One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 299 Supernovas Gather in Chambord

In the waters near the Chambord Islands, the boats of Weibull and Miss Barkin are approaching the Chambord Islands.

On the boat, Miss Bajin's old face was a little gloomy, and she slammed her crutches on the deck, saying angrily, "That crazy woman is really lingering, she has been chasing us for so long, and she still doesn't intend to give up?"

When they were in the Devil's Triangle sea area, they were hunted down by Ye Qi and others, and even now they have no intention of giving up!

Miss Ba Jin was extremely angry, her current public title was Whitebeard's wife, the Quincy people were too disrespectful, even Whitebeard's face was not given to her!

But she also knows that if the Piao Piao fruit is still in her hands, then Black Rose Ye Qi will not give up!

If he had known earlier, he would have killed all those pirates, so that the fact that Piao Piao Guo was in his hands would not be exposed!

Damn it!

Miss Bajin squinted her eyes, planning in her heart, asking her to give up Piao Piao Fruit to others, she was a little unwilling, this was what she snatched, how could it be easily handed over, and Piao Piao Fruit is also an extremely Strong ability, great use.

‘Should I let my stupid son eat it? In this way, maybe we can use the ability of fluttering fruit to escape easily..." Miss Barkin hesitated in her heart, she didn't want Weibull to eat the devil fruit, because this guy is like a guy without a brain , often doing some stupid things.

If after eating a devil fruit and becoming a landlubber, I don't know when I will take her to jump into the ocean...

In this way, both of them will probably die in the sea...

Miss Bajin is not a Devil Fruit user, but she can't swim...

And the plan in her heart is to let Weibull eat the shocking fruit of Whitebeard, so that Weibull is Whitebeard's son can be confirmed!


You said that Whitebeard is not dead yet? Is the Zhenzhen fruit still in Whitebeard's body?

These are not problems at all, Whitebeard is old and will die sooner or later, so she will have a chance to get the Zhenzhen Fruit...

Her goal is to turn Weibull into Whitebeard II and become famous all over the world, so she can sit back and enjoy it!

As for what the process is, how difficult it is, and having my own stupid son, it's not a problem!

"Mom, you're right, she's really chasing after her!" Weibull gave a smirk, and turned his head to look behind, where Ye Qi's boat was also chasing after him!

"Idiot, don't you still understand what's going on?" Miss Bajin slapped Weibull's thigh, laughing angrily at the idiot.

"What's the situation? Didn't the beautiful big sister come after me? Mom, when will you give that devil fruit to the pretty big sister? I want her to be my wife." Weibull still smiled stupidly, like A stunted idiot...

"..." Miss Bajin was silent for a while, not wanting to speak anymore.

At this time, a slash struck and slashed towards their boat.

But it was easily resolved by Weibull.

The strong wind caused the waves to surge, and the boat was shaken by wind and rain.

Miss Bajin managed to hold the boat steady and shouted, "Go to the island first!"

"Oh!" Weibull did not refuse his mother's order, picked up Miss Bajin and made a vertical leap, discarded the boat and rushed directly towards the Chambord Islands.

'There is a navy stationed on the island, facing an enemy like Wang Xudian Ten Blades, you should not sit idly by and let them bite the dog! ’ Miss Bajin thought in her heart.

Yes, that's why she came to the Chambord Islands.

Now the Chambord Islands are tightly controlled by the navy. If the Chambord Islands were not a transit point to the New World, pirates would hardly dare to go here.

There are too many deployments of the navy here, and the risk factor is much higher than before!

But it is also because of this that Miss Bajin wants to come here to try her luck. It is best to mobilize the war between the navy and the black rose, so she can take the opportunity to escape!

Ye Qi's group, who were chasing behind, squinted their eyes after seeing Weibull abandon the ship and go to the Chambord Islands, vaguely guessing Miss Bajin's thoughts, and she said lightly: "Catch up!"

"Yes!" Some of his men responded, the boat docked, and Ye Qi, A Lun and his party also chased after it.

"If you can't run away, hand over the Piao Piao fruit!" Ye Qi slashed the dagger in the air, and slashed out in the air, forcing Weibull to stop his advance.

Yeqi was deployed on the Chambord Islands. Before she landed, she had mobilized the island's troops through the phone bug and approached Island No. 7.

Now large and small shipyards are firmly controlled by the navy. Those pirates who want to land on the island need to stop at the only remaining illegal island, and there is no place to park their ships...

Ye Qi also abandoned his boat and chased after it.

As soon as Weibull and Yeqi set foot on the Chambord Islands, they were discovered by the navy.

After seeing Weibull and Yeqi, the navy on the island jumped in their hearts.

In the monitoring room, a red light suddenly sounded. After seeing Weibull, one of the marines couldn't help exclaiming: "That face is the supernova Edward Weibull with a bounty of 350 million!"

