Vegeta planet!

In a ruined city ruins, there are traces of buildings after the collapse of the buildings. The trees beside Road 2 were cut off by the waist, and the leaves were Scatter. The breeze was blowing. A miserable and sad atmosphere.

On a street full of cracks and breakpoints, several Saiyan fighters are fighting members of Frieza Legion.

The energy corps burst out from the hands of a large group of soldiers, and a roar rang out. The originally beautifully formed road had been craggy and cracked.

The cracks are densely distributed like a spider web, and sparks continue to emerge from the circuit under the cracks, occasionally a fierce blast, and a ball of Flame rises.

looked at the bustling city of the past became beyond recognition, Jiang Feng’s eyes flashed a complex color, with emotion in his heart, as a weak person could not control his own destiny.

When the Saiyan was doing things under Frieza, I didn’t know how many civilizations of the planet were destroyed, and how sad the scene was on many planets. Now the same fate has come to Saiyan’s head. Endlessly.

In the face of the Saiyan’s brain that Frisa Legion rose to resistance in the sea, are they now resounding under their violence, those universes who lost their homes looked desperately at the scene of their homes being destroyed.

“Browley, let’s go!” Jiang Feng said flatly at Browley.

At Salitan, Jinet wakes up and finds that Badak is still on the planet Vegeta. She begged herself to bring Badak back. Seeing that Jinet’s face was almost desperate, Broly started to talk and begged help.

Forced by helplessness, he had nodded to agree, as for whether Badak fought with Frieza to the end because of prophecy, or because it was not important for any other reason, he saw that Badak directly packed away.

“Yes! Maple Sensei! But where is Badak Uncle? He shouldn’t have died yet? How sad it would be if Badak Uncle killed Hine Aunt!” Said Broly, worried.

“Relax! Badak’s life is so hard that he won’t die easily!” Jiang Feng indifferently said.

Since he and Badak met each other, he often took Little Broly to Badak’s home as a guest. Himechi treated him very well and treated him as his own son, so he was on him. Feel the love that has never been seen before.

Perhaps, in the heart of Jr. Broly’s mind, he already regarded Himei as his own mother, so he would care so much about Himei’s feelings.

When he first arrived on the planet Vegeta, he sensed the existence of Badak. Sure enough, Badak was still fighting Frieza Legion, and Badak’s combat power was stronger than before.

It seems that the Soldiers of Frieza Legion once put Badak into a hard battle, but they were all overcome by Badak, and the huge pressure forced him to grow rapidly.

Jiang Feng took a deep look at the direction in which Badak was fighting and was about to move past in an instant. Two figures suddenly appeared diagonally above him and Broly.

Shangbo, Kinu Captain?

How come they 2 are here?

There was an unexpected expression flashing in Jiang Feng eyes. It is no surprise that these two people appeared on the Vegeta planet not at all. After all, they both belong to Frieza Legion, but it is strange to appear here.

Thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng glanced at Broly, and there was a touch of color in his eyes. It turned out that they were all attracted by the little Broly’s combat power.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng’s corner of the mouth slightly lifted a radian. Previously on the planet Vegeta, he used spiritual power to hide the combat power of Little Broly, and he only took it when it was Salitan. Spiritual power …

It seems that when returning to the planet Vegeta, both Champo and Kinew ’s combat power detectors have captured the combat power of Little Broly. The appearance of Kinu Captain shows everything, and their combat power testers have detected Browley’s combat power value!

Today, Broly ’s combat power is around 610000 points, while Captain ’s combat power is less than 120 points.

Not much worse!

Judging from the numerical value of combat power, Broly is definitely not the opponent of Kinu Captain, but is it really the case?

“Kiniu Captain? Funny!” Jiang Feng murmured casually in the eyes of Jiang Feng.

In the air, Shang Bo and Kinu Captain watched Jiang Feng and Broly Jr. not at all immediately.

“Shangbo, such as 60000 combat power, makes you panic and ask King Frieza for help. It seems that your combat Ability needs to be improved!” Captain Kineau raised his hand and clicked the combat power tester to tease Shangbo.

“What Kinu Captain said is, I will try my best to improve my combat Ability and be loyal to King Frieza!” Shang Bo embarrassed laughed, screaming Kinu Captain 1000 or 100 times in his heart, but he had to laugh with his face. With.

His combat power is compared to Kinu Captain, as different as heaven and earth. Even if Kinu Captain killed him, presumably Frieza will not blame Kinu Captain.

Although the characters of 30000 combat power in the universe are scarce, they are not difficult to find. UU reads and Captain of New York claims the first battle strength under Frieza. In the eyes of Frieza Legion’s soldier, Fleish ranked first, and Captain ranked second.

“Is the 60000 combat power Saiyan? Interesting!” The values ​​on the lens of the combat power tester of Captain Captain kept beating. Suddenly Captain ’s expression freezes, “This is …”

“What’s wrong with Captain! The combat power hasn’t changed! It’s the combat power around 60000 points!” Shangbo saw that the expression of Captain’s Captain was wrong, and he also clicked on his combat power tester.

“Stupid! Take a closer look, who exactly this combat power is!” Kiniu Captain roared, yelling at Shang Bo.

“Who else can this combat power be … of course … how is that possible? It’s the Saiyan little demon!” Shang Bo said with a trembling tone.

When Shang Bo saw Jiang Feng and Little Broly, he preconceived that this combat power was Jiang Feng’s. On the reminder of Captain Captain, Shang Bo suddenly discovered that the source of this huge combat power was actually less than one. 5 year old Saiyan little demon.

what a joke? How can a Saiyan little demon have a combat power of around 610000 points, even if it is replaced with an experienced Adult Saiyan, it is absolutely impossible!

Under the age of 5 ~ 6 years, he has 610000 combat power. According to the Saiyan’s growth of combat power, if this little demon grows up, the combat power will increase at least ten times!

610000 combat power is ten times stronger, that’s 6010000 combat power!

The combat power of King Frieza does not seem to be so high!

Could this Saiyan little demon be the Super Saiyan feared by King Frisia?

“Haha! It must be that my combat power tester was damaged in the last battle! It must be this way!”

Cold sweat on Shangbo forehead.

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