One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 135: Swastika unraveling Dahonglian Binglunwan The two team up to freeze Kaido! (Five thousa

Yun Ye is also very curious about the awakening of the natural department, after all, there has not been any awakened ability user of the natural department in the original work!

But there are traces

The battle between Punk Hazard and the battle between Aokiji and Akainu in the original book changed the climate of this island permanently!

Control the sky? Alter matter particles? Add some kind of feature?

All of these are possible, and when the old thief Oda has not fully announced the answer, everything is possible...

Kaido is naturally aware of the situation here, and raised his brows: "Devil Fruit Awakening? It's still natural! Oh lol lol, Aokiji, you really brought me a big surprise!"

The condition for fruit awakening is that when the body and mind catch up with the ability itself, awakening can be achieved!

But the difficulty of awakening different Devil Fruit abilities is also different, some are relatively simple, while others are more difficult!

Although it is because of the capable person itself, the difficulty of awakening a more powerful ability will undoubtedly be even more difficult!

Among the three lines of fruits, the awakening of the animal line is the easiest, followed by the superhuman line, and the natural line is the strongest among the three lines!

The awakening of the nature department is undoubtedly the most difficult!

Even for the current three generals, the level of awakening is very demanding!

Aokiji only realized it recently!

Aokiji took a deep breath, and the inexplicable power around him became more intense, and at this moment, Aokiji's originally dark pupils were also stained with a touch of ice blue!

He exhaled a breath of cold air and looked at Kaido: "The awakening of the animal system is an all-round improvement of the body, the superhuman system is to assimilate the surrounding space matter, and the natural system is to endow the elements with another nature, and my awakening is to give low temperature !Cryogenic cold that can freeze even particle motion!"


After Aokiji's voice fell, the ability of fruit awakening was displayed. At this moment, the whole island seemed to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the even more terrifying low temperature enveloped the audience!

Even the navy, which was hiding far away, was affected, and they all trembled.

'Hiss...' Feeling the low temperature, even Yunye shivered all over, because he has ice ability, Yunye is still very resistant to cold.

But even so, he still felt extremely cold, and the white air exhaled from his mouth instantly turned into ice crystals!

"It's so cold, Aokiji! Is it low temperature? It's amazing!" Kaido was also affected, moved his arm, and found that the movement became more rigid, as if rusted, and the low temperature slowed down his nerve response down.

"Ice Cube Storm Pheasant's Beak!" Aokiji spread his five fingers, and the ice bird behind him condensed in an instant and rushed out.

The battle is on again!

"Huh? So fast!" Kaido was startled. He had already sensed Aokiji's attack, but he realized that he couldn't react to Aokiji's attack.

''s not that the attack has become faster, but that my reaction has slowed down! ’ Kaido noticed something strange in an instant.

But Kaido is an awakened animal after all, with a strong physique, he almost didn't react, almost!

As soon as he raised his hand, the mace hit him.

With a "bang", the ice bird was hit by him. However, a scene that surprised Kaido again appeared. The ice bird hit by him did not explode completely, but only shattered into several pieces.

"Low temperature, it seems that it's more than that! Even the ice cubes have become harder!" Kaido's mace swung a terrifying shock wave to hit the green pheasant, and then spit out heat again.

The two attacks hit back and forth, but Aokiji dodged it with a flash!

'Um? The attack slowed down instantly! ? ’ Kaido’s keen perception noticed that when his attack was about to hit Aokiji, it slowed down strangely!

"The low temperature brings a more severe cold, a cold that can even slow down the movement of particles, and ice with higher density and quality!" Aokiji said lightly, stepping on the moon steps to the midair, with both hands Crossing into a pose, several huge ice spears appeared behind them!

"Ice Cube Two Thorny Spears!"

The ice spear fell from the sky and shot straight at Kaido with boundless power!

"Jiang III Yin Naraku!" Kaido's face darkened, but the corner of his mouth still had a crazy smile, and the mace in his hand was wrapped around the terrifying thunder and lightning again, and he charged forward!

'Boom! '

The two terrorist attacks collided with each other, causing an explosion to resound in the sky, a circular shock wave bloomed, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning, but it was not as powerful as the explosion of the two attacks colliding!

