One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 175 Demotion and the Unlucky Hawkins

Seeing that Zhan Guo and others stopped the two people in the field, all the navy on the periphery breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Warring States Marshals are finally here."

"Do you know what happened? Why did Admiral Akainu fight with Lieutenant Admiral Night Blade?"

"I don't know, it should be related to Qi Wuhai, right?"

"The one who fell on the ground over there? Is it the newly joined Shichibukai Deceiver Carmenio?"

"Dead? Dead? Did Lieutenant General Nightblade do it?"

"Hiss... I probably know what's going on..."

These navies started talking, and some of them had already guessed the cause of the incident.

For the Qiwuhai, the fraudster, there is no one in their navy who does not hate it. After all, they are people who step on Zefa's position.

It's just that they didn't expect Lieutenant General Nightblade to be so tough and kill him directly?

What a relief!

But they soon began to worry about Yun Ye.

Killing Shichibukai designated by the world government here in the Navy Headquarters, and clashing with Admiral Akainu, this is not something that can be easily resolved...


"Cut, it seems that I can't watch a good show." Crocodile couldn't help but cut when he saw the navy coming.

He knew that after Zhan Guo and others arrived, this good show would not last.

He also wants to see who is stronger and who is weaker between the two, who is stronger and who is weaker in the collision of ice and magma?

"Hey hee hee... It's a pity." Moriah also said.

Rarely, Jinbe also opened his mouth: "Lieutenant General Yabani? I didn't expect to have the ability to fight against Akainu. The navy is really scary!"

He has been watching from the beginning, saying that the murloc's wrist strength is ten times that of a human's, but as far as he knows, few of the world's top powerhouses belong to the murloc family!

And the strength of these humans is simply terrifying to the extreme, any one of them can destroy their Fishman Island!

He couldn't help but think of what the Quincy had warned Princess Otohime to relocate all the murmermen to land rashly, which would only speed up their demise!

There is some truth to this statement!

"Heh is indeed a monster, the full of talents!" Doflamingo also laughed.

The pressure brought by the two people in the field was no weaker than the strong ones he had come into contact with!

They are all strong on the world's highest stage!

Compared with them, there is still a certain gap between myself and them!

"One of Qi Wuhai died, it seems that this meeting can't go on." Hawkeye glanced over there, and finally looked at Yun Ye, chuckled, turned and left.

Now the navy should not have too much thought to pay attention to them, and with the death of Shichibukai, this meeting is meaningless, so he doesn't want to stay here to waste time!

"I'm tired of Aijia too. If the navy asked us to come here just to amuse us, then...the Shichibukai is not right!" Boya Hancock's beautiful face snorted coldly, letting the pet snake under her feet lead her away .

The rest of the people looked at each other, smiled, turned around and left.

There's no point in staying here anymore!

Moreover, they don't care about the expression of the navy, they go their own way, and they leave without even saying hello...


Naturally, the navy also saw their actions, but the Warring States just glanced at them and ignored them.

These people are rebellious existences, and it is impossible for me to restrict their actions.

Now the more important thing is how to deal with this matter...

After all, Yeren is the hero who defeated Kaido, and he is not weak. He is also optimistic about Yeren, and he is also Zefa's disciple. How should he deal with it...

Thinking of this, Warring States felt a headache.

fucked up...

The Warring States returned to its original state and fell to the ground. Looking at the two with a gloomy face, he said coldly, "Don't you guys know what this place is? There's such a big commotion?"

"Hmph!" Akaken just snorted coldly and didn't answer.

Zhan Guo looked at Yun Ye with a gloomy expression, "Lieutenant General Ye Ren, do you know what you have done?"

And Yun Ye bowed to Zhan Guo, and said indifferently: "Marshal Zhan Guo, everything that happened today is borne by me alone."

He also knew that he had gone too far this time, but if he did it again, he would still kill Carmenio!

Garp came out to smooth things over, and pouted, "Okay, Warring States, it's not a big deal, it's just that a damn guy died."

Warring States looked at Karp speechlessly, co-authoring is not for you to solve, you go and tell Wulaoxing, he said: "Then you go and tell Wulaoxing? What's the use of telling me?"

Karp scratched his head and smiled: "This... haha, who called you a marshal? I'm just a lieutenant general!"

Sengoku gave him a sideways glance, and wanted to speak, but then Akainu spoke.

Akakenu said: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, I think this matter needs to be dealt with seriously. Yaren ignored the discipline of the navy and contradicted his boss. He has already committed a serious crime. If it is not handled properly, it will only encourage such a trend in the future!"

Everyone looked at Akainu.

Akainu saw that Sengoku didn't want to punish Yunye severely, so he spoke at this time.

His words are well-founded, but he just doesn't want to turn this matter over!

At this moment, he was still suffocating in his heart!

Yun Ye looked at Chi Quan coldly, this time he didn't speak, the conflict between the two had already broken out, Chi Quan naturally couldn't make Yun Ye feel better!

