“Divine Dragon is here! Hurry up and wish! But what exactly is your wish?”

Buma, eyes widened, and her eyes were full of curiosity. She was curious about a formidable person like Jiang Feng, what would she want?

The appearance of Divine Dragon is just as shocking as this pomp. Fortunately, this is not Earth, otherwise people on Earth thought that it was the end of the world!

In the air, lightning roaring glittering, you can see a huge strange creation, this is a hundred meters long Pollenga.

However, the Divine Dragon of Nami Nemesis is different from the Divine Dragon on Earth. Divine Dragon on Earth is an azure Eastern Divine Dragon, while Divine Dragon of Nami Nemesis is a plump Monster.

looked at body length 100 meters away, Polenga floating in the sky, Jiang Feng can feel Polenga’s body, exuding a vast and heavy breath.

Those who are beautiful in nemesis are really weird. They do not have the ability to realize their desires, but they can create the dragon who realizes their wishes.

Jiang Feng took a few steps forward, looking up at the huge monster floating in the sky, and he longed for the wish in his heart, “Bolenga, I want my body cells to obtain an Ability, a feature that can fuse other creature cells Ability. “

Jiang Feng speaks the beautiful nemesis language, and Buma naturally cannot understand. Of course, if Buma can understand Jiang Feng’s wishes, she will surely startled.

If Jiang Feng’s body cell has this magical Ability, it also means that he can plunder other excellent gene Ability at will.

After Jiang Feng said his wishes, both eyes looked at Polenga with expectation. Eternal life is by no means difficult for him. What he needed was an opportunity to constantly get stronger.

From the moment he came to Dragon Ball World, he started to play the Saiyan Bloodline idea!

But it seems that in original work, there are some strange settings about 7 Dragon Balls!

For example, Divine Dragon’s wished Ability has an upper limit and cannot exceed the Divine Dragon’s Ability range.

Otherwise, when the Saiyans came, why didn’t Goku make a wish to Earth’s Divine Dragon and let Divine Dragon defeat the incoming Saiyans? Or directly give Goku a Strength where they can defeat Saiyan?

However, this wish of his is by no means is impossible to realize, and Xilu is the best example.

Cirrus is the ultimate humanoid made by the real Captain Gro Court Academecian of Red Ribbon Legion.

The formation mechanism is to collect all Expert (including alien) cells through a micro-robot, and then retain its excellent genetic information and cellular memory through genetic technology to form an embryo, which then develops into Xilu.

Xilu’s body contains Goku, Frieza and the others’ formidable gene information.

And Jiang Feng’s wish is to obtain a super activity of his own body cells that can fuse the Ability of other creation genes.

Facing this wish of Jiang Feng, Polenga remained silent for more than ten seconds, and finally started to talk: “As you wish!”

One heavy voice sounded, and one bright dazzling rays of light burst out from Polenga’s body, covering Jiang Feng’s body instantly.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng’s glittering in Jing Feng eyes, ecstatic in his heart, overwhelmed by emotions feeling the change of his body!

“Your first wish has been fulfilled, are there any other wishes?” Pollengar’s heavy voice sounded again.

The joy on Jiang Feng’s face had not faded away. The desire he wanted had been realized, and his heart was very excited and happy.

Then, let’s help Great Elder of that beautiful nemesis realize his wish!

boom! boom! boom!

A loud heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound rang between Heaven and Earth, and getting closer and closer!

Jiang Feng hasn’t said his second wish yet! In the distance, the silhouettes of Super Saiyan Goku and Frieza quickly approach here.

“Let me Frieza, get life that will never die!”

In the distance came Frieza’s roar, and Frieza’s silhouette appeared next to Pollenga.

Go hollow inwardly shouted is not good!

It was only that Frieza had expressed his wish, that the next moment did not happen, and they were caught in a brief embarrassment around them.

Super Saiyan Goku is also a trembling in fear. If Frieza is really given an immortal life, even if he can defeat Frieza, he cannot kill Frieza.

Ephrisa’s nature will definitely destroy Earth.

Jiang Feng showed a fool’s expression and glanced at Frieza, how important it is to secretly say in one’s heart to master a foreign language.

“Bollenga, I hope those who were killed by Frieza on that beautiful nemesis will soon be resurrected!” Jiang Feng lightly saying.

“I’m understood, as you wish!” Polenga’s body glittering with dazzling rays of light.

Immediately everywhere on the beautiful nemesis, one after another silhouette got up from the grave and the ground, and looked at everything around him with an incredible look, thinking he had come to hell.

“How can this happen! Nothing happened!” Frieza looked at her body, roaring angrily.

“It’s … Gohan, Klin’s qi, and the Namisis people, they’re all resurrected!” Goku felt the ecstasy from all corners of the Namisis.

Then Goku realized that Frieza ’s wish was not realized at all, and UU read the book www. uukanshu.com The Divine Dragon’s wish is to bring all those killed by Frieza back to life.

So, Gohan, Klin, and Vegeta were all resurrected. What really surprised Goku is that Klin was resurrected!

Can Divine Dragon of that beautiful nemesis resurrect 2 times? Yes! It is indeed the super Divine Dragon of that beautiful nemesis!

Thinking of this, Goku’s eyes excitedly turned to Jiang Feng and Bo Ma, Bo Ma is familiar, but standing next to Bo Ma, who is this man Divine Dragon up ahead?

“Goku! You are Goku! Goku are you alive! Why are you dyeing your hair!” Buma said excitedly when she saw Goku’s face: “Goku we can return to Earth! We can also make a wish to Divine Dragon, is We all move directly to Earth! “

A total of 3 wishes can be given to Polenga, one of which is Jiang Feng’s, and no one knows what it is.

Before the other two wishes came back, Jiang Feng discussed with the Great Elder of Nami Nemesis. These two wishes were also known by Buma.

“En!” Hearing this, Super Saiyan Goku frowned, apparently having any thoughts.

“Junk stuff! How dare you play with me!”

At this time, Frieza was shy and angry, and it was clear that the wish could not be achieved without the beautiful nemesis language.

Frieza stared at Jiang Feng tightly, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and the silhouette instantly appeared in front of Jiang Feng. A terrifying energy group condensed at his fingertips pointed at Jiang Feng, threatening Jiang Feng, “Hurry up and tell Divine Dragon.” Let me King Frieza get immortality! “

“Otherwise! King Ben will kill you now!”

Seeing this, Goku face changed, and the silhouette appeared on Jiang Feng’s side, but he was not at all confident to prevent Frieza from killing Jiang Feng during such a period of time.

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