"What? Another supernova? What's going on recently, several supernovas have come over!"

"Are they going to form a group to go to the new world? It's a good deal?"

"The other person... hiss, it's the ten blades of Wang Xu Palace in the New World, the black rose Yeqi!" The other person saw Yeqi on the screen and couldn't help but gasp!

"What? Why did the Quincy's ten-bladed black rose appear here?"

"I seem to have read the newspaper. It seems that Black Rose Yeqi has indeed come to the first half. Does she also want to return to the new world?"

"No, she's chasing down one of the supernovas, Edward Weible!"

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly notify the headquarters and let them come for reinforcements! We can't solve them!"

The navy in the monitoring room started to act and passed the news to Aokiji.

Aokiji knew about it a long time ago, but just asked them to be alert to the situation over there at any time, and hung up the phone after reporting at any time.

On the other side, Momotu took advantage of the special circulation of the navy and had already arrived at the Chambord Islands at this time. Without too much hesitation, he directly led his men towards Ye Qi's position.

At the same time, the Navy's scientific unit also arrived.

A dozen pacifists led by Senmomaru had arrived at this time and were heading towards Island 7 at the same time.

Zhan Taowan glanced at the news, and couldn't help curling his lips and said: "The island seems a bit uneasy, there are so many pirates... This mission is a bit difficult, except for the black rose night seven, there are actually so many pirates on the island. How many more supernovae? Supernova clusters?"

When he arrived, the navy on the island had informed him about the island.

Knowing that there are several other supernovas of the extremely evil era on the Chambord Islands now!

These supernovas, as if they had been decided, came together in a group...

After thinking about it, Zhan Taowan took out the phone bug and dialed it. When the phone bug connected, he said, "Hey, old man, where are you now? You haven't forgotten your mission, right?"

"Oh, it's Zhan Taowan, I'm sorry, I overslept..." The person over there was none other than Huang Yuan.

He yawned and said, "What's the situation now, has the battle already started?"

Zhan Taowan was speechless for a while: "Grandpa, you have to tell when you want to sleep. Now I have arrived at the Chambord Islands with a dozen pacifists, but after coming here, I found that there are still hidden secrets on the island. A few pirates, now I can't decide to pay attention, should I do something to them?"

"Supernova? Isn't this mission for Piao Piao Guo?" Huang Yuan said listlessly.

"When we see the pirates, we have to take action, right? Moreover, General Momotu has already gone to the Ten Blades Black Rose. If the Quincy doesn't show up, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

"Hey, don't say such scary things... I don't want to face Quincy again." On the other side, Huang Yuan couldn't help scratching his head while holding the phone bug. If Quincy appeared, it would be a little troublesome .

"Don't worry, there is no Quincy, but there are quite a lot of little mice, do you want to report to Marshal Aokiji?" Zhan Taowan asked.

"Forget it, after all, I am also the commander-in-chief of the scientific army. To ensure the safety of the pacifists, the cost of this thing is not cheap. If it is destroyed, my salary will be deducted... Those little mice let me Come on, who is the specific one?" Huang Yuan said lazily.

"Well, let me see, there are a few supernovas of the extremely evil era, hey, wait a minute, there is new information..." Zhan Taowan received a new piece of information, and he said in surprise: "Straw hat boy Hai The thieves have also arrived, uh, and Whitebeard's second division captain, Fire Fist Ace..."

"Straw Hat Boy? Fire Fist Ace? Don't lie to me!" Huang Yuan's tone became serious.

As a general, he is very clear about the information about Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace.

The Straw Hat Kid is Garp's grandson and Dorag's son, and the relationship between the Straw Hat Kid and Fire Fist is sworn brothers...

"I didn't lie to you. This is the news from the intelligence department just now. Fire Fist Ace appeared. You should also know his blood. Do you want to act?" Zhan Taowan said.

Huang Yuan had a headache, touched his nose and said, "Don't act rashly, I will explain the situation to Qingzhi."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Yuan scratched his head and slandered: "The Straw Hat Boy, Fire Fist Ace, are two tricky guys..."

Before the yellow monkey passed the information to Aokiji, Aokiji's call came.

Huang Yuan picked it up, and there was a call from Qingzhi: "Yu Yuan, where are you now?"

Huang Yuan said weakly: "It's close to the Chambord Islands..."

Aokiji said: "Well, now there is information that the Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace are also in the Chambord Islands. I need you to go there."

As the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the people below will naturally pass the information to him immediately, and he has a clear picture of what happened in the Chambord Islands.

Huang Yuan said: "How to do it?"

"You should know what kind of background the Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace have. You must catch them and not let them continue to grow!"

"Lieutenant General Garp..."

"I'll handle it here, you just need to catch those two."

"Okay..." Hanging up the phone, Huang Yuan had a terrible headache and was difficult to deal with...

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