One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 139: The Heinous Criminals in Advance City Chaos Overlord Color Conflict

"Hmph! You should be honored to have such a big man imprisoned with you!" Magellan coldly glanced at the many prisoners present and snorted coldly.

The other jailers were dripping with cold sweat, the pressure given to them here was too great.

Hannibal, the deputy warden, looked at all the criminals cautiously, shrank his neck, but said loudly, "Did you hear that, even big men like Beasts are imprisoned here? This is my future. The feat of the warden!...Oh, no, I seem to have exposed my ambition..."

Halfway through, Hannibal suddenly became stupid.

But others didn't care about him.

Magellan looked at Kaido's cell again, and after seeing the iceberg was firmly bound by chains, he nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left.

He is also very depressed staying here, the people inside are not easy to provoke, even if they have been completely imprisoned, the domineering, murderous, and evil spirit exuding from them are enough to make ordinary people tremble!

He has tested the firmness of this iceberg himself, and it is even stronger than steel!

Not afraid of fire, even the scorching flames can't melt it, and it's extremely strong, even if it's his poison, Shileu of the Rain's sword can only leave slight traces.

But this is dispensable for a huge iceberg!

If he hadn't tested the firmness of the iceberg himself, he wouldn't have put Kaido in the sixth floor with confidence!

It wasn't until Magellan left that the field completely exploded!

"Really, you read it right? How could such a monster be frozen?"

"Fake, do you think I have no eyes? Who else looks like this in this sea!?"

"Beast Kaido... Isn't this the great pirate from the new world? That monster!?"

"He lost? How is it possible, how could such a monster lose?"

"Frozen? Like World Breaker, is it frozen?"

In the sixth floor, after knowing that the person frozen in ice is Kaido, they were all shocked and exploded!

These people have all traveled in the sea, so naturally they have heard of the names of beasts!

Kaido, what kind of existence is that, but the top pirate in the sea!

Was actually defeated by the navy?


Many people present showed expressions of disbelief.

Someone even looked at Bundy Wald, who was also frozen in another cage so that only his head could move.

Bundy Wald looked at these people with cold eyes.

After these people came into contact with Bundy Wald's eyes, they all curled their lips to avoid it, so why don't they let them talk?

In the deepest part, one is wearing a prison uniform. Because of the long-term detention, he looks old, but he can still feel the terrifying arrogance in him!

This person's name is Baloric Redfield, who used to be as famous as Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion!

Also one of the strongest of that era!

Moreover, he is the only one who stands shoulder to shoulder with those three legendary big pirates alone!

With such an existence, it is natural for many characters in the sea to know something about it.

Redfield looked in the direction of the iceberg, with surprise in his eyes: "Is that the undead kid? Did this guy also fall into the hands of the navy?"

Kaido was also a well-known powerhouse in the new world in his era.

Famous is the name "Immortal"!

That was a monster that even Roger and Whitebeard couldn't completely kill!

In another solitary prison, the burly Douglas Barrett, who was doing push-ups with his head down, stopped his movements, and the sound of the iron chain friction also stopped. He rolled over and looked at In the direction there, he said in a low tone: "Kaido the Beast? Is that the guy who can't even kill Roger?"

He also became interested when he heard Kaido's name.

That man, he has also fought against him before, but he is not a guy who can be easily dealt with!

The evil king, Abaro Pizarro, also spoke solemnly: "Is the sea so dangerous now?"

In the past, he was also famous for playing with the existence of a country, but he was still very afraid of a big man like Kaido!

It's just that I didn't expect that a big man like Kaido would come in...

Crescent Hunter Katerina grinned and said, "I don't know how the situation is going. I don't know if the old guy with the white beard is dead or not."

In her time, Golden Lion was imprisoned, Roger surrendered himself, and there was only one white beard left in Dahai!

As long as Whitebeard wants to, he can even become the next One Piece. Landed in Ralph Drew, but Whitebeard's ambition is not here, he prefers to live a free life.

Caitlina was captured after the start of the Great Pirate Era!

Redfield was sitting on a step with his hands on his knees, his eyes were closed at this time, his unique domineering arrogance spread towards Kaido, after a long time, he laughed: "It seems that the I'm completely frozen, even my consciousness is frozen!"

Redfield looked in the direction of Bundy Wald: "It's almost the same as you used to be, Bundy Wald! If he wasn't an awakened animal, this would have been dead. I wanted to get it from his mouth. It’s a pity that I learned some news from the middle!”

The former Bondi Wald was also completely frozen in consciousness, but when the golden lion escaped and caused great chaos, the ice block that frozen Bondi Wald also shattered, exposing his head, and Regain consciousness!

