Yun Ye was the only one in the hall.

Yun Ye was wearing the black and white mask of the Quincier, leaning on a chair, sitting in a very casual posture.

At this time, Yun Ye was sitting on a round wooden table, and there were seven chairs occupying different positions.

Yun Ye sat on one of the positions, and the other six corresponded to a dark world king!

'Oh, are you here? ’ Yun Ye raised his head slightly and looked towards the door.

At the door, six figures walked over.

Except for Doflamingo, Yun Ye saw everyone else for the first time.

On the battlefield before, Yun Ye didn't pay much attention to the birdman.

"We are meeting for the first time, all kings!" Yun Ye didn't get up, but still sat in his seat.

Then, Yunye's eyes were fixed, and a domineering arrogance soaring towards the sky covered the few people in front of him!

"Heh heh, you are still so domineering, Quincy!" Doflamingo laughed loudly, and his domineering look was also released!

‘Boom, click——’

The overlord looks of the two collided together, and thousands of thunders were stirred up in the air.

The rest of the kings frowned at this moment. Is this giving them a blow?

Two people snorted coldly, bursting out with domineering aura, charging towards Yun Ye!

It's Piercolo and Feld!

'Boom boom boom...'

The domineering colors of the four of them clashed against each other, and the clouds in the sky were stirred at this moment!

Fortunately, Yunye had already evacuated the surrounding people, and no ordinary people were affected.

The other ones who haven't burst into overlord look don't know if they can't, or they haven't displayed it.

Yun Ye sat up straight, and the even more terrifying domineering arrogance swept through like a gust of wind, suppressing the domineering looks of the three of them.

The violent overlord's color confrontation seems to be able to cause substantial damage to things.

At the center of the conflict between the overlord colors of the two sides, tiny cracks began to appear on the ground.

Cracks appeared from under the feet, spreading towards Doflamingo and the others!

Seeing this, the pupils of the other kings constricted violently.

The domineering looks of the three of them were superimposed together, and they were suppressed by the overlord look of the Quincy Master...

'boom! '

Finally, there was another roar, and their overlord color completely collapsed before Yun Ye's more powerful overlord color!

Yun Ye's domineering look completely overwhelmed them, not harmful, but extremely insulting...

Let all of them face sink.

'So strong...'

At this moment, a thought appeared in their hearts.

They have only seen such an overbearing look on those few emperors before!

"You kings, sit down!" Seeing that he had pushed them down, Yun Ye laughed loudly and asked them to sit down.

"Heh, heh, this majesty is really impressive!" Doflamingo's eyes flickered behind his sunglasses, and the Quincy seemed to have become stronger again, so he randomly found a seat and sat down.

"Quack, what a domineering look." Morgonz clicked his beak and sat down.

Kibson couldn't see the slightest change on his face. He laughed and found a place to sit down.

Stuci glanced at Yun Ye with beautiful eyes, and sat down.

Piekro and Feld had sullen faces, and did not make another attack, but also sat down.

So far, all the kings of the dark world have gathered together! !

Doflamingo leaned back on the chair, as if what happened just now hadn't happened, and grinned at Yun Ye, "Then, Quincy, what is the purpose of summoning us this time?"

Hearing Doflamingo's words, the expressions of several people present became solemn, and they looked at Yunye.

Yun Ye was wearing a mask, no one could see his expression, and the voice came out: "Of course there are important things to deal with, don't you think the whole dark world is too messy?"

Not wanting to waste time with them, Yun Ye got straight to the point.

Originally, this time the council was to prepare for the unification of the entire dark world.

Another reason is that he wants to see how these people should stand.

Standing in front of me, there is only one result in the future!

The meaning of Yun Ye's words was already obvious, and several people had strange expressions on their expressions, but they didn't open their mouths.

Stucey was sitting gracefully, her full red lips pursed slightly, and she said in a pleasant voice, "Oh? What do you want to do?"

At the same time, Stucey was also thinking in his heart, did he really want to unify the entire dark world? What a big ambition!

Yun Ye glanced at everyone, and said lightly: "Let's form an alliance! Now the Hundred Beasts Pirates have become chaotic because of Kaido's defeat. In the future, as long as the Hundred Beasts Pirates collapse, then The new world will undoubtedly be chaotic again, do you think you can still do your business well in such a world?"

In fact, these words are just talking. Before the establishment of the Four Emperors, these kings were already living a very nourishing life.

Some people even make money from wars. The more chaotic the new world is, the better their business will be.

Is it because Yunye doesn't understand this?

No, Yun Ye just wanted to find an excuse to see how they reacted.

Also used to determine who to eradicate and who to stay...

"Alliance? What kind of alliance? Don't we have business cooperation with each other? Isn't this an alliance?" Feld was feeling a little upset because of Yunye's disarming, and asked with squinted eyes.

However, he was a bit shrewd and didn't directly bring up the topic.

Piekro, who was sitting next to him, licked his lips and sneered: "Alliance, to put it nicely, I think you want to unify this dark world! Save yourself some trouble, this kind of thing is impossible! "

Before that, Piekro had lost a large sum of money because of Yun Ye's sudden call, and he was angry in his heart. He came here just because he was afraid of Yun Ye's reputation, so he didn't dare not come.

Now all the kings of the dark world are present, and Yun Ye also showed his fangs, so he naturally pointed out the words directly, and it was also to let others know the purpose of Yun Ye's move.

