“Come here! So fast!”

Inside the cosmic spaceship, the cosmic people looked at each other in dismay at the speed of light on the radar, and the forehead couldn’t help but sweat.

This speed is incredible, and judging from the information uploaded by the radar, moved towards them is by no means cosmic spaceship, but a living body.

Soon, Jiang Feng’s silhouette appeared up space ahead of the universe.

Seeing that the outer spaceship of this cosmic spaceship was wrapped with a Level 1 energy mask, Jiang Feng knew that to build the planet of this cosmic spaceship, the level of technological civilization was definitely not low.

Without waiting for the universe to launch Attack, Jiang Feng jumped into the spaceship of the universe.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Let’s brush together, and I saw all the cosmic people inside the spaceship picked up the energy gun and energy cannon and aimed at Jiang Feng.

“This is … 2 huh?” Jiang Feng laughed at the cosmic people.

Each and everyone is like the Mink Tribe of Pirate World. Although they walk upright like humans, their bodies look like animals.

The cosmic man surrounded by Jiang Feng is exactly what each and everyone looks like, and it will speak human’s words!

Jiang Feng knows that these cosmic people should not be taught well. They will not be obedient.

Jiang Feng’s eyes sank, and the spiritual pressure on his body was slowly released. Immediately, the inner space of the entire universe spaceship was like a gravitational field. Each and everyone Wang Xingren crawled down on the ground.


“I said, do you know where Vegeta Star is?” Jiang Feng asked sharply after he had learned the lesson.

“My lord! Legend has it that the Star of Vegeta was destroyed by God on their planet! The Vegeta Star has ceased to exist, what are you going to do there?” The commander of the universe spaceship respected Jiang Feng respectfully Said.

“Destroyed by a big meteorite? Some people believe this rumor?” Hearing this, Jiang Feng was speechless and started to talk again. “Vegeta star is gone, but the coordinates of Vegeta star believe you There should be! “

“Yes … we have, sir!” Wang Xingren commander said trembling with fear.

“Then go to Vegeta Star! Wait for Vegeta Star, you are waking me up!” Jiang Feng moaned and closed both eyes,


The cosmic spaceship travels through the universe. Jiang Feng eyes closed. The god of ignorance did not pay attention to these stars, consciously entered soul Space, and did not know how long he had left, one hour, two hours, or a few days?

It wasn’t until one voice came to Jiang Feng’s ears that Jiang Feng slowly opened his eyes.

“Adult, we are here! But Vegeta has long been destroyed by a large meteorite and is no longer there!” Wang Xingren commander cautiously woke Jiang Feng.

“Is it already here?”

Jiang Feng muttered, and he knew very well that Vegeta, the home of the Saiyans, had long been destroyed by Frieza.

The purpose of his visit this time, of course, is not for the Vegeta star in this space-time, but for the Vegeta star in the space-time that was not destroyed when Goku was born.

Jiang Feng’s thoughts moved, and the silhouette instantly appeared outside the cosmic spaceship. Here, Hollow was completely without traces of Vegeta.

But the Wang Xingren came here based on the coordinates of Vegeta Star. There should be no mistake, but Vegeta Star no longer exists at this time Space.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng turned on three tomoe Sharingan. Under the control of Sharingan’s pupil power, the space-time energy began to change in front of Jiang Feng’s pupils.

Gradually the front of Jiang Feng’s pupils appeared, similar to the new 2 sets of Magatama of three tomoe Sharingan.

One set of Magatama consists of 3 silver-white Magatamas, while the other set of Magatama consists of 3 black Magatamas.

Jiang Feng constantly controlled the changes of the two groups of Magatama, the next moment, one space-time vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.


Vegeta Star, Baby Training Room.

This is a place with high technology content, and all newborn Saiyan children will spend some time here.

The person in charge will be based on the freshman infant ’s combat power,

Send them to different planets to perform the mission.

This is extremely important for Saiyans. After all, there are many babies with great growth potential. They will grow up to become Vegeta Star High Level fighters.

Therefore, King Vegeta sent a large number of troops to station here, and at the same time also arranged the most advanced computer on the Vegeta star to monitor.

Suddenly, a certain movement occurred on one of the beds on the side of the baby’s training room. The computer detected a strange amount of energy, hum! Hum! The ground alarm sounded suddenly.

“What happened?” The middle-aged Saiyan in charge of the nursery rushed after hearing the alarm and asked the spaceman on the side.

A few cosmic men with Crocodile mouths immediately checked the computer, and then carefully compared all the data, replied: “It’s nothing, just a baby’s combat power responded abnormally, and it scared the other baby!”

“Scared me, but it’s not common for our Saiyan children to cry! Is there something wrong with your planet machine? Take me to see!”

The middle-aged Saiyan who was standing on the side looked angry, scolded the cosmic people to check it quickly, and then waved his arm and strode away towards the front of meteor. Followed by.

Several cosmic people in charge looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

The lead cosmic person loudly said: “What are you waiting for, check the training cabin quickly and find out which baby’s combat power is abnormal?”

Several other cosmic people heard this, shivered, and scrambled to find the training room, called up all the surveillance videos on the computer, and quickly viewed the surveillance videos of each Saiyan baby.

Soon, a cosmic person found the Saiyan baby who caused the riot and quickly said: “Report! Found! It is bed 3088!”

Hearing this, several persons in charge led Saiyan to bed 3088. They acted cautiously and did not dare to relax. They continued to monitor all the baby’s data while walking.

They know that if something really goes wrong with their technology, they have absolutely no good food to eat.

This is the sorrow of the weak. These cosmic people are strong universe civilizations. After their mother star was conquered by the Saiyans, they did not become extinct by the Saiyans because of their good scientific and technological achievements.

In terms of the domineering and cruelty of the Saiyans, it is very fortunate that these ordinary people in the universe who have become slaves have such encounters.

Like some other small, invaded planets, without the value that Saiyans value, indigenous people will be slaughtered without exception, and then the planet will be resold.

“Browley, a high-talent Sailor baby. Although he is just a newborn baby, his combat power has 10000 points! It seems that other infants with weak combat power are frightened by him!”

The person in charge came to the infant incubator and introduced the Saiyans.

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