Become an Ancient Super Saiyan!

Jiang Feng opened his eyes, and Bi-green’s pupil was ice-cold, with no emotion.

The golden air surrounded by the green air field, the magnificent figure is fully exposed, and the eyes are clear and full of majesty.

“Transformation is successful! Try Strength!”

Jiang Feng’s cold face looked extremely cold. His palms drew an arc in Hollow’s air, and the densely packed green energy was scattered from different directions toward Weiss.

hōng lòng Long!

The densely packed light spheres meet in the sky, and the energy of terrifying gradually forms a dense, impermeable net, and a big explosion is enough to destroy Heaven and Earth.

However, Weiss just waved his wand and gently tapped the ground. Immediately his body was suddenly protected by a Level 1 blue barrier. The terrifying explosion caused a storm, but Weiss could not be hurt.

“Yes, it is Weis!” Jiang Feng muttered to himself, looking towards unscathed Weis, and a strong fighting intent erupted in the eyes of suddenly.

The corner of the mouth Yang slightly exposed an arc, Jiang Feng stepped on Hollow’s air suddenly, the soles of the feet suddenly generated a whirlwind, the ground suddenly sank several meters down, and the silhouette flickered, and it was already in front of Weiss.

Jiang Feng knows that no matter whether he has transformed into an ancient Super Saiyan, he will not be able to play against Weiss, even if he is not qualified to shoot.

But he still wanted to try his Strength, after all, there was no one else here.

Weiss looked calm and very calm!

Suddenly Jiang Feng’s eyes were frozen, suddenly moved towards Weiss, 2 people at the same time, I saw 2 bright light passing through in the sky, their movement was extremely fast, short contact immediately burst into fierce fighting .

hōng lòng Long!

The atmosphere trembled, and large patches of dust floated like black curtains, covering the sky.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

I saw in the sky 2 silhouettes, fast as lightning flashed past.

One had green hair with a facial expression grave, the hair on his forehead rose to the sky, the whole body was burning golden Flame, and the other had no extra movements, and his complexion was very calm.

The speed of the two people is very fast, but obviously Jiang Feng has already exhausted his full power, but Weiss is at ease. Jiang Feng suddenly raises the speed to attack, and Weiss can escape with no difficulty every time.

The surrounding terrifying scene was caused by Jiang Feng. The two men fought for a few minutes. Jiang Feng waved 2 violent Attacks, and none of them hit Weiss.

Suddenly, Weiss shallowly Issho, wielding his scepter moved towards Jiang Feng’s lower abdomen.

Jiang Feng saw this and pump suddenly shrank, but he had no time to avoid it.

boom! With a dull sound, Jiang Feng was in pain and fell to the ground, covering his lower abdomen.

Weiss’s blow was not only powerful,

There is also a dimension of Strength. Jiang Feng can only say that the blow was really heavy. He forcibly withstood the blow from Weiss, and the entire body seemed to suddenly lose Strength.

Had it not been for the amount of his Spiritual Force that was formidable, I’m afraid he would have passed out in the first blow, and he would have suffered such a fierce attack for the first time.

After a while!

Weiss waved his scepter and gently tapped Jiang Feng. Immediately 10000 1000 light dots submerged into Jiang Feng’s body, Jiang Feng sighed in relief, and slowly got up.

“Mr. Weiss’s Strength is really formidable!” Jiang Feng could not help but admire.

In the seventh universe, on the bright side, Strength is the strongest destroyer, and the strongest is actually the angel next to the destroyer.

In each universe of Dragon Ball World, the angels of the saboteur seem to be the sensei of saboteur. Their existence is similar to God who is responsible for supervising the operation of the universe.

Angels seem to be under the control of God, but they are more honorable than God.

Jiang Feng remembers that in the original work, the entire king held a cosmic Martial Dao conference. When all the fighters in the participating universe were eliminated, the entire king would destroy the universe.

All creatures and God in the universe are to be destroyed. Only angels need not follow the universe and undergo punishment. It can be seen that the status of angels is much higher than God in the universe.


After transforming into a Super Saiyan, Jiang Feng thought about the Super Saiyan Second Stage and the Super Saiyan Third Stage.

Super Saiyan I, the combat power after transformation is 50 times the normal!

Compared with Super Saiyan 2, the appearance of Super Saiyan 1 changes, the hair will become a little longer, and there is a noticeable arc around them. It is also called Super Saiyan beyond Super Saiyan.

The combat power of Super 2 is 100 times that of the normal, which is 2 times that of Super 1.

The characteristics of Super Saiyan 3 is that on the foundation of Super 2, hair is long to the waist, pupils become dark blue, eyebrows disappear, and eyebrow bones are lowered.

The combat power of Super 3 is higher than Super 2 and its battle strength is 400 times higher than normal, which is 2 times of Super 4.

In destroying the god world, Jiang Feng spent nearly 4 months in the World and finally completed the practice of Super 2 and Super 3, and of course, Weiss’s help was indispensable.

The power of Weiss is much stronger than Earth’s fairy beans. Before, Jiang Feng asked Weiss to heal once a day. After becoming a Super Saiyan, his training amount was more terrifying. On average, he was asked to heal 2 times a day.

Today, his normal combat power is almost 1000-10000. The super-combat power is about 5100000000, the super-combat power is about 2, and the super-combat power is about 10100000000.

And because of the ancient Super Saiyan, Jiang Feng’s Super One, Super 2 and Super 3 forms are almost full power, and energy consumption is not as fast as ordinary Super Saiyan.


After completing the 3rd transformation of Super Saiyan, Jiang Feng wanted to merge the deity and become the god of Super Saiyan …

“Mr. Weiss! Good morning! Where are we going today?” Early this morning, UU read a book www.uukanshu. ComJiang Feng came to the open space for training as usual.

Yesterday we saw that his body stamina had been tempered, and said that he could try to integrate divinity, and also said that he would take himself to a place.

Jiang Feng is certainly 100 willing, he can’t wait to turn into a super Saiyan god.

Weis smiled and said, “You will understood when you get there, I believe that place will help you!”

Weiss shook his scepter a few times, and saw the distant Divine Realm in the sky suddenly fly over a huge Ancient palace.

The palace looks very ancient, revealing the flavor of Henggu. With the palace getting closer and closer, Jiang Feng can see that the huge palace has a total of Level 5 and each Level 1 is very wide.

And between each Level 1 and every Level 1, there are ten wide steps. If you look closely, it is clearly a huge platform with oval shapes.

There are 50 steps in total, and the thickness of each step is almost the same.

Jiang Feng, who owns Space Ability, can see that the steps of each and everyone not at all seem so simple on the surface. Among them, there is another world, and a dimension World is hidden in each step.

Pirate of Marine Tyrant Fist

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