"Try this trick! The zero-degree wind!" Aokiji spit out an icy air, and his words were extremely cold.

In the air, the flowing ice crystals shattered into ice powder, which spun under the control of Aokiji, turning into a cyclone formed by the power of extreme cold, raging madly towards Kaido!

This blow was like a natural disaster, the wind howled like a blizzard!

"Hahaha, the power of a natural disaster! But are you the only one who knows it?" Feeling the power transmitted by Aokiji's blow, Kaido also laughed wildly, and an aura of terror engulfed the audience!

Qinglong, the ruler of the sky, the spokesperson of natural disasters!

No one can understand natural disasters better than him!

"Flame Tornado Bad Wind! Roaring Thunder!"

Kaido laughed ferociously, and his figure turned into a dragon again. The three forces of wind blade, lightning, and flame exploded at this moment, forming a more terrifying tornado, which competed with Aokiji's blue cyclone!

'Boom boom boom—'

Two terrifying energies collided with each other, and a terrifying energy swept away!

The green pheasant exerted its fruit ability with all its strength, and the torrent of cold air strengthened again!

break out! break out!

Kaido didn't show any weakness, he continued to laugh, and the tornado rushed over with wind blades, flames and thunder!

'boom! ! ! ! '

An unprecedented roar erupted in the arena, and the ground could not bear the terrifying shock wave and collapsed, with dense cracks spreading across the entire island!

The sky is falling apart!

The real heaven and earth shattered!

Finally, this naval branch base still couldn't bear the ravages of the strong, and was completely destroyed at this moment, split into several pieces like a glass mirror!

In the distance, many navies who saw the situation were not good had left to the edge of the island.

But they still felt that the air-conditioning in the air was icy cold!

"Are they still human??"

"Such a battle, are they really human like us?"


Everyone looked shocked at the battle in the distance, and their hearts were horrified to the extreme!

This is the combat power of the general level, is this the combat power of the Four Emperors?

So scary!


"Hahaha, Aokiji, you are really tough! But I am Kaido of Beasts! Defeat me!" Kaido's voice resounded throughout the world, and then the figure of the magic dragon swelled and changed again. big.

No, it's not that the main body swells and becomes bigger, but that endless hot flames spread out from Kaido's body surface, enveloping his entire dragon body in an instant!

"Fire Dragon!!"

The flames slowly condensed and rotated, enveloping his whole body, driving away the extremely cold and low temperature from Aokiji!

Most of the chills on his body were expelled, and with Kaido's terrifying physique, such chills could no longer affect him!

Except for a decrease in physical strength, everything is the same as a few hours ago!

"Flame!? This guy actually hid this trick!?" Aokiji's face finally changed at this moment. He didn't expect Kaido to keep this trick. Such a flame can even compete with his low temperature for a short time!

"Oh lol lol, there are many things you can't imagine, flame gossip!" Kaido once again turned into a human and animal form, stepping on the whirlwind and rushing out like electricity, the mace in his hand can melt even stones The high-temperature flames resisted the boundless cold of Aokiji, and killed Aokiji!

"Assimilation, Ice Age!" Aokiji gritted his teeth, and the terrifying cold spread all over his body again. A large number of flowing ice crystals swept forward like a wave. He wanted to block Kaido's attack this time!

"No one can escape my blow! Kizaru is too late! Go to hell!" Kaido's speed increased again, and the cyan afterimage streaked across the air. The figure has already broken through.

With this blow, Kaido seized the opportunity, how could it be possible for Aokiji to run away?

The flames entwine the mace, and it slams down with one stick!

'boom! ! '

A loud noise spread, and the flames in the air exploded, and then, a figure with flames was smashed down from the sky like a meteor!

The ground was cracked and cracked, huge holes penetrated the ground, and sea water poured in, but it was frozen into ice in an instant!

Kaido's huge figure fell from the sky, glanced at the bottom of the cave, then looked in the direction of Yunye, and said with a cold smile: "Next is you! Yunye brat!"

"If the navy's highest combat power is so easy to lose, they won't be generals." Yun Ye's face was extremely serious at this time. He didn't expect Kaido to be so difficult to deal with. Even after Aokiji awakened, he still fell into a disadvantage !

