One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 113 The actions of the Big Mom Pirates attract the attention of all parties

After knowing the news, the demeanors and thoughts of the several kings of the dark world are different.

But what is certain is that they need to carefully weigh the deal with Wang Xu Palace and the deal with the Quincy Master!

After Yun Ye defeated Umit and incorporated Deep Current, all the business of Deep Current also fell into Yun Ye's hands.

There are more or less business dealings between the various forces in the dark world.

The downfall of a king, a new king ascends.

Not to mention overthrowing and starting over, all the previous business needs to be re-estimated!

The cooperation can continue, but in this cooperation, who is active and who is passive, this must be clarified again...

Kings are all arrogant, and when their interests are not agreed, they will not make a decision easily!

But at this time, the other kings are holding a wait-and-see attitude.

What is the attitude of the master of Wang Xu Palace, Quincy Master...


The downfall of a king in the dark world is still very important!

The news spread quickly, and other forces in the new world knew about it.

The dark world is an unavoidable business in the new world. Many illegal businesses involve all aspects, connecting the entire new world, and these people are involved in basic necessities of life.

Regardless of whether you are a member of the world government or a country of your own, you will more or less have business dealings with these people!

This matter is not trivial!

As for the few big pirates, they only paid attention to them at most. The king of the dark world is very amazing to others, but to them, that's all.

The top cadres under them, like the three disasters and generals, can take this position if they go to the dark world!

Even White Beard paid a little attention to it. The Quincy guy has been in the limelight recently, and he made several big moves in a row. It's hard for people not to pay attention.

As for Red Hair and Kaido, who are fighting fiercely at this time, why do they have time to pay attention to this.

A few days ago, the forces of both sides mobilized, and a super war broke out!

The soldiers of the two sides fought against the generals, and the entire island collapsed.

That's right, it's the island they fought for before...

Been playing for a few days and it still hasn't stopped...

The only one who moved was the aunt Charlotte Lingling.

After knowing that the snacks she was looking forward to had never been delivered, she was already furious.

I thought it was the sea king who released her pigeons.

But now there is news that the King of Sea Transport has been destroyed, and his own power has also been annexed by others.

Originally, she was defeated in the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, and now she wanted to come back to eat her favorite snacks, but the result was that they hadn't been delivered yet. After all kinds of things, she was a little annoyed.

"Go and bring news to that Quincy Master. If I don't deliver my snacks within three days, then he won't even think about gaining a foothold in the New World!"

Charlotte Lingling sits on the main seat and roars downward, because she can't eat the snacks she likes, now she is furious, her eyes are sharp, she looks terrifying like a ghost, with the domineering look of a screaming soul Stir the dark clouds above the cake island, and the muffled thunder resounds in the clouds!

Down below, all the cadres of the Charlotte family were trembling, frightened by Charlotte Lingling's appearance at this time!

The only ones who are still calm are Katakuri and other generals.

"Yes, mom, I'm going to notify the Quincy now." Minister of Sweets, eldest son Perospero wiped his sweat, said to Charlotte Lingling, and then went down.

It's all this damned Quincy, when it's not good to do it, but it's at this time, it's really damned!


Moonlit Island.

After Yunye killed Umit, the civilians on the island were liberated, freed from the endless daily labor.

Logically, Yun Ye took over everything on this island, and also included this island in his territory, and renamed it Moon Night Island!

This place will be the headquarters of Yunye Wangxu Hall!

Ai Lien did not object to this proposal, and their country was also restored with Yun Ye's support, becoming a force under Yun Ye's hands!

After thanking Yun Ye, Camilla went out to sea again and returned to the Ice Witch's boat.

Everything is on track!

But at this moment, Neil, the chief mate of the deep ocean current, who offered a bounty of more than 21, ran over sweating profusely:

"It's not good, my lord. The big pirate Charlotte Lingling came to the door. They want us to deliver the snacks to Cake Island within three days."

'Why did this crazy woman come to your door? ’ Yun Ye frowned and said: "Then send it over, do you still need to report this to me?"

