G7 branch base.

At this time, the people in the base also knew the news that Kaido was about to attack, and everyone was ready to fight, with solemn expressions.

Although they were afraid in their hearts, they thought that there was Major General Yun Ye who defeated the drought Jack on the island, veteran lieutenant general Dauberman was there, and another general was coming soon.

Thinking of this, the fear in their hearts became less obvious.

But for two days, their nerves were also tense, and they dared not slack off in the slightest.

Because my nerves are tense, I can't even eat and sleep well...

As for Dauberman, after having an unpleasant quarrel with Yun Ye, the two of them didn't meet again in the next two days.

The main reason is that Dauberman didn't want to feel uncomfortable in the past.

Yun Ye's strength is well known in the Navy Headquarters, and being able to defeat Drought Jack is enough to prove Yun Ye's strength.

Dauberman felt that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to defeat Drought Jack...


In the training ground, Yun Ye was resting with his eyes closed.

After knowing that Kaido was about to attack, Yun Ye did not show any fear, he already had a certain understanding of the power of the emperor.

Even if the current self can't beat him, but he wants to leave, Kaido can't stop him.

Kaido's strength is at most close to that of Charlotte Lingling, and Yunye has already experienced Charlotte Lingling's combat power, so he is not very panicked.

Yun Ye's daily training did not stop because of Kaido's upcoming attack, but reduced the training intensity, and he still maintained his peak state!

It takes time to build up a strong body. Yun Ye is very aware of this, so he will not slack off.

With Yinxian beside him, Yun Ye was comprehending the way of swordsmanship.

During this period of time, Yunye also discovered that his [Swordsmanship] proficiency progressed very slowly, and he hadn't jumped for a long time.

The specific reason Yun Ye also guessed, that is, he did not calm down to comprehend the way of swordsmanship.

In this world, swordsmanship needs to be understood, not that you can reach the realm of swordsman or even great swordsman by practicing swordsmanship frequently.

It's not that easy!

It is necessary to grow in battle, that is, to comprehend in battle.

However, the word "enlightenment" seems too ethereal, without a specific concept.

Slashing iron, flying slashing, sword power, sword intent, these things all need to be understood by yourself!

Yun Ye was also a little confused at the beginning, after all, it was too ethereal, and Yun Ye's swordsmanship was directly pointing to the realm of swordsman, and he had never experienced the stage of self-enlightenment...

To put it in a more fantasy way, it means that his foundation in swordsmanship is not enough!

Not enough understanding of kendo!

This led to the slow progress in proficiency later.

There are two solutions, one is to use the achievement points directly, and the other is to enlighten yourself!

Yunye chose the second option, the first option was too expensive...

After the proficiency is 80, every point is a consumption of 100 achievement points!

Now Yunye only has a little more, just over a thousand, and he can't afford it!

However, after a period of precipitation, Yunye can be considered to have made a little progress.

The proficiency of [Swordsmanship] has increased from 87 to 88. Yun Ye guessed that when the proficiency reaches 90, it should be the realm of a great swordsman!

Great Swordsman is a title for those who have reached the peak of their swordsmanship. It is a kind of honor, the honor of a swordsman!

And standing at the apex of kendo is Hawkeye Mihawk!

I just don't know how much Mihawk will reach if he can convert sword skills into proficiency?


Or 100 up?

Yun Ye couldn't figure it out either, maybe he would fight Hawk Eye once in the future and figure it out after a while...


The sky is sunny and cloudless, which is a good day.

However, at the next moment, the domineering people in the G7 branch base all sensed something at this moment and looked up at the same time.

In another square, Smoker looked up at the sky and said solemnly: "Here we come!"

Drake also became serious at this moment: "Kaido of Beasts..."

Dauberman's gaze was like a torch, Shi Zhansha went out of a room, stood on a high building, looked at the sky, his face was extremely solemn: "Damn it, so fast, General Aokiji hasn't arrived yet!"

Yun Ye also opened his closed eyes at this time, looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "Are you coming? Kaido of Beasts!"

As he said that, the corner of Yunye's mouth showed an arc, and he complained in his heart: "Before, I beat a Four Emperors as a Quincy Master, and another one as a Navy, and I'm short of white beard and red hair. Please call me a Four Emperors strength tester from now on." ! '

Thinking of this, Yun Ye got up, held Yinxian in his hand, looked up at the sky, and whispered: "Is it coming for me? Yes, if I don't find me, I still feel strange!"

In the sky, a black spot is getting closer and closer. From the perspective of Yunye, it can be seen that it is a person!

A massive man!

With a sound of '嗖', a huge black shadow fell from the sky, like a meteorite falling, and smashed into the training ground where Yunye was!

With a bang, the entire G7 branch base was shaking, and the huge shock wave caused smoke and dust to spread everywhere.

The ground cracked inch by inch, and spider web-like cracks spread from the center to the surroundings!

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a terrifying specter, tall and burly as a mountain, with dragon horns on its head, and dragon scale tattoos on its left arm to shoulder. Just standing there, it gives people a terrifying oppression like an abyss feel!

This person is none other than Kaido, who has the title of the strongest creature in the sea, land and air!