But Yun Ye wasn't worried at all that Qingzhi would lose just like that, the general wasn't that weak yet!

"Ahem... It's really dangerous, Kaido..." The ice crystals flowed on the ground, and a figure condensed into shape.

Aokiji coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and looked at Kaido with a gloomy face, this guy is really difficult to deal with!

Singled out the strongest is not a joke!

"General Qingzhi, can you still fight?" Yun Ye looked at Qingzhi.

Aokiji wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Naturally."

"Oh lol lol, you're really fighting, Aokiji!" Kaido looked at the fluidly formed Aokiji, with a wild expression on his face in human and animal form: "Where are the other generals? If you don't come out, you Everyone will die here today!"

"Ah la la, I'm going to do my best, I can't let the pirates be so rampant!" Aokiji took a deep breath, his pupils were blue, and the cold air spread out of his body again.

"General Qingzhi, let's go together! Freeze him completely!" Yun Ye walked to Qingzhi's side in an instant, and also moved his arms, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Then... I'll do it for real!"

After hearing Yun Ye's words, the two people present were startled.

Kaido narrowed his eyes, and he felt a strange wave of power from Yun Ye at this moment.

Qingzhi also frowned, Major General Yunye still hides his strength?

Suddenly, Yunye's body also surged with a violent aura, holding up the silver fiber, Yunye closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the system panel.

add a bit! add a bit!

[Hinglunwan] Proficiency—60, 61, 62... 78, 79, 80!

Just when the proficiency of Binglun Wan reached 80, Yun Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and whispered: "卍解——Dahonglian Binglun Wan!"

This time there is no accident, after 80 proficiency is the swastika!

In the air, a chill that was not inferior to Qingzhi suddenly appeared, centered on Yun Ye, and swept out in waves wave after wave!

At this time, the sky seemed to be summoned by something, with thick dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and howling winds!

Hirinmaru controls the sky, everything in the sky is under his control!


With the sound of ice crystals spreading, it seemed like an ice dragon appeared behind Yunye. The dragon's head bit the silver fiber in Yunye's hand, and two huge ice wings wrapped Yunye into an ice ball at this time.

Then with a 'buzz' sound, the two icy wings behind Yun Ye suddenly spread their wings, and a terrifying strong wind rushed out with a chill in it!

The wings fluttered slightly, and Yun Ye's figure seemed to be dragged by the weight loss, suspended, and behind him, twelve ice flowers floated and rotated non-stop!

Yunye looked at Kaido, and said with a smile, "This is a form of my devil fruit—Ice Death God! I call it Dagrenlian Hirinwan!"

Yun Ye pointed at Kaido: "Come and fight!"

"Oh lol lol, Ice Reaper... Is this the true power of your human fruit Phantom Beast Reaper form? It's so exciting! There is such a fruit ability in this world!" Kaido became more and more excited , He is already crazy, fighting against the strong and setting off the strongest war is his greatest wish!

It is also his lifelong pursuit!

He wants to become the One Piece because the One Piece is the strongest who can conquer the sea!

He, Kaido, was born to be the strongest person!

What fate is bullshit!

No one can really defeat him, no one can!

And Qingzhi looked at Yun Ye in shock at this time, the cold air surging from Yun Ye at this time was no weaker than his cold air!

"It seems that another monster is about to appear in the navy!" Aokiji took a deep breath, fought side by side with Yun Ye, and looked at Kaido, feeling cold!

"Then let's have a big battle that will shock the whole world! Navy!" Kaido roared, and at the same time as the heat rushed out, his figure also killed: "David Thunder Gossip!!"

"Dragon racket!" Yun Ye took the lead to attack, and the ice crystals flowed on the edge of the sword, colliding with Kaido's mace!

With a 'bang', Yun Ye took a few steps back, while Kaido was frozen again.

However, it was the same, and soon he broke through the ice.

But at this time, Aokiji had already attacked from another place, pressing Kaido's body with his palm: "Ice Age!"


The ice crystals froze Kaido again.

"You guys are so annoying!" Kaido looked at the two of them with eyes full of anger after breaking through the ice with his body wrapped in flames.

He felt like he was being played by the two of them.

Frozen him one by one in rotation!

'Boom boom boom...'

