hōng lòng! hōng lòng!

There was a loud noise in the woods.

“This is … that’s it!”

At the edge of the woods, Jenos heard the roar suddenly heard from the woods, and he thought about it, staring closely at the center of the woods, and quickly started the engine and rushed over.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Silhouette swiftly passed through the woods, and for almost a few moments, Genos appeared at the forest center.

“This is … hungry wolf!”

Amidst the chaos around, Jenos’ eyes were cast on the open space, and several A-Rank Heroes, such as Stinger, Gatling of Death, were found to have fallen and fell to the ground.

While a whole body was wrapped in a bandage, a man covered with blood on the bandage was standing in an open space center.

“I received a signal asking for support. Sure enough, you’re playing tricks, hungry wolf!”

At first sight of the hungry wolf, and seeing that the hungry wolf was about to leave, Jenos’s gaze suddenly condensed, shouted in a low voice.

Genos suddenly ignited the energy reactor in the body, the energy inside the body was completely released, and his speed and Strength were both maximized.

boom! boom! boom!

2 people fought in the open space. You and I went very fiercely. The terrifying punches set off a wave of wind around. The hungry wolf saw that he had no retreat and had to fight desperately.

Several A-Rank Heroes on the ground also recovered a little stamina, all looking tough, and looked at the battle between Hungry Wolf and Genos.

“That’s the S-Rank Hero Genos, finally here, this guy is dead …

“This guy has bruises all over his body. There is absolutely no way to live in the face of S-Rank Hero …”

Several A-Rank Hero exchanged a look with each other. They knew that although the Hungry Wolf defeated them, they also damaged the Hungry Wolf. Now that the S-Rank Hero has come here, the Hungry Wolf has no stamina.

Not far away, Jiang Feng, who also received Distress Signal, also came to the woods center.

Seeing the Hungry Wolf and Jenos fighting, Jiang Feng looked at 2 people far away, not at all intending to intervene, but just silently analyzed the fighting situation of the 2 people.

The hungry wolf is the Disciple of Bangu of silver Fangs. The practice fracturing through the flowing rocks and fists, obviously his fighting skills are better than that of Jenos.

Moreover, although Jenos is a semi-mechanical reformer, driven by energy, his body stamina far exceeds the average Martial Dao family, but it is just that’s all comparable to the hungry wolf.

boom! boom! boom!

2 people banged on for a few minutes, Jenos was full, but he did not take any advantage!

Seeing that he couldn’t suppress the hungry wolf, Jenos’s heart burst into unpleasant emotions, and he suddenly increased his shot strength.

Jenos slammed his fist against the hungry wolf, and when he punched his fist, he could see a wave of wind on his fist. The strength of this fist was evident.

However, in the face of such a powerful punch, the hungry wolf’s pump suddenly shrunk, using flowing water to break the punch, the body crossed a weird arc, avoiding the punch of Jenos.

Just between this flash of light and flint, the hungry wolf fiercely chopped on Jenos’s neck first, leaving Jenos ‘body out of balance, and then jumped in the air to blast Jenos’ upper body into the ground. .

The hungry wolf wanted to chase after victory, but at this time, the energy of terrifying suddenly burst out from Jenos, and the energy beam of one went straight into the sky.

The hungry wolf saw the body roll over, and dodged quickly, avoiding the energy beam in shock.

“This guy deserves to be S-Rank Hero. He actually fell to the ground on purpose and wanted to seduce me!”, Said the hungry wolf, looking at Genos coldly.

“This guy’s battle talent is terrifying, and he can use the running water rock broken fist with his feet in an instant, and avoid my Attack!”

Jenos was shocked. At first he saw the appearance of hungry wolf battered and exhausted. He thought he was holding the ticket! Actually not, the battle has just begun.

Realizing the terrifying Talent of hungry wolves, Janos was determined to eradicate the hungry wolves.

“Hungry wolf, you can’t escape!”, Jenos stared at the hungry wolf tightly, and said to the hungry wolf a start to talk.

After a few fights just now, Jenos probably figured out the strength of the hungry wolf. In the ordinary situation, he didn’t dare to say that he would be able to defeat the hungry wolf, but now the hungry wolf is all over …

“Haha! Do you Hero just talk big?”

The Hungry Wolf didn’t agree with Genos’s words, and his body began to relax, posing in a strange posture.

“This, this … it’s not the flowing water rock broken fist!”, Seeing that the hungry wolf suddenly put on a strange posture, Jenos’ eyes fell.

“This is …”, Jiang Feng looked at the strange posture of the hungry wolf with an interesting look, his eyes were filled with a touch of clarity.

The hungry wolf posture is obviously a unique posture of the police dog man. It seems that the hungry wolf has already contacted the police dog man, and by virtue of his terrifying battle talent, he has fully penetrated the police dog man’s combat mode.

I saw that the hungry wolf shot fiercely, his body’s movement trajectory was very weird, and he was totally puzzled. A few flashes, the hungry wolf suddenly appeared on the side of Jenos’s body, and his hands suddenly hugged a piece of Jenos’s. The arm, with a strong pull, directly removed this arm of Janos.

Jenos face changed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com In his opinion, the stamina of the hungry wolf should be exhausted, didn’t expect the hungry wolf to get out of the way a little slack.

looked at his torn arm, Genos’s gaze was slightly fixed, at the crucial moment, Genos’s arm suddenly grabbed the neck of the hungry wolf, ignited the energy pusher to bring the hungry wolf’s body against On a tree trunk of a big tree.

“Your Hero Association pays a lot of attention to me! I can become a popular item, and to be honest, I’m really happy!” The hungry wolf’s body was controlled, but he still didn’t change his face and didn’t think he was desperate deep in the situation.

“A weird organization has recently appeared, and the order of World has disappeared. Right now, the Hero Association together is needed. When we fight against the enemy together, we have no time to be in a small state like you.

Regarding the words of the hungry wolf, Jenos disagreed, and gently responded to the hungry wolf, raised his hand to the hungry wolf, and the terrifying energy cannon suddenly gathered in the center of his palm.

the next moment! The energy cannon burst out and hit the hungry wolf.

At the crucial moment, the hungry wolf suddenly broke his tree trunk with his foot and escaped, and broke free of restraint.

“Hmph!”, Seeing that, Jenos coldly snorted.

Machine gun punch!

For a moment, Jenos shoved dozens of punches, and each punch aimed at the head of the hungry wolf.

However, at this moment, more than a dozen weirds suddenly emerged from below the ground, blocking them in front of the hungry wolf, and bearing the Attack for the hungry wolf.

“This is … the weirdo! Is the hungry wolf already colluding with the weirdo?” Genos stared at the strange man who appeared suddenly, muttering casually.

In the distance, Jiang Feng glanced at the strange man who suddenly appeared, and there was a flash of color in his eyes. “Sure enough, the strange people association is paying attention to the hungry wolf.”

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