Although it was a little unexpected that Charlotte Lingling would come to the door at this time, but in terms of business, the previous cadres of Deep Ocean Current are still there, so there is no need for Yun Ye to worry about it.

"But, my lord, without Umit, we can't send things across several sea areas in three days!" Neil was very anxious, and the name of his aunt Charlotte Lingling scared him.

Before, all the voyages related to Cake Island were under the responsibility of Umit himself.

He has a unique way of perceiving ocean currents, following the ocean currents under the sea, he can deliver things to the aunt in the shortest time.

Now that Umit is dead, there is no such special route, and if sailing by sea alone, it will take ten days and a half months to reach Cake Island!

That's why he rushed over so anxiously to report to Yun Ye.

When Umit was still there, he was cautious towards Charlotte Lingling, and didn't dare to offend her at all.

Yun Ye said lightly: "Just tell them directly that something happened on our side and it will take ten days to arrive."

"By the way, since it's a deal, what price did they pay?" Yun Ye suddenly thought of a question. With the character of a crazy woman like Charlotte Lingling, if she dared to take money, Umit would probably be directly It's gone!

"Eh..." Neil was stunned for a moment before he said, "My lord, we dare not collect money..."

Yun Ye secretly thought in his heart that it was indeed so.

Then, with this matter in mind, Yun Ye began to think about various situations that would happen in the future.

With the current strength, it might be okay to fight against characters like Three Disasters and General Xing, but if he wants to attack the Four Emperors, Yun Ye's estimation is still a bit short.

If I burst out with all my strength, I can at most compete against the Four Emperors for a short time, but I will definitely be the one who loses in the end.

Battery life is still poor.

It is definitely not a wise move to offend Charlotte Lingling at this stage.

After thinking about it, Yun Ye said, "Tell them the reason, and say that we will send it over as soon as possible."

Neil took the lead and went down.

After Neil went down, Yun Ye was still thinking about this matter.

The best result is that Charlotte Lingling agrees with her idea, then everything will be fine.

However, will things really go so smoothly?

Yun Ye was not sure.

Soon, Neil came back again, this time, his expression completely changed.

"My lord, they refused. Perospero, the candy minister of Cake Island, said that if we don't see that batch of goods within three days, there is no need for us to exist!"

"Did they really say that?" Yun Ye narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"Yes, my lord, Perospero told me himself!" Neil said cautiously. Now he still doesn't know the character of the Quincy, and dare not speak loudly.

Yun Ye snorted coldly: "Then let them roll over and get it by themselves!"

Do you really think you are a soft persimmon?

Squeeze if you want?

Yun Ye is also angry, so what about the Four Emperors?

At worst, just do one game!

But when thinking about these things, Yun Ye suddenly felt his heart move, and thought to himself: "Brother Doflaming's sudden withdrawal, could it be because of Charlotte Lingling?"

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Otherwise, with Doflamingo's character, it would be impossible to let Umit go so easily!

And still in the case of overall advantage.

After thinking about it, something must have happened to make him stop.

And Charlotte Lingling is the most likely reason!

‘Hehe... Didn’t you remind me, did you plan to let me crash into the muzzle of aunt? What a good plan! '

Yun Ye sneered inwardly, he wrote down the comparison!

Doflamingo must pay the price in the future!

"Now the aunt is fighting with Whitebeard, and she is just a "little person". She probably won't do it herself. Most likely, one of the four generals will come..."

"If it's just a general, I can still handle it..."

Thinking about it, Yun Ye looked at Neil and said, "Pass on my words and say, "If you want it, roll over and get it yourself!" "Then just hang up!"

Neil's face turned pale: "My lord, is this really the case? They are the Big Mom Pirates at the top of the new world!"

"I'm still a Quincy!" Yun Ye laughed, his smile was crazy: "War, this is my field of expertise!"

Seeing Yunye's expression, Neil couldn't help shaking, he almost forgot that this guy in front of him is an existence that dares to kill even a Tianlongren!