The battle lasted until midnight, the two sides had been fighting for a long time, the island was in a mess, countless icebergs and ice thorns stood up, and huge ice spears plunged into the ground!

Yunye's physique has been catching up step by step, but his stamina is still not as good as those of their peak physiques, and they are only assisting Qingzhi in the fight.

But even so, Yun Ye was still out of breath at this time, exhausting too much!

As for the two of them, although they were a little out of breath at this time, they didn't have the slightest problem after fighting for a long time.

"Thousand-year ice prison!" Yun Ye pointed forward with his sword, and icicles rose up one after another, surrounding Kaido, and suddenly closed while spinning, freezing Kaido inside!

"Eat my last move, Kaido!" Yun Ye yelled, his body surged violently, and the cold air raged!

A sword pointed directly at the sky, and endless cold air shot out from the tip of the sword and pierced into the clouds!

Yunye's eyes were extremely cold, and he whispered: "The Burial of Frozen Sky and Hundred Flowers!"

'buzz buzz...'

The clouds in the sky suddenly rolled, as if something terrible was hidden, and then, snowflakes fell from the sky, beautiful and beautiful, the falling speed was not fast, but it was full of endless murderous intent!

"Oh la la la, is it the last move? Then, let's try it!" Kaido turned into a dragon again, and opened his mouth to breathe out heat and hit the sky. From the clouds, he felt the threat!

Then, break him up in advance!

However, when his heat was hit, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without even arousing a splash.

Aokiji on the other side was also gasping for breath. He also saw Yunye's plan to deal with Kaido with one move. He rushed into the sky on moon steps, and the cold air surged behind him to form a sea of ​​ice: "Assimilation!"

"Awakening · Extreme Cold... World!"

Aokiji also erupted at this moment, changing all the surrounding matter from particles into ice cubes, and shattering at the same time in the next moment, turning into the purest cold current. This cold current is invisible and invisible to the naked eye. However, when the perception spreads over, one will notice a great terror of extinction!

Aokiji drove this frightening cold current that exterminated life, and bombarded Kaido below!

This blow seemed to freeze even time!

"Huh? This cold air..." Kaido's expression froze, the attacks of both of them were indiscriminate attacks with a wide range, and there was no room for him to dodge at all.

But... hiding?

Who do you underestimate?

"Come on! Let me see if your joint attack can completely freeze me!" Kaido laughed wildly, and endless flames surged from his body again.

The flames compressed and condensed to form a dragon-shaped armor, wrapping him inside!

This flame, the heat wave is billowing, as if it can burn and melt everything, and the scorching heat temporarily drives out the terrifying cold air.

However, it was just that the cold air within a few meters of Kaido's body was dispelled!

Faced with the terrifying chill that Qingzhi Yunye and the two teamed up to display, even if the magma from Akainu came, it would be frozen into volcanic rocks...

"Fire Dragon Torch · Rising Dragon · Flame Gossip!"

At this moment, Kaido also erupted completely, unleashing the most powerful attack, the body of the demon dragon snaked upwards and charged, and the flame dragon king condensed billowing hot flames, as if to burn everything up.

This flame can melt rocks in an instant, and even the burning fruit of the natural system cannot have such power if it is not developed to the extreme!

The first snowflake fell on the Flame Dragon King, an extremely cold ice flower exploded, and a chill that froze everything spread out from the ice flower!

Not even that terrible flame can expel this chill!

The chill condensed by an ice flower is comparable to the chill condensed by Yun Ye's Ice Extreme Slash!

And at this time, there are hundreds of flowers falling from the sky! !

On the other side, the cold current of Aokiji also suppressed, freezing everything and extinction!

The three attacked and collided in mid-air...

This time there was no explosive roar, no terrifying fluctuations.

But if someone is present, they will find that, compared to the eruption before, the real terror is in the arena at this time!

It is a cold and lonely world, as if no creature can survive in this area...

Only one tall iceberg with countless ice crystal flowers stands in the center.

Among the icebergs was the figure of a terrifying dragon.

The expression on his face is still so arrogant, so crazy, still showing the sense of oppression that belongs to the Four Emperors!

However, at this time, he has been completely frozen in the iceberg!

One of the Four Emperors - Beast Kaido, defeated!

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