Jiang Feng wiped his sweat and looked at the back of Billus’s departure. No more words. A flash appeared in the grove near the lake, and sat down on the ground to recuperate for a while. His state had already retreated from the ancient Super Saiyan god. Come out.

After a while, I saw Jiang Feng’s prophecy fish slowly approaching Jiang Feng.

“You guy is awesome! For the first time, I saw someone who can fight to such an extent with Master Billus!” The voice of the prophecy fish was full of excitement.

Jiang Feng slightly shook his head and said, “After this battle, I found out that my Strength is far from the saboteur. If Lord Beruth used the sabotage rule at first, I would not even have the opportunity to use Attack. . “

“You guy is quite self-aware! But I predict that soon, your Strength will surpass Master Billus!” Said the Prophecy fish proud and pampered, as if to show off its own Ability again.

“Prophecy fish! Say what you just said again!” At this time, Billus coldly’s voice came.

“Vis! Save me!” The prophecy fish was clever, sweating coldly, and instantly hid behind Vis’s behind.

At this time, Weiss turned to Jiang Feng, and said to Jiang Feng indifferently: “You don’t have to be arrogant. Your Strength at this moment is very close to Master Billus. What you are missing is the understanding of destroying the Rule and the fighting style I believe you have gained a lot from this battle! “

Weiss is right, Jiang Feng gained a lot in this battle.

During the battle with Billus, Jiang Feng worked hard to perceive the so-called free will, and he felt a little bit, but he still felt a bit mysterious, and he was not allowed to get started.

Next, he has to do a lot of things, such as deeper understanding of destroying the Rule, improving his soul dimension, and learning the combat style of kung fu, even if only a little skin combat power is realized, it will also increase 1 ~ 2 levels.


The 7th universe, the planet Emma, ​​is the planet where the surviving Saiyans lived temporarily.

Morning sun rising, soft wind.

At the time when 10000 things were recovering in the spring season, the sun on the horizon had just protruded a corner from the top of the mountain, dyed the clouds red, and was full of life.

In the huge dense woods, there was a spring mood, and more than 800 Saiyans were used to life on the planet Emma.

At this time, deep in the woods, several High Level Saiyan warriors were surrounded by a facial expression grave. It was surprising that the head was a Saiyan who looked like 2 to 3 years old.

“What a bad luck! Didn’t expect to meet the people of Frieza Legion on this planet! What should we do now, although the mess of Frieza Legion has been killed, our news is also likely to reach Frieza Legion Headquarters! “

Kruga’s angry voice broke, breaking the quiet atmosphere around him.

“That’s right! It’s estimated that Frieza is already understood and some Saiyans are alive. The personality of Frieza will never let us go!” Badak remembered Frieza’s cruel character, facial expression grave Said.

“Frisa, knowing we’re still alive will definitely do something to us, but I don’t know if he will come in person or send a team from Kinut!”

“With Broly’s current combat power, there is no problem in solving the Kinut team, but Friesa is still dead end!”

“Today, it is the best choice to keep the Saiyan Tinder from this planet!”

Gilles, thinking silently, started to talk slowly,

There was a deep gaze in his eyes.

“But! How can we leave this planet without a universe spaceship?”

“Yeah! We don’t move super Ability in an instant!”

“Damn! Don’t be reconciled! Don’t we Saiyans keep being chased down by Frieza like this, like a stray dog!”


The Saiyans around also talked, and the expressions on their faces were very rich, with anger, bitterness, and unwillingness.
“Right! Broly, did your Master tell you how to contact him before leaving? This guy is too irresponsible? He said he came back every few months, but it’s been gone for a year His silhouette! “Assel seemed to have thought of something, looking at Broly.

“Master said it! But, I don’t want to contact the Master until the last minute! I want to use our own Strength to resolve this matter first. Unless Frieza comes here in person, I won’t contact the Master!” Bro Lee looked heavy.

One year is not long or short. Jiang Feng’s time energy left in Broly has long disappeared. Now Broly’s growth speed is the same as ordinary people.

However, don’t look at Browley’s appearance when he is only two to three years old. He is more mature than the average Saiyan of his age.

“It’s up to you! But I’m relieved to hear you!” Assel sighed in relief lightly saying.

The surrounding Saiyans are also the same. Recognizing the Strength gap, they don’t want to be given a shot by Frieza before they have fully risen.


At this time, where the northern galaxy and the eastern galaxy border, a green-filled planet leaning towards the northern galaxy.

“What’s up with you, Bart? I’ve killed everyone on my side!” A pineapple head, a tall man with a small orange head on his head, laughed heartily and turned on the combat power detector, Companions show off their achievements.

Likum’s voice was so rough that he couldn’t help but frown.

A few ten thousand meters away, UU reads www.uukanshu. com A tall cosmic man with blue skin heard Likum’s voice through the combat power detector, but showed a slight disdain, laughed: “Licum, you want to beat me at your speed? I ’m Killed everyone here before you! “

“Bart, why are you always this guy!” Likum stunned first, then shouted angrily.

“Because my degree is the fastest in the universe!” Bart said proudly.

“Well, don’t quarrel, Guldo and I have solved the enemy. Now come to the place of the universe spaceship! It’s also time to go to the Emma planet to solve those Saiyans!” Another place, Gus sat Above a rock, 4 round cosmic spaceships looked at below.

“It’s Saiyan again! Didn’t expect the planets of Vegeta have exploded, and Saiyan survived.

If it weren’t for the news from King Frieza, I would not believe it to be true.

Captain Kinew died unexplained on the planet Vegeta. Let ’s take these Saiyans to revenge on Captain! “

“Hehehe, there is almost no life on this planet, and it can be sold! It is also time to go and play with those Saiyans!”

Likum and Bart sneered, moving towards Strike from different directions.

It didn’t take long for the two people in the sky to come and see two figures, one red and one green, and the other two members of the Kinut team, Gis and Guldo, were waiting here in the universe spaceship.

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