Seeing that Sweetheart Visored recruited a dead hand, there was no intention to keep his hand. After a long fight, Jenos’s heart also felt an unpleasant emotion, increasing the intensity of the shot.

Jenos slammed his fist at the sweetheart Visored, and when he punched his fist, he saw a wave of wind entangled in his fist. It can be seen that Jenos’s fist is fast and powerful.

However, in the face of such a powerful punch, the sweetheart Visored both hands crossed in front of his chest, and forcibly endured this fist of Genos.

“En? Very powerful!”

In the eyes of Sweetheart Visored, this block should be able to block this fist of Jenos, but his powerful strength made him feel a numb arm, and his body couldn’t help being bombarded by more than ten steps, secretly in his heart Surprised, he obviously underestimated the strength of Genos.

“Sweet Visored, you give up!”, After driving back Sweet Visored, Jenos not at all meant to win and chase, but just put away his fist, and said to Sweet Visored a faint start to talk.

After just a few fights, Jenos also probably figured out Sweetheart ’s Strength. Sweetheart has the battle strength of S-Rank. However, after being promoted to S-Rank, Sweetheart ’s Strength will only rank in S. -Rank At the end of the ranking, simply cannot get to the front.

“Haha, let me admit defeat? Jenus, I thought you were a self-knowledgeable person. It seems that I misunderstood you. You are arrogant and conceited like them …”

For Genos, Sweetheart Visored’s face carried a touch of anger, tone barely fell, and saw that Sweetheart Visored shot fiercely, a hand knife was lightning fast, and moved towards Genos’s chest hacked.

In Jenos’ view, Sweetheart Visored should also recognize their Strength gap, and now they can still retain a little face, and they can only lose miserably if they are obsessed.

So Genos was a little slack, didn’t expect that sweetheart Visored had already lost himself, and actually launched Attack again.

looked at Sweetheart Visored struck, Jenos suddenly retreat, eyes looked at a hand-knife moved towards his chest, splitting over, apparently holding his own purpose, at the crucial moment, Jenos suddenly ignited energy .

Machine gun punch!

For a moment, Jenos slammed dozens of punches, and most of the boxing was fiercely banged on the sweetheart Visored, and only a small part was avoided by the sweetheart Visored.

Sweetheart Visored brows tightly knit, withdrew his palms, and looked a little bit embarrassed. The blood on his clothes began to appear to have been injured by Janos.

On the other hand, there was a mouth on the clothes of Jenos’ chest, as if it had been cut by a sharp blade.

There was also a one-knife mark on the machine on his chest. However, Genos was a semi-robot. Although he had a one-knife mark on his chest, not at all blood stains leaked from the wound.

Looking at his chest, Jenos was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, his speed was above the sweetheart Visored. Otherwise, if he was half a step slower, he would be disgusted.

Looking at Sweetheart Visored, he refused to give up, and Jenos’s gaze fell, his energy was on, and waving Iron Fist moved towards Sweetheart Visored …

boom! boom! boom!

Sweetheart Visored was defeated under the onslaught of Genos. Finally, under the pursuit of Genos, Sweets Visored’s action appeared a weak spot.

There was a flash of rays of light in Jenos’s eyes, the figure moved to the behind of Sweetheart Visored at a rapid speed, and several fists burst out, fiercely moved towards Sweetheart Visored’s back and smashed.

With heavy punches hitting the back of Sweetheart Visored, all the internal organs of Sweetheart Visored seemed to be injured by the shock, and could not help spit out a blood.

boom! boom! boom!

There is a lesson learned, and Jenos not at all gave Sweetheart Visored a chance to breathe, punching and punching, fist banged on Sweetheart Visored like howling wind and torrential rain.

Sweetheart Visored was reduced to a sandbag for a while, where can you still see the elegant gesture before, until Sweetheart Battered and exhausted fell to the ruins, and then couldn’t rise again, then Jenos stopped Attack.

“Look! They’re out of come, and it turned out that S-Rank Hero Genos won!”

“Oh! Didn’t you say that Sweetheart also has S-Rank’s Strength? Sure enough,

Rumors are deceptive! “

“No, you can’t say this. Sweetheart Visored does have a Strength of S-Rank. He can fight with Genos for so long. Strength is obviously far beyond those of A-Rank Hero!”

“It’s just that, compared to the real S-Rank Hero, Sweetisored’s Strength is a little bit worse …”

The Heroes of A-Rank, B-Rank, and C-Rank talked about each other, and some Hero even posted the images of sweetheart Visored’s fiasco and battle videos to the Internet.

The conversation of Heroes around them, sweetheart Visored naturally listened to her ears, but what kind of sweetheart Visored is so, even if the sweetheart Visored is promoted to S-Rank Hero, it is only the bottom of existence …

Sweetheart Visored’s complexion at this time can be said to be extremely ugly.

I also know that Sweetheart Visored attaches great importance to her appearance. Some Hero Association Heroes can’t wait to send Sweetheart Battered and exhausted to the Internet.

Some of the jealous Heroes who are jealous of Sweetheart Visored have even caused remarks to discuss Sweetheart’s Strength and why he lost to Genos. UU reading books

Did n’t you say Strength with S-Rank? I thought it could be ranked in the top 3 of the S-Rank Hero ranking, didn’t expect is the bottom!

“Asshole, I won’t let you go …”, Sweetheart looked at some Hero actions, yelling unwillingly in his mouth, and for him, posting what he looks like at this time to the Internet is like killing him. It’s even harder.

Many Heroes were afraid that Sweetheart Visored would retaliate afterwards. It was very secretive when taking pictures, but still couldn’t escape Sweetheart’s eyes.

“Let’s go! Jenos …”, looked at Jenos defeated Sweetheart Visored, and Yue Yue and Deng Gu gave feedback.

“OK! 斡 窭 鲜 Α

The astronauts were defeated, Earth’s crisis was fully contacted, and they should go back.

After a long time, Visored, the sweetheart, slowly recovered stamina, stood up from the ruins, with anger on his face, and it looked like he had resumed operation Ability.

But the appearance of the wolverine did not disappear with the recovery of the injury.

After looking around, I found that Hero, who had just taken a picture, had disappeared. With anger, Sweetheart returned to his helicopter not far away, took out a small mirror and looked at himself.


Seeing his blushing face, sweetheart Visored screamed.

Seems to realize something, Sweetheart Visord quickly took out his mobile phone, logged in to his fan’s exclusive website, and in the eyes was a lot of red handwriting.

“Sweet Visored defeated …”

“Fortunately, sweetheart Visored has not been promoted to S-Rank, otherwise it will be the last place in S-Rank …”

“Sweet Visored’s image is totally ruined, will his fans still love him …”

Soon, the photos and videos uploaded by Heroes on the Internet caused a stir.

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