Seeing the tragic state of Captain Captain, Shangbo ’s whole body trembled, and cold sweat was blowing from the forehead. I looked at the opportunity to escape! Broly glanced at Shangbo, a flashing body appeared above Shangbo, raised his hand to point at Shangbo, and the energy bomb from rays of light 4 burst out from Broly’s hand. Both Shang Bo’s body and the energy bomb were dropped on the ground! hōng lòng Long! With the miserable roar! When the smoke gradually dispersed, the silhouette of Shang Bo’s injury finally appeared. His appearance was very embarrassed, Mo Green’s hair was scattered loosely over his shoulders, and the armor was separated from Shatter, with blood on his body. “Ah! Hateful, damn Saiyan little demon …” The miserable roar contained infinite hatred, and as the left and right arm of King Frieza, Shang Bohe had suffered such humiliation. Shang Bo regretted it. He knew that the combat power of the opposite side had more than 4 points. He should n’t lie down in the muddy water with Captain Captain. He dreamed did n’t expect, which is called Captain Captain in the universe. Will lose to the hands of a Saiyan little demon. Shang Bo knew that in this case, he begged for forgiveness for nothing, and turned to escape, maybe he still had some vitality. The breath on Shang Bo began to strengthen continuously, and Shang Bo also had Ability, which was transformed, but he didn’t really want to use it when it had to be less than 60000. At this time, in the face of combat power reaching 2 points, he would not even have the chance to escape if he remained unchanged. Shang Bo’s face sank, his body muscles swelled rapidly, and he had green hair, green skin, and a handsome man. He looked very handsome. He was completely a handsome man. After the transformation, his appearance was extremely ugly. A huge toad The face, face and body are covered with pock. The ugly Shang Bo stood on the ground, and the blood was continuously flowing from the limbs and the skull. The whole body was covered with horrible to see wounds. Shang Bo did not all get Ability to heal the wound after the transformation. Now he wants to say that there are as many wolverines as there are wolverines, and there is no image at all. “Asshole! Although I can’t kill you, King Fritha must be!” The ugly face was abnormally twisted, and a curse from the abyss came from Shang Bo’s mouth, and Shang Bo turned and quickly moved towards Frisha’s spaceship go with. Seeing this, Jiang Feng flashed a surprise color in his eyes, and his instantaneous movement blocked in front of Shang Bo. “Hateful!” Shang Bo’s muscles were tense, and a low sound kept ringing. Two golden eyes stared at Jiang Feng, and the imposing manner pressed down. “That’s it!” Jiang Feng, unmoved, banged on Shang Bo’s face with a punch, and Shang Bo’s ugly face broke instantly, and his body fiercely hit the ground. hōng lòng! The ground was smashed into a big pit! It can be seen that one side of Shang Bo’s face is almost completely sunken. … the periphery of Vegeta planet! The spaceships of the universe stayed in space, arranged in an orderly manner, facing the surrounding environment facing the planet Vegeta. At this moment, in the universe spaceship, through the transparent protective cover, you can see the entire Vegeta planet! Frieza stood contentedly next to the protective cover, with one hand on his back, a wine glass in one hand, drinking leisurely, and a pair of scarlet eyes quietly looked at the planet Vegeta, in the eyes of ice-cold Flashing cruel cold light. The first 10000 novel “Mr. Dodoria, this group of Saiyan wild monkeys is still resisting! Frieza Legion has not completely solved this group of wild monkeys yet! Do you think I should be recruiting some formidable warriors!” A cold, hoarse voice sounded, and Frieza passed the glass to the attendant next to him, and then asked Dodol with interest. In the eyes of Frieza, the Saiyan is not worth mentioning, and it took so long for his Legion to deal with these unworthy Saiyan. Frieza began to doubt his Legion’s Strength! “The lives of those Saiyans are really hard. Although they are not full moons now, they can make miniature moons themselves and transform into great apes!” “King Frisia, you also know that the combat power of Saiyans will increase after they transform into great apes. 1110000 times! However, our army has already thought of a way to deal with them! “Doodor sneered. Saiyan’s proud character made him uncomfortable. Now that Saiyan is going to be exterminated by Frieza, he can’t help but feel ecstatic . Frieza Haha chuckled, and the corner of the mouth was raised, revealing an evil smile: “Is it? Turning into a great ape is really a group of savage Saiyan monkeys! Mr. Dodoria, I think it’s almost time to get the soldiers out! It’s also time for you to look at the most beautiful fireworks in the universe! “” Yes, King Frieza! “Dodolia was surprised, and every time he saw the gorgeous scene blooming when Frieza destroyed the planet, he felt Inexplicable whole body. “By the way, King Vegeta had a son a few years ago. Talent seems to be pretty good. Is it called Vegeta?” Frieza asked to start to talk. “Yes!” “En! Even Tian shamelessly named son after the planet, it seems that King Vegeta had already had an opinion on me! However, these trivial matters are no longer relevant! King Vegeta is dead! Vegeta planet will also be destroyed! “” As for this Vegeta is not on the Vegeta planet, you can find him and cultivate it, I think he should be able to become a good battle strength! “” Once Frieza! ” Dodor’s fat face showed a sinister smile. UU Kanshu Frisha’s plan Dodoria naturally can see that nothing more than to find an obedient thug that’s all, wait until the thug is disobedient, and dispose of it. At this moment, the door of the capsule opened, and a green-skinned cosmic man rushed in, carrying a report: “King Frieza, King Captain and Monk, they have news!” “Oh! What’s wrong! “Frieza asked casually. “King Frieza! Lord Captain Monk Captain, they, they …” The cosmic man was sweating, his voice trembling a little. “To be clear, what is going on?” Dodolia scolded. The green cosmic man took a nap, nervously: “Just now the latest news from the planet Vegeta said … Master Shangbo and Kinu Captain encountered a strong enemy … Kiniu Captain Monk’s energy signal has disappeared!” boom! Frieza’s tail was drawn on the attendant next to him, the wine glass fell to the ground and shattered, and the red wine hua hua dropped to the ground. Frieza complexion slightly changed, the eyes of the orangutan flashed like ice-cold glimmers like Devil’s pupils, and the voice chilled: “I remember Shangbo reported that 4 combat power appeared on the planet of Vegeta. Captain went to deal with it! “” Sixty thousand points of combat power, how could it be Kinu Captain’s opponent, what the hell is going on? Make it clear! “” It is said that the Soldier nearby saw a Saiyan little demon and Ki New Captain fought … The Saiyan little demon’s combat power suddenly increased to about 2 … Finally, Kiuyo Captain was covered with scaly bruises by Saiyan little demon … “” Later … Later, Lord Chambo was also brutally killed! “

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