And Yun Ye was also upset, if he dared to kill him, he would remember him!

Akainu's reason is very reasonable. After all, he violated the discipline first, and made mistakes first. There must be punishment, and it is a matter of severity.

"The old man asked Yun Ye to do this. If you have anything to do, come to me!" At this moment, Zefa, who was covered in bandages, came from a distance, followed by Yun Ye's acquaintance.

Ian, Tina, Smoker, Drake and others all came together.

At this time, they were looking at the field worriedly.

Zefa looked at everyone in the field.

He takes everything on himself, he is already a veteran, and he is not afraid of any punishment!

And Yun Ye did such a thing for him!

When everyone saw Zefa, they also came forward, and things got even more chaotic...

On the other side, several vice admirals also gathered together, discussing what happened this time.

Cage, who has been promoted to lieutenant general, said with emotion: "This guy Yeren is getting stronger and stronger, can't even General Akainu be able to suppress him? This progress speed is really too fast!"

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said, "I remember he was trained under your subordinates, right?"

Cage chuckled: "Speaking of which, he should be considered a soldier I brought out!"

The flying squirrel was speechless: "Don't put gold on your face."

"Don't you dare to say it?" Cage was proud, but still a little worried: "But this time, the Nightblade is a little troublesome..."

The flying squirrel is quite clear: "The Navy probably won't do anything with the Nightblade, but the World Government..."

"Hey, let's see, the Marshal of the Warring States Period should be able to handle it well, and Teacher Zefa has also passed by. It seems that the matter is not small."


Garp here smiled, and Zefa actually came, this old guy is still worried about Yun Ye!

But yes, Garp didn't expect Yunye to be so aggressive, and actually killed people directly...

"Zefa, don't you think things are not troublesome enough, you old man?" Zhan Guo took all the faults away when he saw Zefa open his mouth, and he was also furious.

Yun Ye wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zefa. Zefa looked at Zhan Guo and said slowly: "Zhan Guo, I told you that I asked Yun Ye to do this matter. What's the matter? Just come at me, and I will bear all the punishment!"

"Teacher Zefa, do you want to cover up the night blade?" Akaken looked at Zefa and asked in a cold voice.

"Sakaski, do I still need to report to you?" Zefa looked at Akainu and said lightly.

The relationship between the two is not harmonious, among the three generals, Qingzhi has a slightly better relationship with him.

The rest of the two have different ideas, but they didn't have much conflict, they just have a normal relationship.

Only now, he has completely broken up with Akainu!

Akainu took a deep breath, and he didn't speak this time.

Although Zefa has retreated to the second line, but in terms of status, he, a general, cannot hold down Zefa.

Besides, Zefa's prestige in the navy is still very high. Almost half of the current high-level navy officials were once his students...

Just look at this point, no one can shake Zefa's position in the navy!

"Okay, let's go to the conference room to discuss something. There are many little guys watching here." Lieutenant General He suddenly said lightly.

More and more navies gathered around, and they were all attracted by the movement here.

Zhan Guo looked around and said coldly, "What are you doing here? Don't you have a job? If not, run a hundred laps around the Navy headquarters!"

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, the surrounding navy immediately scattered like birds and beasts...

At this time, who would touch the eyebrows of the Warring States...

Sengoku looked at Aokiji and said, "Let all the high-level officials come to the meeting room."

This matter is not a trivial matter, and a high-level naval meeting needs to be opened!

The meeting went on for some time.

Except for the senior naval officers present, the rest did not know what happened in the meeting.


The Warring States passed everything that happened to the five old stars, and naturally a scolding was inevitable, and the Warring States could only endure it.

Who calls himself an admiral of the navy?


How good Marshal Kong used to be. Except for Karp, who is difficult to control, everyone else is not a thorn.

I don't think he is full of food due to his achievements now, he is the commander-in-chief of the three armies!

Why didn't he have such good luck?


Holy Land Marie Gioia, still the same room.

Five people sit or stand.

One of them slapped the table angrily, and said coldly: "The navy is getting more and more presumptuous, and dare to attack Qi Wuhai in public."

"The navy, it's time to take care of it!" one of them also said.

The five old stars with swords lowered their faces and said: "But this time, there are a lot of high-level naval officials involved. Even the old guy Zefa who retreated also came forward, and that guy Karp, it seems that he wants to keep the night. Blade!"

"Yeblade, is that navy that ate the newly appeared fruit of the form of death? The form of the human phantom beast? It seems that such a devil fruit has not appeared in hundreds of years."

"It should be a new one. There will always be new abilities in the sea. Up to now, we still don't know the origin of the devil fruit."

"Do you need to report this matter to Lord Im?"

"Don't disturb your lord, we can stabilize the situation now."

"Being able to defeat Kaido and compete with Akainu is a guy with good strength, and his background is clean. No wonder the navy will protect him."

"What should we do now? The navy's attitude is very firm. They just don't want us to hold him accountable."