Killing the Tianlong people will definitely offend the entire world government!

The world government is a powerful force with 170 allies. Even if the top pirates in the new world gather together, it is impossible to defeat such a powerful force!

But Quincy, the lunatic, did it without any scruples!

How could such a lunatic be afraid of a big mom pirate group! ?

"It's your lord!" Neil withdrew, followed Yun Ye's instructions, dialed the phone bug, and said the words that shocked Perospero.

Before Perospero could speak, Neil hung up the phone.

That is decisive!

"Damn...damn it!" Perospero was furious. In the new world, few people dared to talk to their Big Mom Pirates like this!

He hurried to Cake Island and told Charlotte Lingling the news.

"Well... Quincy! What a daring guy! Is it inflated after killing Umit? No king of the dark world has ever dared to speak to me like this!"

Charlotte Lingling's face was extremely gloomy. When she heard the news, she thought she had heard it wrong.

Now in the new world, there are still people who dare to speak to her Charlotte Lingling like this!

In her opinion, it should be the Quincy, who became a little swollen after becoming the king of the dark world!

She didn't even pay attention to her aunt, Charlotte Lingling!

Cracker, one of the stars, also said with a cold face: "I really don't know how to live or die. A mere king of the dark world dares to say such words to our Big Mom Pirates!"

In the past, no king of the dark world dared to say such words to the members of their Big Mom Pirates!

This made Cracker very angry, feeling insulted by the Quincy!

Smoothie also snorted coldly, expressing his disdain for Quincy!

Katakuri, on the other hand, stood silently aside, his eyes closed and he didn't speak.

At this moment, Snug, who had just become a general, suddenly said, "Mom, let me go over and teach this lifeless Quincy a lesson!"

Long ago, Snug was upset at seeing Quincy!

It's just killing two Tianlong people, and the bounty is even higher than his general, how can this be tolerated?

Charlotte Lingling suddenly laughed: "Well, is it Snug? Well, let that Quincy know the consequences of refusing my request, Charlotte Lingling!"

"Yes, Mom!" Snug had an excited look on his face.

After becoming a general, he didn't have a good record. Now that he has this opportunity, he naturally doesn't want to let it go.

Like a child, he is eager to show off in front of adults.

He wanted to let Charlotte Lingling know that the decision to choose him as the general was not wrong!

He may not be worse than other generals!

He even set his goal on Katakuri, the leader of the stars!

He wants to surpass the other generals in the future and become the second only to Charlotte Lingling in the Big Mom Pirates!

"With generals dispatched, Quincy is about to end!"

"The king of the dark world, who does he think he is? Hmph!"

"How dare you reject our Big Mom Pirates, he is dead!"

"Brother Snug, teach that guy a lesson!"


A few hours later, a ship flying the flag of the Big Mom Pirates slowly set off from the port of Cake Island!

Target, Moonlight Island!

It was none other than Charlotte Snuggle on board!


As the top sea force, the Big Mom Pirates are naturally watched by everyone.

Now seeing a ship departing from the port, some people naturally became curious.

At this moment of fighting the Whitebeard Pirates, Charlotte Lingling actually mobilized other troops to go to other sea areas.

How is this going?

"This ship should be the Snag who has just become an admiral!"

"Hiss...even the generals are dispatched, what happened?"

"The direction over there is the Walit sea area, right? Isn't that the territory of the sea king Umit?"

"When did you get the news? Umit, the king of shipping, is dead, and even the territory has been taken away by others!"

"What? When did it happen?"

"Idiot, you don't even know that Quincy has ascended to the King of the Dark World and established the Palace of Wangxu?"

"Could it be that Quincy is going to fight Big Mom Pirates? Quincy is so brave?"

"Hehe, that is a ruthless person who dares to kill even Tianlong people! What do you think he dare not?"

"This is really interesting! Quincy vs. Battle General, this will definitely be a big news that will cause a sensation in the whole world!"


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