After solving the Soldier of Gula Legion, Jiang Feng set his sights on the Istrian.

It is a sub-human with purple skin that is less than one meter tall, looks similar to the Earth, but has a pointed golden antennae on the forehead.

When the Jiang Feng people cast their gazes over, the frightened expressions on the faces of these frightened Istrians were timid, and they were afraid to look at Jiang Feng and the others.

“Hey! We are not malicious!” Jiang Feng said, Issho moved towards Istrian.

After the catastrophe, these Istrians have become very sensitive like bow-struck birds.

“Formidable fighters who came to the planet Istria from a distance! Thank you for your rescue. My name is Albert and is the head of the 3th Mecha Legion of the planet Istria. I beg Lord Expert to save us. Stella! We are willing to pay for everything! “

The Istrian named Albert came to Jiang Feng, bent down and bowed his head, begging sadly.

Why did the planet Istria suffer such a disaster! Why do formidable cosmic people appear one after another on this planet?

However, the astronauts in front of us and the astronauts who have just invaded the planet Istria are obviously not a group, and now only they have Ability to save the planet Istria!

“Save the planet Istria! Why should we save the planet Istria, what can I get from saving the planet Istria?”

Jiang Feng suddenly put a smile on his face, although his voice was not indifferent, but his sharp eyes made the weak Istrian dare not look at him.

Albert stepped forward, cautiously said: “Please Expert Expert to follow up to see our King, I believe our King will give him a generous reward!”

Albert is only a Mecha leader of the Istrian planet, so he is not qualified to promise anything, but he believes that if their king understood this matter, he is also willing to pay the price to save the Istrian planet.

“Your king? The planet Istria has become such a ghost, how can you guarantee that your king is alive?” Jiang Feng lightly saying.

Hearing this, Albert pump light glittering hesitated, slowly said: “I think our king is still safe, because according to the words of these invaders, they have not found the latest Mecha technology of the kingdom! The latest Mecha of the kingdom The whereabouts of technology is only known to Wang and a few participating scientists! “

“I think they are hiding in the strongest refuge in the kingdom!”

“Oh! That’s it! Can you tell me what Mecha technology is in your mouth?” Jiang Feng nodded slightly, and his voice became a lot milder.

He knew that the science and technology that allowed Gula to peer in was not easy to come by.

Albert hesitated for a moment, hesitating for a while and then slowly replied: “We are all Istrian scientists, who are best at science and technology manufacturing! However, our body size is small, there is no fighting Ability, so we Istria The planet’s greatest scientist has invented Mecha, and putting on Mecha can greatly improve our combat Ability! “

“The old-fashioned Mecha can increase combat power up to ten times. Not long ago, our planet 鈥檚 Mecha technology has achieved a significant breakthrough. The latest Mecha can increase the combat power by up to 50 times! Those cosmic people invaded the planet Istria, Just to get the latest Mecha technology! “

Talking, Albert’s complexion became extremely glomy, eyes full of resentment.


Jiang Feng eyes 鈥檊littering, secretly said in one’s heart, it 鈥檚 no wonder that Gula will send an Admiral with a combat power of more than 150,000. It is that the things of the Istrian planet are too tempting, and even he can’t help it.

50 times the amplification, which is equivalent to Saiyans directly transformed into Super Saiyans, who can bear this temptation.

With this high-end Mecha technology, Gura can completely create a batch of super Legion with a combat power of over 100 as a whole.

Think about it, what kind of scene is 1000 to 10000 Kinu Captains fighting together!

Jiang Feng remembers him in the ruins of the city,

I’ve seen something like Gundam, I thought those were just plain Mecha, didn’t expect so terrifying.

However, the Istrian combat power is too low, most of which are around 100. Even the leader of Mecha, Albert, has more than 200 points of combat power that’s all. Mecha wears the Istrian It is simply recless waste of natural resources.

Moreover, the Mecha technology of the Istrian planet has just broken through, and it has not yet had time to spread. Most of the soldiers are still wearing the old-fashioned Mecha, and the combat power is about 1000 to 2500. No wonder they will be hoisted by Gura’s army.

“You’re not afraid that we will also think of Mecha technology!” Jiang Feng smiled with a smile on his face.

“Those guys don’t know how many of our compatriots have been killed. If you can revenge for the Istrians, Mecha Technology will share it with you!” Albert said angrily.

Seeing each and everyone compatriots fall under his feet, he was powerless. Albert only hated that his combat power was low, and he could not kill all the invaders.

He needs to come up with enough chips so that it is possible to save clansman’s life. Otherwise, Istra may not exist in the universe after a few days!

“Sir, can we go to save our king?” Albert whispered.

“Wait a minute! The guys I’m waiting for are coming up soon! These guys are really slow!” Jiang Feng cornered the mouth and cast his eyes slowly into the distance.

“This …” The Istrian did not know why, UU read the book and followed Jiang Feng’s eyes, but he saw nothing.

The audience can feel the bad Badak and Broly, and know what Jiang Feng is talking about.

This is another place on the planet Istria!

Thick smoke rose slowly from all parts of the mainland, and the sky was blocked by a dark cloud.

Outside the turbulent 7 vertical 8 suburbs of the city, the continental plate splits from here, and a bottomless giant crack runs through it. The mountain forest is cut off by a big blade from here.

in the sky Dozens of astronauts in battle suits are galloping towards the city.

The cosmic man headed by the slender body looks like a amphibious animal, the body skin and skeleton are very soft.

He is Nez!

Nez, as one of the trump members of the Gura Mecha team, naturally helped Gula do bad things, and has always been trusted by Gura. This time, the Mecha technology that snatched the Istrian stars, Gura sent him over.

At this time, a cosmic person who had been flying behind in Nez observed a slight change in the frame of the combat power detector. He pressed the combat power detector again a few times, and then moved towards Nez, saying:

“Master Nez, I just detected that the combat power of a member of our corps suddenly disappeared.

And before their combat power value disappeared, a series of violently beating data appeared on the frame of the combat power detector, but it soon calmed down! The enemy’s combat power stabilized to 50000 points! “

“Oh?” Nez glanced back at the cosmic man and said, “I remember, there was a message from the soldier that there were many Istrian people gathered there, and there might be news of Mecha technology!”


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