"Really?" Yun Ye laughed, even if you can see the future for a few seconds, as long as your absolute strength is enough, you can't react!

A little under his feet, Yun Ye rushed out again, and the thunder erupted behind him, and the speed accelerated again!

Katakuri's mouth was blocked by the scarf, but his eyes were extremely cold, so he also rushed out.

'boom! '

The powerful attacks of the two collided again, and a burst of terror broke out.

Blow away everyone around!

"A tie?"

"Can't even Katakuri suppress him?"

"The king of the dark world is so strong?"

"It's Quenching Shiqiang!"

The people around were also very surprised to see that Quincy could compete with Katakuri!

"One bone!"

"Corn rice cake!"

The fists of the two 'Boom' collided again. This time, Yun Ye was slightly inferior, and was repelled by the force from above for a few steps, and the ground collapsed with each kick.

"Grilled rice cake!" Katakuri's eyes flashed red, he caught Yun Ye's movement, his right fist rose into flames, and he swung it out with a 'bang' sound, the fist and shoulder split, and rushed out like a rocket launcher!

Yun Ye suddenly raised his head, spread his five fingers, and struck out the Thunder Pillar through the air, facing Katakuri's fist in the air!


The explosion set off strong winds and raised smoke and dust.

In the smoke and dust, Yunye's figure suddenly appeared, appearing on the left side of Katakuri as if teleporting, and the fist containing lightning suddenly blasted out.

However, Katakuri's eyes flashed red, and he had already noticed Yunye's movements one step ahead.

"It's useless! Your movements can't escape my eyes!" Katakuri snorted coldly, avoiding Yunye's fist on one side of his body, and then spun the trident in his hand and stabbed towards Yunye: "Nuotuan thrust !"

The angle of this attack is very tricky, and the speed is extremely fast. If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to have time to react.

However, Yun Ye's speed is his strong point, he is comparable to Huang Yuan in a short distance!

Almost instantly, he reacted, and with a little step on his feet, he shunpo used to avoid it.

'Foretelling the future...it is indeed unique...' Yunye retreated, looking at Katakuri with a serious look on his face.

The two consecutive attacks were avoided by Katakuri, which made Yunye feel a little tricky.

'Then... Let's go faster! '

Yunye looked at the system panel and set his target on [Shunpo].

add a bit!

84... 89, 90!

"Then... the speed is so fast that your body can't react!" Yun Ye rushed out again, this time at a much faster speed than before!

Came behind Katakuri.

"One bone!"

The punch that contained Yun Ye's powerful and various moves was blasted out like a cannonball, but Katakuri and Katakuri still predicted and avoided it.

"It's not over yet!" Yun Ye changed his body shape one after another, attacking Katakuri with various physical skills.

Fists, elbows, knees, legs, all kinds of attacks are as swift as a storm, each attack is blessed with various skills of Yun Ye, and finally, relying on the paralysis of Thunder, he finally seized an opportunity and hit the target with one punch Katakuri's chest, blowing Katakuri out!

Yun Ye took advantage of the victory and pursued, a Thunder Spear appeared in his hand, and he threw it out with a flick of his hand!

'Crack! '

There seemed to be a sound of thunder piercing through the air, and then, the spear of thunder pierced Katakuri's body straight!

The Thunder Spear remained unabated, still firing towards the distance!

'Um? no harm! ? ’ Yun Ye saw and sensed, but found that, except for the injury caused by his own punch, the Thunder Spear did not cause any damage to Katakuri.

‘Should it be avoided, special Superman? '

Yun Ye thought to himself, and wanted to rush out again, but a slash struck from afar!

It was the slash that Simsouji swung!

Seeing that Katakuri was at a disadvantage, Smoothie forcibly withstood an attack from Vista and retreated, and swung a terrifying slash towards Yunye!

"Huh?" Yun Ye frowned, turned around, spread five fingers, pulled out five thin thunder threads, and grabbed them forward!

'Crack! '

With this grasp, Smoothie's attack was grasped in the palm of the hand, and with a pinch, the slash shattered!

"General Star Smoothie!" Yun Ye coldly snorted and opened his five fingers, and Lei Zhu charged towards him.

But he was blocked by Smoothie raising his sword.

"Smoogee, don't meddle in my battle!" In the distance, Katakuri rushed again, wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and spoke to Smoothie, and then looked at Yun Ye coldly: "Continue Well, after I'm not down, no one will interfere with our battle!"

Yun Ye laughed, for Katakuri, Yun Ye still appreciates it very much.

This guy, if Charlotte Lingling wasn't standing in his way, he would have the talent to ascend to the throne!

"Then come! Your fruit should be awakened, let me see your strongest strength!" Yun Ye looked down on Katakuri with an extremely arrogant tone.

Yun Ye is sure that the current Katakuri must have realized the awakening!

Even if the strength is compared to the period in the original book, it will not be much weaker!

"Quincy, you are indeed strong, but I will only be stronger than you!" Katakuri touched the ground under his feet, and suddenly, the ground seemed to be injected with life, undulating like ocean waves.

"Mobile glutinous rice balls!"

Following Katakuri's command, the rice cakes surged under his feet like waves, and rushed towards Yunye!

Glutinous rice is sticky, if it gets stuck, Yunye will find it troublesome!

Yunye leaped into the sky instantly, but found that a ball of spinning rice cakes appeared above his head at some point, and stretched out a pitch-black fist from the middle of the rice cakes, hitting him!

A red light flashed in Yun Ye's eyes, and two colors of light jumped behind him, stepping on the air in a blink of an eye, avoiding the blow!

But in the surrounding area, more than a dozen rice cake balls reappeared, and countless fists attacked Yunye like a rainstorm!

The attacks were too dense, no matter how fast Yun Ye was and his knowledge was not weak, but it still didn't reach the level of the future.

In the end, he couldn't dodge without noticing for a while, and was hit by a huge fist.

But at the last moment, Yun Ye put his hands in front of his body, covering his arms with color.

There was only a muffled 'bang', and Yun Ye was shot down from a high altitude!

It fell into the ground like a meteorite, smashing a huge hole in the ground!

"It's not over! Weird Rice Cake!"

Above the pothole knocked out by Yunye, a group of rice cakes more than ten meters in size appeared, and a thicker fist protruded out, and under Katakuri's control, it slammed down!


The earth exploded instantly, and a huge crack appeared. Around the crack, smaller cracks spread towards the surroundings. Looking down from a high altitude, it seemed that the earth had opened an eye!

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