One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 116 The Two Emperors Meet in the Wabel Sea Area

By the time Morgons reached the sky above Moonlit Island in a hot air balloon, the battle was over.

Looking at the past from a high altitude, where are people still fighting at this time?

'Hasn't he come yet? Or is it over? '

Morgons beat his chest and stamped his feet, feeling angry.

If it wasn't for the sudden storm, he could have arrived several days earlier...

Now that I came to Moon Night Island, I found that the things here are over!

Yes, it's over!

He saw the ship docked at the port, flying the flag of Big Mom.

It can be inferred from this that the battle is over, and the Quincy should have won!

"Damn it! It's too late!" Morgons couldn't help but slapped himself. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't be in a hot air balloon, and came here by boat!

After observing from a distance for a while, after nothing happened that he wanted to see, he lowered his head and sighed.

What a waste of time.

He didn't dare to go down to find the Quincy Master for confirmation, and he didn't dare to spread his knowledge-colored perception at will, for fear of being discovered.

Quincy is a lunatic, he wants big news, but he doesn't want to provoke Quincy.

This time it was really a waste of time.

Without knowing the specific information, he didn't dare to spread the result of his guess through newspapers...

If the news is not true, the integrity of his newspaper will plummet, and he doesn't want to see this kind of result.

'We can only wait for the news to come out before reporting. ’ sighed Morgons, what a pity.

But at this moment, the phone bug in his pocket rang.

He picked it up: "Hey, what's going on?"

"What? A big fight broke out between Whitebeard and Big Mom? On Sibea Island in the Wabel Sea? Alright, I'll hurry there!"

After hanging up the bug, Morgans took a deep breath and gave a weird smile: "Quack, I never thought Big Mom would dare to launch an all-out attack on Whitebeard! This is the real big news. What Quincy and General Star The battle is too childish! I have to rush over! Fortunately, it is not far from the Wabel Sea, and it should be there in a few days! I hope this time I won’t make a trip in vain!”

Morgons giggled and flew away in a hot air balloon.


in a few days.

Wabel Sea.

On an island called Sibeia.

This is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It was originally just an ordinary small island, but because of one thing, the eyes of all the forces in the sea were focused on it.

The reason is that two big pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates are about to have a war here!

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that it was just a friction between the subordinate forces before, but it turned into this level in the end!

The mobilization of both sides!

The sky was cloudy, as if he knew what was going to happen here, it was extremely depressing!

The air on Sibea Island seems to be stagnant at this time, filled with a tense atmosphere called war.

The civilians on the island have been evacuated ahead of schedule, and the only ones left here are the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates!

The world's strongest man, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, was sitting on a chair at this time. Although his blond hair was already half white, the current Whitebeard was still extremely domineering. His strong body contained the power to destroy the world!

Anyone who sees him will be crushed involuntarily!

He held a jug in his hand, and after taking a bold sip of the wine, he looked calmly at the sea.

The captain of the first team Phoenix Marko, the captain of the third team Diamond Joz, the captain of the fourth team Saqi, the captain of the fifth team Foil Vista...

All captains are present at this time!

In this tense atmosphere, Marco suddenly said with a condensed expression: "Here we come!"

On the surface of the sea, ships came one by one.

The leader is a ship with a strange shape, a lot of dessert decorations on it, and a smiling face on the bow. It is a ship named Anthem made by Charlotte Lingling using the soul fruit ability!

At the bow, the aunt Charlotte Lingling was holding Napoleon in her hand, she was looking at the front with a ferocious smile, and a sharp and piercing laugh came out: "Well, well, Whitebeard, I have to settle the score with you this time. never mind!!"

Before she arrived, a terrifying and domineering arrogance spread from her body, covering the white-bearded man in front of her!

Behind him, all the members of the Big Mom Pirates were also present!

The three generals, Perospero, the Minister of Candy, and other people from all over the world.

"Gula la la la! Charlotte Lingling, you are really getting more and more courageous, dare to show your dominance in front of me? You are not qualified!"

White Beard laughed loudly, put the jug aside, and a more terrifying domineering arrogance rushed over!

‘Boom boom! '

The two domineering auras collided, and purple-black thunder suddenly appeared in the void, and waves of air centered on the two began to sweep towards the surroundings!

Stir up the waves!

The collision of the domineering colors of the two actually directly affected the reality!

The terrifying overlord's color confrontation shocked everyone's hearts, especially those new pirates who saw this situation for the first time, all opened their mouths in shock at this time!

"Well, who are you underestimating? White Beard!"

Charlotte Lingling let out a sinister grin, and rushed out. The huge momentum shook the boat under her feet and almost turned it over.

"Emperor Sword, Destruction Blade!"

Napoleon in his hand became even more ferocious and terrifying, the blade was surrounded by flames, covered in pitch-black armor, and there was a stream of purple-black plasma on the blade!

That is, overlord color twine! !

"Gu la la la la! Well done!"

A red light flashed in Baibeard's eyes, the corner of his mouth opened in an arc, he stood up abruptly, swung the supreme sharp knife in his hand, covered it with armed colors, condensed black and red plasma, and entangled with the same overlord color!

"Whitebeard!! Today, I will definitely defeat you!"

Charlotte Lingling's ferocious smile became more and more obvious. Although she was burly, she was extremely fast. Looking at the white beard below, she held the sword in both hands, and swung a terrifying blow from top to bottom!

"Gu la la, if you have the ability, come and try it!"

White Beard laughed loudly, and Cong Yunqie attacked from the bottom up!

"Not good, go back!"

"Get out of here, the shock is coming!"

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates changed, and they hurriedly fled to the distance!

On the other side, Katakuri also looked condensed, and waved his hand: "Steady the boat, block the shock wave!"

They all knew that the collision of those two people could cause such a big commotion!

No one dares to stay in place!


In the arena, the two shot at the same time, the sword and the naginata collided in the air, and a terrifying wave of air erupted, sweeping in all directions!

The two looked at each other, with a strong fighting spirit, and their domineering looks rose to the sky. At this moment, the original dark clouds in the sky split and began to churn towards the middle!

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