Flame in the sky is getting more and more fierce, and the waves of fire keep rolling like a sea of ​​fire.

As for those Hero’s surprises and doubts on the ground, Jiang Feng not at all bothered. Jiang Feng had already achieved the ultimate control of spiritual power, and it was naturally easy to handle.

Under the control of Jiang Feng, these scarlet-red Flames suddenly turned into a monstrous Sea of ​​Fire, which was directly moved towards Poros.

Poros’s intuition told him that these Flames were dangerous. Naturally, Poros could not let these Flames contaminate his body, looked at the monstrous Sea of ​​Fire, and took a deep breath. The special energy of Poros’ body suddenly exploded. .

Immediately, Poros waved his fist, fiercely’s moved towards this Sea of ​​Fire smashed in the past, and under his violent strikes, terrifying fist surged in front of him.

The scorching Flame is like a tsunami, surging, and the strikes of Poros, terrifying shock waves, forcibly blocked the Sea of ​​Fire, making it difficult to advance.

For a time, in the sky seemed to have a one-line boundary. On one side, Flame was formed by Jiang Feng controlling the Sea of ​​Fire, and on the other side was the shock wave set up by Poros. The Sea of ​​Fire in the sky was difficult to spread.

“Here, this is how terrifying the destruction of Strength …”, all S-Rank Heroes, almost staring at the battle between Jiang Feng and Poros.

Such a battle scene completely surpassed their Strength level. Even if they wanted to intervene, there was no room for intervention. Only the aftermath of the two-man battle could kill them.

As S-Rank Hero, they are the mainstay of the Hero Association. At this time, they can only watch the fun!

It was a tornado on the side, suspended in midair, her Super Ability was launched, and her body and clothing bloomed with her Super Ability to emerald rays of light, and the atmosphere in front of it became a barrier.

Although it is not qualified to intervene in the battle between Jiang Feng and Poros, Dragon Scroll uses its own Super Ability to eliminate some of the aftermaths of the battle between Jiang Feng and Poros to avoid causing huge damage to the senior members of the Hero Association.

“We can’t just look at at this kind of battle, we as S-Rank Hero have to do our best!”

At this time, Silver Fangs Bangu also started to talk, naked, posing with a fighting posture, and locked his eyes on the cosmic people not far away.

Meruzagarudo was destroyed by the tornado, and the cosmic people in the spaceship naturally sent others to guard the universe spaceship.

The cosmic man leading this time is Gloribas, the disaster Rank is dragon, and is also the left and right hands of Poros, the highest-level combat member of the dark matter Pirates of the universe.

Gloribas took the Astronaut and Hero Association’s S-Rank Hero to battle. After the Dragon Roll and Silver Fangs successively shot, other S-Rank Heroes also played Spirit and started their own battle.

Some people and silver Fangs together fight against Gloribas, while others moved towards the universe spaceship and rushed in. Outside Jiang Feng and Poros battled. Although they could not insert their hands, they destroyed the other universes in the universe spaceship. People can still.

“The heroes of S-Rank, S-Rank, S-Rank, and S-Rank each have their own goals, and Genos also ignited the body’s energy reactor and leaned his head to feed him on the side.

“Well, you go! I won’t go, I don’t think there are any other powerful guys in the spaceship!”

When talking, I lied and drank the zinc lip, and Deng Teng resisted the pods and made dumplings.

In the stupid locust jump and cut ┤ 跣> scratching the locust lip lip tube tube ditch annoying banana spinning

“斡 窭 鲜 Α 保 vinegar, where did Deng hang around and sway around? Chu Huan ㄊ, ㄊ 謇 砟 cut, ┯ 钪 嫒, 蘖, 圆, 圆, 圆, 挪, 挪, 蛩 愠 鍪, and 蛩 愠 鍪 value

Without thinking too much, Janos turned directly to the direction of moved towards the cosmic spaceship and leaped past.

After watching the game for a long time, these S-Rank heroes shot one after another.

It even invaded the spaceship of the universe. For a time, the battle between the cosmic people and the Earth humans was officially started.

Of course, the main key of this battle depends on the battle between Jiang Feng and Poros. The end of their battle can determine the final result of this Earth and Cosmo battle.

Because Jiang Feng by the strength of oneself can destroy all cosmic people in the universe spaceship, and Poros also has the ability to destroy Earth.

Jiang Feng’s Flame was blocked by the shock wave of Poros and could not go in. Gradually Jiang Feng also gave up output of spiritual power, and Sea of ​​Fire dissipated in mid-air.

At the same time, Poros had a crazy expression on his face and obviously enjoyed the fight with Jiang Feng very much. The two of them punched and punched together.

Each pair of two punches, Poros will be hit hard, but Jiang Feng is nothing but the development of things is completely different from what Poros expected. He did not consume Jiang Feng’s stamina, but he was about to stamina not support Already.

Moreover, each time he heals the body’s trauma, UU reading book www.uukankan.com Poros will consume a part of stamina. In the long run, Poros stamina consumes a huge amount. Obviously Poros totally overestimates his strength.

“How could this be! Impossible …”, the two of them fought again for a while, and Poros naturally felt his declining Strength.

This is exactly what surprised him. Poros’s star is different from Earth. The living environment is very harsh. Surviving from extremely harsh environments, Poros’s Life Strength can be said to be very tenacious.

But now, its tenacious Life Strength is under threat, and his Strength is declining, while Jiang Feng’s Strength is constantly improving, which is very terrifying.

“I think you are aware of it! Although your self-healing Ability is very formidable, but every time you heal a wound, you will consume stamina, and the accumulation will be less. How much is your stamina now?”

Jiang Feng looked at Poros’ faint start to talk. Jiang Feng knew very well that this is how BAK in Dragon Ball World looks like.

“You are really formidable! It looks like I can’t beat you. I thought of the most critical moments before using this move …”

“… using this move will shrink my lifespan, so I can’t say no more than 10000, and I won’t use it!”

“This move will destroy this planet even if it can’t kill you. You are very strong, just don’t know if you can live without this planet?”, Staring closely at Jiang Feng, Poros said coldly.

At the next moment, all the energy of Poros’s body is gathered, and the target is directed at Jiang Feng’s body.

“Starburst Roar!” Poros’ angry roar in his mouth.

I saw that the bright rays of light turned into one filled with pillars of light that destroyed Strength, and fiercely’s moved towards Jiang Feng struck.

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