“Hope it’s not the 50th Divine Stage!” Jiang Feng prayed secretly, a flash of decisive light flashed in his eyes, and stepped directly into the Space channel in front of him.

Crossing the Space tunnel, Jiang Feng arrived at the Level 5 shrine and looked back at the sighed in relief in the heart of the 50th stage Divine Stage.

If he hadn’t come here through the Space channel, according to the previous practice time, he would have to practice at least 50 years of Divine Stage for more than 50 years before he could break through the dimensional pressure of the 50th Divine Stage.

He didn’t have the patience to wait that long!

Jiang Feng was so happy that he felt the baptism of the dimensional energy from the Level 5 Temple. This time, he obviously made money.

The temple is different from the Divine Stage. It does not have the terrifying dimensional pressure. The latter seems to be used to test the practitioner, while the former is used to reward the practice.

In each Level 4 shrine in the former Level 1, Jiang Feng received a baptism of dimensional energy once, so he came directly to the Level 5 shrine without fear.

Sure enough, as he thought, going directly to the Level 5 Temple not only gained benefits, but also saved more than 50 years.

Jiang Feng stared at the temple with high eyes, and stepped directly into the solemn and sacred Great Hall without hesitation.

Suddenly, one’s dazzling rays of light flashed and engulfed Jiang Feng’s body instantly. Then, the rays of light disappeared in the temple, and Jiang Feng’s body disappeared!


Destroying the realm of the gods, on the grass of jade green, Weiss is looking seriously at the image of the projection from the scepter in his hand.

On his side, a fish with a strange shape perched in a cane-shaped fish tank. The lower body was immersed in water, and the upper body was exposed outside. It looks like a large blue loach.

Prophecy Fish, the pet of the 7th Cosmic Destroyer Billus, an incredible fish that makes predictions.

The prophecy of the fish is very unreliable. Even the prophecies made by himself will be forgotten. Once compared with Ruth, he predicted that there will be a strong enemy.

It is also because of the prophecy of the fish, that Birus will go to the planet Vegeta in advance to find the super Saiyan god.

“Prophecy fish! You said this guy will become a high-level God in the 7th universe, is it true!” Weiss saw Jiang Feng disappearing in the temple through his scepter, and his gaze was laid aside in the fish tank. Prophecy fish.

The high-level God in Weiss’s mouth is the God of the universe rule, just like the devil God Billus.

Devil Billus has been recognized by Destroying Rule and has mastered Destroying Rule. Jiang Feng has just entered the Level 5 Temple, and he does not know which Rule will be approved.

“Of course! My predictions are 100% accurate!

Earlier, I predicted that Super Saiyan God, a powerful enemy of Lord Birus, would appear in the near future. “The prophecy fish fluttered its tail in the aquarium and said proudly.

“Oh! He used time and Space’s Ability in the god on the platform of the temple, so he should become the god of time or the god of space?”

Weiss looked up at the Level 5 Temple, and said with curiosity, since Jiang Feng disappeared into the Temple shrouded by the light of the response, Ves’s scepter could not see the reflection of Jiang Feng!

Weiss also doesn’t know, at this time Jiang Feng is being tested by which Rule, so he can only guess roughly.

Because Jiang Feng is in the Space at this time, is by no means Pantheon’s projection in the 7th Universe,

It is the real Level 5 temple of Pantheon. The light of the response just now is to meet Jiang Feng to the true Level 5 temple.

After a while!

A burst of rays of light flashed, and Jiang Feng’s silhouette appeared in the Level 5 Temple again.

Seeing this, Weiss moved his mind, and gently tapped the scepter, and saw a while of rays of light glittering, the magnificent ascension of the temple gradually disappeared, and Jiang Feng’s body floated in the air.

At this point, Jiang Feng was embarrassed and his clothes were badly damaged, as if he had just crawled out of the ruins of the end of the world.

Jiang Feng looked up at the special grain mark on the back of his hand, and the burning sensation on the back of his hand had not completely dissipated.

He remembers that when he approached the Level 5 Temple, he was teleported to a special space by one rays of light, and there were many planets in that space.

Each planet represents a kind of Strength, with the breath of Flame, the breath of Lightning, and the breath of time and space, but he chose the breath of destruction.

He spent a full 3 years on a planet composed entirely of the power of destruction, faced Monsters derived from the main force of destruction every day, and finally realized the power of destruction.

With a thought, the destructive power of terrifying surged on Jiang Feng. The special pattern on the back of Jiang Feng’s hands glittering with dazzling rays of light, and his whole body was full of the energy of destruction.

“This is …” Weiss saw Jiang Feng burst into destruction energy. Don’t think that Jiang Feng must have chosen to destroy the Rule, and was recognized by the Rule.

“This is destructive power! Wouldn’t this guy want to replace Master Billus!”

The fish was predicted to cry out in surprise, and Jiang Feng’s change was beyond his expectations. It did predict that Jiang Feng would become the high-level God of the 7th universe, but it was definitely not a saboteur.

“Prophecy fish! Is this the scene you saw in the prophecy?” Weiss asked at Prophecy Fish with a surprised look.

“No! No! How is it possible? With Master Billus, he cannot be the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe!” Said the prophet Yu in a calm tone, and he did not know what was wrong with his prophecy!

Feeling the power of destruction, Jiang Feng slowly retracted Strength, the strange lines on the back of the hand no longer glittering rays of light, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The power of destruction was instantly hidden within his body.

“Mr. Weiss! Many thanks!” Jiang Feng slowly floated down from the air and came to Weis in front of him with a smile.

“Why do you choose to destroy the Rule? I noticed when I first saw you. There is still time in your body and the Strength of Space!”

“In the Level 5 Temple, no matter which of these two rules you choose, you may become a high-priced God!”

“But why did you choose to destroy Rule! You shouldn’t really want to be the destroyer of the seventh universe!” Weiss looked at Jiang Feng with a strange look.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng, shallow Issho, he chose to destroy Rule naturally has his thoughts.

In fact, when he just entered the strange Space of the Level 5 Temple, the most attractive to him were the Time Rule and Space Rule.

Hesitated for a moment, he not at all chose these two Strength.

Because the spacetime he is in now is the spacetime that was more than 20 years ago. If he chooses to become High Level God here, then his position is bound to this parallel universe.

Become God of this time and space, but go to other time and space and do not return, not responsible, will it attract the king to shoot?

But the destruction rule is different. In this space-time, there is Bilus. Bilus is immortal or does not give way. He can never become the god of destruction, at most it is trainee that’s all!

As soon as he left, no one would bother him!

:. :

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