Hero association of A city headquarter!

In the Conference Hall in the headquarter building, Sic in a suit sits alone at a desk with a cup of hot tea and a note on the table.

However, at this time, Xi Qi, expression with a trace of uneasy expression, expression also a little dignified.

“Master Xiqi, everyone in the meeting has arrived!” At this time, a staff member came over and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Sic Nodded, grabbed the note on the table in front of him and went out.

In a spacious Conference Hall, many people can be seen sitting at the long conference table. As Siqi came to the top of the conference table and sat down, the people waiting at the conference table were impatient. start to talk.

“Sic, why did you suddenly hold the highest meeting? What happened? Is there anything worse than the last meteorite fall in Z city?”

“Yeah! What the hell is going on? Sic!”

Although there were only one or two speakers in the Conference Hall, everyone was looking at Xiqi at this time, waiting for his answer. Obviously, Xiqi suddenly held the highest meeting, which surprised these senior members of the Hero Association.

“I know everyone was very surprised, but this time the situation suddenly became serious and we had to discuss a 10000-wide strategy!”

In the face of these colleagues, it can be said that it is almost an ordinary question. Xiqi’s face also has a distressed expression at the same time. He took out the note from his suit pocket and showed it to everyone. Before.

The content on the note was soon projected onto the large front screen.

“This, is it …”, looked at the content that emerged from this note, these people around the conference table, expression is a meal.

This kind of note is not the first time they have seen it!

“I think everyone should be familiar with this handwriting! This is the prophecy of the great prophet Lord Shiba Bawa, who predicted that Earth would suffer an unprecedented disaster!”

“We asked how we can avoid the catastrophic disaster. Lord Hibbawa’s decision was to mobilize all Hero Association Heroes. Everyone, Earth is not good at this time!” He glanced at the high side of the square table and said with a solitary expression.

This answer made everyone at the conference table overwhelmed. What is Earth bad?

Could the disaster at this time involve the entire Earth?

If you don’t handle it properly, Earth will face the calamity?

The prediction of the great prophet Lord Shiba Bawa, for the past few years, the accuracy rate is 100%, and nothing has ever been wrong.

Moreover, Lord Shiba Bawa also gave many suggestions for coping with the disaster, and afterwards they could find that these suggestions were indeed the most appropriate way to deal with them.

If other people say something, the great catastrophe that will destroy Earth is coming, they must think it’s a bullshit, but this is what was said from the large population of Hibbaba, then it’s another matter!

After all the people at the conference table had a discussion, they quickly made a decision.

Everyone’s trust in the great prophet, Lord Shiba Bawa, prevailed, and the disaster that affected the entire Earth could not be ignored.


In the morning, the Hero Association has just finished a high-level meeting. In the afternoon, all Heroes above S-Rank were notified and came to the headquarters of the Hero Association.

As Jiang Feng of SSS-Rank Hero, SS-Rank Hero ’s 斡 窈 土 恚 Evening gray catching and sacrificing poking and returning to the media 阌 neon Qianpu 谰

Several people appeared at the Hero Association, and the staff respectfully invited them to the Conference Hall.

Soon, with the announcement of Hero’s convening, these s-class heroes also successively arrived at the headquarters of the Hero Association.

Although it seems that there are a lot of people, compared to those huge heroes, these dozens of s-class heroes can be said to be the mainstay of the Hero Association.

silver Fangs, Atom Warrior, Child Emperor, KinG, Corpse Man,

Driving Knight, Pig God, Superalloy Black Light, Police Dogman, Flashing Flush, Vest of Vests, Metal Baseball, Genos and even that s-Class Hero sexy prisoner has arrived …

With the exception of Metal Knight, this Hero convened almost all s-Class Heroes to the headquarters of the Hero Association.

After all the s-class heroes arrived, naturally, they also saw Jiang Feng sitting in the first place, as well as the SSS-Rank Hero of Minzhai, and Strength was certified as a god by the Hero Association. Everyone was impressed by Jiang Feng’s Strength.

As S-Rank Heroes entered the Conference Hall, the sight of these s-class heroes more or less stayed on Jiang Feng.

Being stared at by these people, Jiang Feng’s expression was calm and he took a casual glance at the S-Rank Heroes. Although these S-Rank Heroes are nothing in Jiang Feng’s eyes, they are at human battle strength in this world. Upper pyramid …

The seats of s-class Heroes are arranged according to their own Hero rankings. Tornado and blasting have become SSHero, and the silver Fangs, which originated in third place, naturally took the S-Rank 3st place.

At the bar-shaped conference table, Jiang Feng sat at first, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Suona 撸 碓 蚴 撸 碓 蚴 撇 撇 撇 撇 焕 焕 Huan value 焕 淖 斡 竦 撸 焕 撸 谝 惭 谝 惭 罟 诹 诹 诹 诹 诹 谝 惭 诹 诹 诹 诹 呐 折

All Heroes sat down and almost glanced at Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng was sitting above everyone else. Then, these Hero’s eyes were placed on the soil, and then he looked at them. Take milk

However, what makes these s-class heroes all seem to be that the cold and the dark are the best, the thunder is dragged by Xi, and the boy is thrown by the Huai, and the Wei is stable.

For these s-class heroes, Sic can guess a little bit more or less, but Sic naturally doesn’t care about these small things.

After coughing a little, clearing his throat, Cickey started to talk and said, “Dear everyone, today I called everyone here to announce a very important thing!”

While speaking, Siqi glanced around the conference table and found that all the Heroes’ eyes were focused, and then said: “The main purpose of convening everyone this time is because of the prophecy of the great prophet, Lord Hibabawa. I believe that the accuracy of the prediction of Lord Hibbawa, you all know, but that’s 100% accurate! Maybe we don’t pay attention … “

“Well, don’t talk nonsense anymore, let’s talk about the point, what prediction did Hibbaba make?”, The tornado next to him looked impatient and asked Siqi.

Suddenly the dragon scroll interjected, and Xiqi was not angry, except that the expression on the face was so dignified that he took out a note from his pocket and put it on the conference table.

“Heroes! Earth, that’s bad!”

The 3Dprojection device on the conference table presents the handwriting on the note in midair, which everyone can see clearly.

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