Strong people like them, even after being frozen for many years, still retain their vitality!

"Since knowledge is not good enough, then change to something else..." Barrett looked at Kaido's cell, grinned, and a terrifying domineering arrogance pressed towards Kaido's cell!

The extremely vicious domineering color erupted, not only rushing towards Kaido's cell, but also inevitably swept to other cells!

"Hey, hey, Barrett, don't show your domineering look at will, who are you oppressing?" Bundy Wald, who was frozen in the same position as Kaido, with only one head exposed, looked cold. The existence that has confronted Roger and Whitebeard before, it is naturally impossible to allow itself to be oppressed by others.

The same terrifying domineering arrogance erupted from his body!


Barrett's overlord color did not hit Kaido's position, but Walder's overlord color was blocked.

A conflict broke out between the two, and the entire cell was shaking!

"Hey, have you started again? You've been imprisoned for so long, and you're still so energetic!" One person smiled, but there was also a domineering look in his body!

The third overlord color!

"Jie Jie...Since this is the case, then I'll come too!" The fourth overlord color joined in!

"You don't want to affect me! I'm upset right now!" The fifth overlord look domineering!

The sixth share, the seventh share...

Those who can be imprisoned here are not weak, and all of them are arrogant. How can they be oppressed by other people's dominance?

Those who have the domineering look will be released directly, and those who don't will be treated coldly and will not be affected at all!


It's messed up, the sixth floor is completely messed up!

The disordered domineering color erupted, and the entire sixth floor was trembling slightly, even the iron chain made by Hailoushi was trembling slightly.

The stone bricks on the ground were cracked by the intertwined domineering air!

The iceberg that frozen Kaido was trembling slightly...

"Barrett, you kid, you really like to mess around!" Laidfield looked at Barrett, whose lips were raised wildly, and shook his head slightly.

But the next moment, his eyes became sharp, and he snorted coldly: "Hey, don't you know, who is the boss here?"


A terrifying domineering arrogance descended on the scene, suppressing everyone else's arrogance!

Redfield, who can be as famous as the three legendary pirates by himself, is naturally extremely terrifying in strength!

As soon as his domineering aura appeared, he would suppress the domineering looks of others!

Seeing that Redfield was angry, many people calmed down.

Only those few rebellious ones are still releasing their domineering colors!

"Old man, are you teaching me a lesson?" Barrett looked at Redfield, his tone still arrogant!

"Red Earl, others are afraid of you, but I am not!" Wald glanced coldly, the boss here? Why do you?

"They are all prisoners, who is more noble than whom? You have the ability to come out and kill me!" Basque Choate, nicknamed "Big Barrel", looked at Redfield nervously, his eyes were cloudy, he hadn't drunk for a long time Nerves have become abnormal.

Although he doesn't have the domineering look, but he is not happy with the attitude of the Red Earl. He used to give him face. Do you really think he is the boss of the sixth floor?

Redfield raised his head slightly, looked over with sharp eyes, his eyes were fixed, and a sword light in his eyes shot towards Basque Choate, piercing his head!

"Ah!!" Basque Choate collapsed to the ground with a scream, causing the Hailou stone iron chain to rattle, and blood flowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

"Hoohoo~ Is Basque Choate already out of his mind? Is this the first time he has provoked the Red Earl?" Katharina looked at the miserable Basque Choate and couldn't help but sneer. up.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Except for those with overlord-like arrogance and high-level armed color who can barely resist Redfield's move, the rest of them are accurate!

This kind of attack is the sword force of a great swordsman!

But it was also because of Redfield's particularity that no one else could imitate!

"Stop it, Barrett, Wald, this old man still wants to sleep well." Laidfield looked at the two who were still exuding domineering looks, and said lightly.

However, at this moment, another equally terrifying domineering arrogance came from one direction.

Provoking the domineering and domineering disorderly movement again!

Over there... is Kaido's cage!

"Huh? Wake up?" Barrett looked over, with a grin on the corner of his mouth, the overbearing look did not stop, but intensified!

Even Redfield narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of Kaido's cage, and the special knowledge spread, but in the perception, Kaido still did not regain consciousness, Redfield grinned: "I don't know what's going on with this guy's body, Unconsciously release the overlord look?"

Wald grinned: "This guy..."

"I've heard of Kaido's title of "Immortal" for a long time, this guy's body is simply abnormal!" Caitlina looked at Kaido's dragon body, and her eyes flashed with interest.

Pizarro answered with a sneer and said, "Isn't it still locked up? What's the use? Could it be possible to escape? Except for the golden lion, no one has escaped from prison again!"

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