In fact, none of the people present are stupid people, and even stupid people cannot sit in high positions.

The reason why they didn't make it clear was because it would definitely offend Yun Ye.

They are all as smart as ghosts, depending on the situation.

Don't forget, this is the headquarters of the Quincy Division!

Who knows what the Quincy Master has left here...

Stuci, Kibson, Feld, Morgans and others thought it would be Doflamingo who had conflicts with the Quincy and who was also the most powerful person who spoke, but they didn't expect it to be Piek Luo Xian made it clear that it was beyond their expectations...

"Idiot..." Doflamingo kept his expression on the surface, but secretly cursed an idiot.

Others don't know Quincy's character, but he knows it very clearly.

This guy is a lunatic!

Sure enough, Yun Ye sat up straight. Although no one could see his expression through the mask, they could feel the momentum emanating from Yun Ye at this moment!

This guy... is going to make a move?

Several people all stared intently.

Yun Ye grinned and said, "Why, do you have a different view on my objection?"

"Yes, so what?" Piekro looked directly at Yunye, without retreating at all, and even showed a sharp edge in his eyes.

Yun Ye's meaning is already obvious. Although he hasn't made it clear yet, he is already telling them that the current dark world respects him!

The matter of summoning them is to tell them this signal!

"Tell me." Yun Ye's voice was still calm.

"Aren't you summoning us just to show us off? Your purpose is nothing more than to integrate the power of the entire dark world and respect you. Do you think we might agree?" Piekro said with a sneer, and then He looked at the other kings.

Want to see what you want to see from them, and stand up together to refute Quincy.

However, the rest of the kings just kept silent.

"Heh heh..." Doflamingo leaned against the chair and laughed, but didn't speak.

Morgons had seen Yun Ye's attack and knew Yun Ye's horror. Under such circumstances, he would naturally not get involved...

Kibson has a relatively calm personality and is also shrewd. When he saw Doflamingo, who was at odds with the Quincy, he didn't open his mouth, and suppressed his desire to speak out.

Stussy knew that the world government would target Yun Ye later, so she couldn't completely break up with the Quincy at this time. She was going to be an undercover agent, so she didn't open her mouth with an attitude of talking too much and making mistakes.

On the contrary, Feld's eyes flashed. He seemed to want to speak, but seeing that the rest of the people did not speak, he still held back.

Everyone is human...

"Since you don't have the ability to make the dark world a monolith, then why not let me take the lead in forming an alliance? That way, you don't have to bow your knees when facing other emperors." Yun Ye said lightly, looking towards Piekro's calm eyes and tone brought great pressure to Piekro.

"You are dreaming, how could this kind of thing come true! Alliance? It's just ridiculous! Also, who do you think you are? Want to unify the entire dark world, have you asked us?" Piekro sneered, but swept towards When it came to other kings, they didn't open their mouths.

This made Piekro's heart sink, why didn't they refute the Quincy? ?

In fact, it's not that they don't want to refute the Quincy, but they all have their own ghosts.

Needless to say, Doflamingo himself was threatened by Yunye to the alliance, even if the dark world was unified, it would still seem incongruous, and Quincy would not be able to control him!

The dark world is not monolithic, each has its own ideas.

combine? Simply put!

As long as they don't cooperate, unless the Quincy destroys them directly...

In particular, there are a few of them who don't want to break up with Mie Yunye directly, and one of them has a better ability to judge the situation, and he doesn't stand out...

The only one standing out was Piecolo...

Shoot the bird!

Yun Ye got up, looked at Piekro, sneered, and walked over step by step: "Who am I? I'm the Quincy Master!"

"They're all cowards!" Piecolo looked at the kings who hadn't moved at all, snorted coldly, and then looked at Yun Ye: "Others are afraid of you, but I'm not. As kings, how can you be strong?" Where to go?"

As he said that, he picked up the scythe next to him, took the lead, and slashed at Yun Ye!

His strength is not weak, otherwise it is impossible to become the king of one side!

When fighting, the murderous aura boils, and the two-color domineering is also cultivated to an extremely strong level!

However, facing Yun Ye, it can only be said that he is still too weak!

"I admire your courage, but if it's just like this, you're not worthy to compete with me!" Yun Ye's voice sounded.

Then, with a flash of his figure, while avoiding Piekro's attack, two colors of light danced behind him, bursting out with a terrifying force!

When he came to the top of Piekro's head, his expression was extremely indifferent, and all kinds of abilities were concentrated.

Plasma pulling, overlord-colored winding, armed-colored arrogance, power ripples, and a punch that condenses all the power to smash down fiercely!

This blow, Piekro didn't have time to dodge at all, and was directly hit by Yun Ye's attack from the air. The domineering entanglement shocked Piekro's mind, and with the blessing of various powers, Yun Ye didn't hold back this blow!

'Boom! ! '

This blow hit Piekro's back directly!

With a sound of '噗嗤', Piekro felt an extremely terrifying force coming towards him, causing him to spit out a big mouthful of blood, and was smashed into the ground by this punch, creating a huge hole!

And Piekro collapsed in the pothole at this time, rolled his eyes and fell into a coma...

One blow, Piekro, defeated!

When the smoke cleared, Yun Ye restrained her momentum, came to her seat and sat down, looked at the others, and said in a calm tone, "Then, do you have any objections to forming an alliance?"

At this time, the faces of the several kings present all sank, and they all knew that this was the real power of the Quincy Master! !

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