of it!

"Everything!" The green bull pressed the ground with both hands, and his fingers turned into vines and plunged into the ground. The ability was activated, and it seemed like a terrifying beast appeared in the ground. The ground churned, trees rose from the ground, and the vines twisted and rolled like a wave. Generally rush forward!

‘Boom boom boom! '

Several people attacked and collided with each other, and the violent vigor shook all directions, and a wave of terrifying shocks was transmitted, almost shaking the entire island!

The ground broke, and the huge mangrove tree was crumbling, as if it was about to fall!

The shock wave rolls the sea water, forming a wave and rushing out!

In the field, a doomsday scene!

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