"Karp and Zefa have both come forward. With the prestige of those two guys in the navy, things are a bit troublesome."

"Hmph! But it looks like it should be a thorn, and dare to disobey our orders."

"Demotion? The navy has a good idea!"

"That fraudster is really useless. It seems that defeating Zefa is a bit untrue."

"After this incident, it will be more troublesome to choose Qiwuhai's quota, so let's take it easy..."

"Haven't the revolutionary army found any clues yet? The members of that family are really more difficult to deal with than one!"

"The D family? After defeating Rocks, Garp should have noticed something..."

"Compared to Nightblade, members of their family are more troublesome. Unfortunately, his reputation in the navy is too high, and even we are a little bit wary."

"How is the situation in the New World?"

"The Quincy hasn't moved for a while, so it looks like he's injured too."


The nightblade incident was just a small episode for them. Although they were equally angry that a navy dared to disobey their orders, Garp and Zefa both stepped forward to protect them.

Unless they make up their minds to rectify the entire navy, otherwise this matter can only be done.

However, Qi Wuhai may need to slow down in this regard.

Fortunately, there is chaos again in the new world, Kaido's arrest, Big Mom's defeat, and the new world is in turmoil again, so there is no need to worry so much about the establishment of Qi Wuhai.

Not even as great a threat to them as the Revolutionary Army.

The thinking of that organization is not allowed by them!

But the revolutionary army is like a bedbug, hiding extremely deeply, even though their CP people have been looking for it, but they have never found a trace...


Things came to an end.

Yun Ye was demoted from lieutenant general to major general.

There are many acquaintances who feel sorry for Yun Ye.

And it seems that his military rank should not be promoted again in the next period of time.

For ordinary navies, this can be said to be a major event in which the sky has fallen!

But to Yunye, military rank is irrelevant.

As long as his strength improves, generals and marshals are the same to him.

He even felt that this punishment was a bit light.

But he also knew that this should be the result of the appearance of Zefa and Garp.

The prestige of these two people in the navy is not a joke, even the world government will be jealous of them.

One is the naval hero who defeated Lockes, and the other is the teacher of most of the navy.

As long as one of them makes trouble, there will be turmoil on the navy side.

Wu Laoxing also knew this, so he let go of this matter and stopped pursuing Yun Ye's matter.

The reason for the demotion was for the Warring States Period to show other navies.

If there is no penalty at all, in the future, anyone can contradict the boss and fight in the navy headquarters!

After Yun Ye was demoted, he stayed in the training camp all the time, and his high-level armed color hadn't been fully cultivated yet.

It's time to relax...

So far, this matter has also been qualitative...

Not even news spread across the seas.

A news was also published in the newspaper that the former Shichibukai fraudster was killed by a group of pirates on his way to the Navy headquarters...

The World Government also let a group of unlucky pirates take the blame, and that pirate group is... the Hawkins Pirates! !

The Hawkins Pirates happened to have a conflict with the Navy during that time, and by coincidence, they appeared in that sea area, and stayed on the same island with Carmenio...

It can be regarded as a strong man.

The bounty of its captain, Basil Hawkins, jumped to 300 million bounties...

In a certain sea area, the Hawkins Pirates are on board.

At this moment, Hawkins looked at the newspaper, and he was stunned. What happened, why did his bounty suddenly increase to 300 million Baileys?

Then I took a look, and saw the news that I had killed Qi Wuhai in the newspaper...

Don't even think about it, he must have been framed by the navy. He has a gloomy face, and he doesn't like being blamed for being blamed on anyone!

But he also knew that he was powerless to change this result.

"Boss, what should we do now?" A younger brother asked Hawkins in a daze. He didn't know that his pirate group actually killed a Shichibukai!

With a sullen face, Hawkins did a divination for himself, but the result was not good.

The probability of death if you continue to stay here is 90%!

"I can't stay in the first half, I can only go to the new world!" Hawkins took a deep breath, and ordered to everyone: "Full right rudder, go to the Chambord Islands!"

"Yes!" All the younger brothers responded.

The ship turned and headed for Chambord.

Because of Yun Ye's appearance, his original trajectory has also changed.

Originally, he should have become a pirate around the time before and after Luffy went to sea.

And became a supernova of that session.

As a result, he actually went to sea earlier than other people from the extremely evil era...

Even at this time, he is already a famous pirate, and the bounty he offered when he first arrived in Chambord in the original book is almost the same...

After all, not everyone can kill a Shichibukai...


On the navy's side, Yun Ye was stunned for a moment when he found out about this, and then he couldn't help but laugh. The World Government is really...

He also didn't expect that the world government would actually do this, or maybe the navy would do it, and the target was someone he knew!

But he also thought about it. It seems that he still owes Hawkins a favor?

Instead, he can use his identity as a Quincy Master to help him solve this trouble, which can be regarded as repaying the favor, and he may even gain a younger brother...

Hawkins' strength is not weak!

This chapter has 5,000 words, it is updated today, and it is put together.

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