“Sure enough, nothing unexpected!”

Jiang Feng looked at each and everyone’s landed in peace and said casually.

Among them, it is either the martial way grandmaster or the mechanical transformation person. Not to mention Jiang Feng’s body quality, falling from a height has no effect on 4 people.

“So dark?”

Genos glanced up all around and found that because of the location, the light was very dim and the visibility was not high. It was almost impossible to see people outside ten meters.

“Be careful, there may be dangers nearby,” Bangu reminded everyone.

Tick, Tick! !!

Bangu’s tone barely fell, all around suddenly heard the crisp sound of water drops falling to the ground.

“what sound?”

Banggu and Bangpu are people who practice martial arts. Ear Cong eyesight, even if they are old, they still heard the faint sound passed through.

Hearing this, Jenos face changed, and he stared into the distance and said, “Where?”

“No, there is a high-energy response that the creature is approaching …”

Genos’s mechanical combat suit suddenly tightened, and he stared at the dark passage as if there were some ferocious beasts in the dark and deep passage.

Tick! Tick!

The sound of water drops is getting louder and louder, which proves that the unknown creation is getting closer to everyone.

“Hu!” Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Others couldn’t see what kind of creation came, but his perception of Ability was clear.


As the creature approached, everyone suddenly saw that there seemed to be a few strange green lights in midair.

“What the hell thing?”, A few people calmly, staring at big eyes.



A thunderous beast roared suddenly, and the whole picture of the mysterious creation was reflected in everyone’s vision.

“Is a dog?”

Bangu stared deliberately at the dark body body, with two rows of eyes like headlights on his skull, and a dozen eyes on his head, which was very infiltrating.

“It turned out to be a weird dog, it was given to me!”

Seeing this, Jenos was very straightforward. After seeing the enemy, he said nothing, and headed straight up. The palms of light suddenly condensed, and the hot energy cannon rushed towards the big dog.


However, the big dog was also imposing, and opened his mouth to bit the energy cannon of Jenos directly.


The face of Janos was changed, and the energy reactor was stagnant. It was the first time he saw that there was a creature who dared to pick up his energy cannon in this style.

Hōng lòng !

The energy bomb exploded in the tunnel, dazzling rays of light, suddenly banged on the dog’s head, the tunnel then vibrated, and a cloud of dust appeared on the dog’s head.


The eyes of Banggu and Bangpu were slightly fixed, and the Strength of this mysterious creation was beyond their expectation.

“It seems that this weirdo association is not easy! A guarded stupid dog is so difficult …”

The big dog shook his bloody and fuzzy head, the expression of not at all flinching in the fierce eyes, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and attacked Genos again.

As Genos’s gaze fixed, a sudden burst of energy broke out, and Iron Fist kept bombarding the big dog. It took a lot of effort to subdue the big dog.

Not long after, several people came to a fork in the road, and without hesitation, they each chose a tunnel.


The base of the weirdo association is full of killing sounds. In order to rebuild the hero association, the weirdos fight with the A-Rank and S-Rank Hero who broke into the base.

After ten minutes!

“Da Jiong’s eyes your excellency, we have roughly figured out where they are. From the east exit is the atomic warrior, from the west exit is the sexy prisoner … All the A-Rank and S-Rank Hero who invaded Base are in our In control. “

“Hahaha! Okay, great! A-Rank and S-Rank Hero are the backbone of the Hero Association. As long as you kill them all, destroying the Hero Association is just a sentence that’s all!”

“Haha! Let this be their Land of Buried Bones! They are dead, is it far from destroying the Hero Association?”


Kill all Heroes, destroy Hero Association, kill them, kill them … “

The weird people in each and everyone’s tunnel, hearing the destruction of the Hero Association, immediately seemed to have beaten the chicken blood, screaming to kill all invading Heroes.

After hearing these words, Dajiongyan calmly nodded, and said loudly, “Did you just hear what we just said? Since the opposite side gave us this opportunity, then of course we will not be polite. According to their respective Ability, I will give You arrange your opponents who are best suited to play Strength! “

Dajiongyan one by one was arranged, and all the strange monsters of the ghost-level disaster level he inferred went out to meet the enemy, and after a moment of thinking, he started to talk and said, “All the cadres of the Weird Association also went to deal with the Hero Association’s Hero … Emperor, the zombie male’s Ability is very difficult to entangle, his reborn Ability is very strong, and I hope to use your Ability to burn him completely … “

“Blast, karma, don’t you two also have resentment against an S-Rank Hero? At this stage, there is revenge and resentment!”

“Well, let’s go! I wish you triumphant return, I’ll wait for your good news!”

Da Jiong watched, Emperor Wandering and the black sperm and the others entered the tunnel, looked up at the strange monster king Orochi, and whispered casually: “I really hope it will not take you.”

“However, it’s basically impossible, because … SS-Rank Hero and SSS-Rank Hero will definitely come!”

Hearing this, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com Monster King Orochi start to talk, “Oh! Really? I happen to haven’t done anything with people for a long time!”

“Yes, when the time comes may require your full power!”

“Relax! I will kill them!”



hōng lòng Long!

In the passage, various explosions sounded, and the original passage was as flat as new. The passage had become potholes and dust, and several silhouettes were faintly discernible.

“Hateful, there are so many weirdoes and monsters here!”, Jenos frowned, raised his hand to blast out one energy cannon, and instantly smashed a weird body.

“Auger … a cannon!”

Genos stared at another weird, extending the hand palm, palm holes bursting out dazzling rays of light, one hot beam of light radiated out.


With a loud noise, I saw a huge monster not far away, which was directly burned into residue by the terrifying energy Flame.

At the same time, in another tunnel, both Banggu and Bangpu also encountered strange people.

“Old Brother, let’s go!”, Bangu suddenly started to talk and greeted Bangpu.

“it is good!”

The two abruptly ejected from left to right, roaming flexibly next to a few weirds, ready to launch Attack at any time.

Suddenly, two people, Bangu and Bangpu, saw the opportunity, shouted at the same time:

“Running water … Rock Break Fist!”

“Whirlwind … Iron Fist!”

Along with the great shout of 2 people, the surrounding atmosphere was faintly shaken, the sharp sound of breaking wind whistled far away, and the fierce punches set off the layers of wind and waves. Their fist radiated slightly rays of light and smashed at the weird!

Bang! bang! bang!

A deafening roar sounded, and several weird bodies instantly shattered Shatter.

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