“Is this going to send the child to another planet? A wise choice!”

Badak and Himechi looked at the direction of the cosmic spaceship flying away. At this time, Jiang Feng and Browley came from behind!

“Who is it?” Badak face changed, suddenly turned and looked alertly at Jiang Feng.

When he came near here, he clearly investigated for a long time, and saw that no one was nearby, he was assured to send Carcarot to leave Vegeta planet.

But who is this guy who suddenly appeared? Is it Saiyan? Or Frieza’s minions?

Ji Nei also looked vigilantly at Jiang Feng. They stole the cosmic spaceship, even if Jiang Feng is not a Frisa and a Saiyan. If Jiang Feng reports this to King Vegeta, they will also be subject to Severe punishment.

“Don’t worry! I’m not malicious! Frieza wants to kill the Saiyans, and you are a very well-known choice to send away your children!” Jiang Feng shallow Issho, slowly approaching the Badaks.

drop! drop! drop!

At this time, two sets of data flashed on Jiang Feng’s combat power tester, which are the combat power values ​​of the Badaks and couples.

Badak ’s combat power is more than 8500 points, while Hine ’s combat power is only a little over 1500.

It can be seen from the appearance of Himei that she does not like fighting, but Saiyan is a famous fighting nation in the universe. Even if Himei is not keen on fighting, her combat ability is far superior to that of other planets.

Badak ’s combat Ability has already stepped into the ranks of High Level fighters. From being a subordinate fighter to being a High Level fighter, Badak must have experienced many brutal battles.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng looked at Badak’s eyes could not help but get a little deeper.

On the planet Vegeta, Saiyan infants will be tested for potential as soon as they are born. At birth, combat fighters below 50 belong to lower fighters, 50 to 100 belong to Mid Level fighters, and more than 100 are High Level fighters .

The combat power of Saiyans at birth has largely limited the extent to which they can achieve in the future.

After the low-level fighters grow up, the combat power is generally below 2000, while the Mid Level fighters are between 2000 and 5000. Only High Level fighters can reach or exceed 5000 combat power.

Therefore, High Level fighters are particularly noble on the planet Vegeta. They are nobles of the entire Saiyan family, and their highest battle strength.

There are dozens of fighters with a combat power of more than 10000 on the planet Vegeta. They are all well-known figures among Saiyans without exception.

But Badak was born as a lower fighter, but now has the level of combat of High Level fighters. The danger he experienced throughout the entire journey can be imagined.

Jiang Feng does not deny the importance of latent talent. Excellent latent talent can cultivate the twice the results for half the effort. Under the same effort, latent talent is good and can get several times as much as latent talent.

Without Sensei’s guidance, and relying solely on primitive instincts, people with good latent talent will definitely outperform those with poor latent talent.

Like Broly, his body hasn’t fully grown yet! His own combat power has completely surpassed the Saiyan fighting level.

However, latent talent is by no means the only measure of one’s future success, especially for Saiyans.

When Frieza destroyed the Vegeta planet, Badak was the last Saiyan to resist. At that time, he showed much more combat power than other High Level Saiyan fighters.

This is what Badak has achieved in the battles throughout the year, constantly breaking the limits of the body.

Goku also inherited Badak ’s tenacious personality, so the entire broke his own stubbornness, and the subordinate Saiyan fighter from 2 power combat became the Super Saiyan in Legend.

From this point of view, for the Saiyan race, latent talent is not a measure of them, and the environment for growth is crucial.

From the day of birth, Saiyan children have been divided into lower fighters, Mid Level fighters, and High Level fighters. Perhaps this approach is destroying them!

It’s as if Goku can break the limit again and again,

The Saiyan Bloodline must have played a role in it, but in the final analysis, it is the result of unremitting efforts!

“How do you know?” Badak looked towards Jiang Feng a little bit. He gained precognition Ability, and added his own speculation to determine Frieza’s intention!

And how did this guy in front of him know that Frieza was going to deal with Saiyans?

Knowing that Frieza had to deal with the Saiyans, he had nothing to do with himself. When did such a character appear on the planet Vegeta?

“Frisa has always feared that among the Saiyans, the strongest warrior in the universe, the Super Saiyan … Frisa’s army will probe the Super Saiyan in 4 places on the planet Vegeta …”

“And Frieza’s army is rushing to the planet Vegeta. I believe that in a few days, Frieza will convene all the Super Saiyans who perform missions outside!”

Jiang Feng eyes fine glossing, I believe that Badak has also noticed these points.

However, most Saiyans never imagined that Frieza would be loyal to them and work extremely hard.


The next day!

Jiang Feng took Broley to Badak’s home as a guest. UU Reading at www.uukanshu.com

Badak’s home is located in the bustling area of ​​the planet Vegeta. It is less than 1000 meters away from the kingdom where the Vegeta family live. Saiyans living here are generally Mid Level and High Level fighters.

Badak was born as a lower fighter, but at this time the combat power was a proper High Level battle strength, so he is also eligible to buy a house in this area.

To be honest, Badak is quite respected in this area, especially in the eyes of those Mid Level fighters, Badak is their role model.

Every junior fighter is born and can become a High Level fighter. Then, is it easier for them, Saids born of Mid Level fighters, to become High Level fighters?

Jiang Feng came with the entire Browley, he wrapped it with spiritual power, which interfered with the detection of the combat power detector, so in the eyes of everyone around, Browley was just an ordinary Saiyan little demon that’s all.

Coincidentally, he and Broly also met Paragas on the street, Broly’s biological father, but Jiang Feng not at all ignored him.

Paragas did not recognize Broly, after all, Broly was more than 3 years old, and in the eyes of Paragas, Broly was just a child born just over a month ago.

In the original work, in the eyes of Paragas, Broly was his tool to dominate the universe.

Broly’s character was docile and polite. Only when he released his stamina, Broly became brutal and began to destroy 4 places.

Broly didn’t really like wanton destruction, but Paragas continued to use Broly, forcing Broly to use Strength, allowing him to constantly struggle between reason and destruction.

Therefore, Jiang Feng did not intend to bring Broly and Paragas into contact.

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