Kaido stepped out of the pit with a mace in his hand, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked down at Yun Ye: "Are you that navy brat who ate my phantom beast devil fruit?"

Although he hadn't seen Yun Ye's photo, at this moment in the G7 branch base, only Yun Ye's aura could make him care a little bit!

Then, a terrifying domineering aura surged into the sky, oppressing Xiang Yunye, and the originally clear sky seemed to become cloudy at this moment!

However, Yunye didn't seem to feel the overbearing arrogance, just looked up at Kaido slightly, and said without fear: "Little devil? You won't feel like this in the future! Remember my name, I'm Patty Nuo Yunye!"

"Hahaha, brat, give you a chance to quit the navy and join me, otherwise, you will have only one fate today!" Kaido's eyes showed a domineering look, as if Yun Ye rejected his request, There is only one end, and that is death!

Unmoved, Yunye pointed his sword at Kaido, his eyes full of fighting spirit: "Stop talking nonsense, let me see the strength of your Four Emperors!"

"As you wish!" Kaido grinned grinningly, and his speed exploded suddenly. The mace in his hand was covered with a thick armor-colored arrogance, and black thunder flashed on it: "Thunder...gossip!"

A red glow flashed across Yunye's eyes, the silver fiber suddenly came out of its sheath, the jet black armament covered it, and the silver slash was hidden on the blade: "One knife flow, crescent moon sky rush!"

'Boom! '

The mace and the silver fiber collided suddenly, making a loud noise that shook the sky!

Centering on the collision between the two, waves of energy and sword energy swept out like waves, and the entire training ground seemed to have been plowed!

The battle broke out a few seconds after the two sides met... suddenly!

As soon as he touched it, Yun Ye's expression froze, and a terrifying force was transmitted through the silver fiber, making Yun Ye a little unable to grasp the hilt of the sword.

"Little devil, the strength is not bad, but it's still far away!" Kaido sneered, and with his right foot, the ground cracked directly. Repel Yunye!

Yunye's legs plowed a long trace on the ground, and then he turned backwards, and Shunbu even touched the air to stop his figure.

However, the next moment, Yun Ye's knowledgeable color jumped wildly, sensing danger, and quickly dodged away.

With a 'boom', a mace slammed down fiercely at the position where Yun Ye was standing just now, and the ground shattered into pieces again!

"It's very fast, navy brat!" Kaido rushed out of the smoke and smashed down again with his mace!

With a 'boom', the ground collapsed again, but Yun Ye still avoided it.

"It's very fast...much faster than Charlotte Lingling..." Yun Ye retreated extremely quickly, and the silver sword smashed through the air, but Kaido easily broke through.

"Are you tickling me? Navy boy, what about your ability? What about the ability of the phantom beast? What about the ability to freeze Jack?" Kaido rushed out, waving the mace vigorously, Thunder and lightning flashed, and a mighty stick crashed down!

"Crescent sky rushes!"

The sword glow turned into a silver thread, and Yun Ye suddenly cut off with the sword in both hands.

With a 'boom', the two attacks collided together, causing waves of air!

Yun Ye was repulsed again, but this time he was well prepared, a boundless cold air surged from his body, and a touch of ice blue appeared on the edge of the sword.

With one cut, huge ice thorns sprung up like bamboo shoots, spreading towards Kaido!

"It's so cold, brat! Is this your ability? It's the same ice as that guy Aokiji!" Kaido stepped on the ground, and a shock wave swept along the ground, shattering Yunye's ice thorns, and turned towards him. He rushed out with Yun Ye.

That's not all, Kaido leaped into the sky, transformed into a huge terrifying dragon, and opened his mouth to spit out a condensed flame energy: "Heat breath!"

Yun Ye was startled, but regained his composure in an instant, avoiding the oncoming shock wave, frosty white ice crystals spread on the silver fibers, and the cold air condensed a little.

"Ichidou Ryu Ice Ultimate Slash!" A sword that combines the abilities of two Zanpakutō slashes out, and the slash that is as long as 100 meters rushes out like a bamboo, cutting the incoming flame energy in half and heading towards the sky Kaido attacks!

Kaido's face darkened, and his huge body swam quickly, intending to avoid Yun Ye's sword.

But how could Yun Ye give him this chance?

Stretching out his hand and grasping it, the cold air in the manipulation slash suddenly exploded!

'Om! '

The infinite cold air spread suddenly, like a storm sweeping Kaido's body.

I saw hoarfrost spreading on Kaido's dragon body, and the cold air invaded his body, trying to freeze him completely!

"You can't do it, brat! Compared to Aokiji's ice, your ice is much weaker!" Kaido snorted angrily, twisting his body, making a cracking sound of ice.

"Bad wind!" Kaido opened his mouth again, this time it was not flame energy, but wind blades like slashing!

Yun Ye held up his sword to block, and made a sound of 'Dang Dang Dang' metal collision.

"Weak or not, you'll know if you try it!" Yunye Yinxian slashed again, rushing out with the ultimate ice power.

"Didn't I say that it's useless?" Kaido grabbed out his dragon claws, shattered Yunye's slash, and breathed out with his mouth open.

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