“It’s a good year to become a real Super Saiyan god.” Billus stretched his waist, rubbed his eyes, got up, changed his clothes, and followed Weiss and Jiang Feng out of the palace.
The entire way, Billus closed his eyes, his hands fell vertically, a sleepy look.
Soon, three people came to the strange grove by the lake. At this moment, Birus suddenly stopped and sniffed, “Well, sir, have you prepared something delicious?”
Billus smelled the aroma of the barbecue from the gourmet tree, and opened his eyes instantly, and the whole person was Spirit.
“This is” Billus eyes widened, incredibly looked at the gourmet tree, the flesh grew from the tree
Suddenly, Billus appeared momentarily under the gourmet tree, reached out and gently pulled on the tree, and a fat barbecue appeared in Billus’s hand.
Billus swallowed saliva and said, sticking out his tongue and licking it, then delivered it to his mouth with satisfaction, the taste buds uploaded an unprecedented deliciousness, and Billus uttered a pleasant groan.
“Why the hell do you guys wake me up until now? Do you want to swallow these foods alone?” Billus complained about Weiss while tasting the barbecue.
“How can there be a gourmet tree for Lord Birus, just yesterday, genius just matured.” Weiss laughed, covering his mouth and looking to the side of the prophetic fish: “Are you predicting the fish?”
“I am such a master, Billus, I can testify,” the nodded prophet Yushin understood.
“Hmph” Billus was coldly snorted, not bothering with Weiss and predicting fish.
“Master Billus, can we start?” Seeing Billus eating almost, Jiang Feng walked to Billus, who leaned comfortably under the food tree.
Beruth has a very enjoyable expression. Obviously, the barbecue on the gourmet tree fits Beruth’s appetite.
These days, he has been training alone, and occasionally performs actual combat training. Now, Beurus, the destroyer of the realm, is asleep, and only Weiss can perform actual combat with him.
But Weis’ level is too high. In normal training, Weis can’t support a few rounds at all, and if Weis gets serious, he can stun him with a hand knife.
Weiss is undoubtedly outstanding in teaching people, but because Strength is too formidable, when fighting, he always has a hallow hallucination that is unable to punch, and he does not have the physical touch of Strength at all.
If you try to deal with people who are too much beyond your Strength, you will always have a sense of powerlessness that has Strength but cannot make it out.
Guidance is not the same as a real battle. Jiang Feng still hopes for an evenly matched battle. At present, there are not many people who can fight him in the universe, so he looks at Billus.
What he needs is a quick fight to test and sublimate his Strength, and there is already a promised fight between him and the destructive Billus.
Weiss looked calmly at Jiang Feng, lightly nodded, and turned to the saboteur Billus: “Master Billus, what do you think?”
Birus took a barbecue at will, rolled his tongue and finished the barbecue. He had an unpredictable look. “Well, exercise after meals also helps digestion.”
Billus got up and moved his lower body, “brat, I will fight with you, but in order to avoid bullying, this time I do not use the amount of destroying divine ability, let me take a look at the so-called Super Saiyan God How strong is it? “
If the god of destruction does not use the amount of the ability to destroy the divinity, the strength itself is also very powerful.
Hearing this, Jiang Feng’s eyes were lightly paused, secretly said in one’s heart, had he just slept in the palace than Billus, and didn’t notice that he had also used destructive power.
“It’s a deal, Master Billus” Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth raised a radian, and Yu Guang glanced at Weiss.
Sure enough, Weis and his elder sister Bardos of the 6th universe belong to the more black belly type.
Weiss not at all reminded Billus that he had actually been recognized for breaking Rule.
“When fighting for a while, Master Billus may be worth 10000000 million. Do n’t leave, I still have some confidence in my Strength,” Jiang Feng said with a smile, and then controlled his body to float in the sky.
Do not use destructive power
Jiang Feng started to look a little bit, and Billus saw his expression of using destructive power.

“Oh, you’re pretty confident” Billus sniffed Jiang Feng’s words and followed into the sky.
pale-gold’s eyes glittering from cold light, as if a gust of cold wind blew from a distant glacier, and the temperature suddenly dropped to the freezing point. At this moment, he was completely a god of life and death in charge of the universe. It can also be said as Rule ’s incarnation No emotion at all.
Billus took it seriously, and immediately the whole Destroyer world began to roll up a fierce storm.
How can the high-end God’s power tolerate a little blasphemy.
At this time, standing next to the strange grove by the lake, Weis quietly looked at at him and raised his scepter lightly, and one black and green light was immediately lit on the black Crystal Ball.
Immediately, a wave of ripples diffused out, forming a hemispherical Space with limited area, protecting the surrounding woods with Level 1 barrier.
The food trees that finally grew up, Weiss didn’t want them to be destroyed in the storm of battle
Immediately afterwards, Vis Bilus shouted, “Master Bilus, you really should be serious. This realm of this guy is not ordinary now. I forgot to tell you that he just came out of the Level 5 Temple.”
Bilus froze, golden eyes narrowed slightly, and then said a little accidentally: “The Level 5 Temple Weiss guy opened the temple to you and put it that way. You have been approved by a certain universe Rule. “
“What kind of Rule is it?”
Beruth’s gaze was curiously asked, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. He knows that if Jiang Feng only went to the 5th level temple and did not get the approval of the universe rule, Weiss would not remind him, because it is absolutely unnecessary.
“Master Billus, you can guess it” Jiang Feng Qian Issho, very happy with skin.
“Do you still need to guess if this is true? God will hit you to show yourself.” Billus glanced down.
“Let’s try it”
Drinking softly, Jiang Feng entered the state of the ancient Super Saiyan god whole body and body. Immediately, his appearance became green-haired and green-eyed. A mysterious and mysterious charm was released, and he faintly resisted in Space. Kamui on Billus.
puff puff puff
in the sky making a sound.
Peacefully destroying the rising gods, scudding clouds, the sky’s clouds are slowly divided into 2 halves.
“The sky seems to be cracking.” The prophecy fish looked at the air field that was constantly confronting in the sky, with a sigh of emotion.
“It looks good in this battle.”
Faithly smiled, eyes of cyan-gray color stared at Jiang Feng and Billus closely.

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