“Very powerful, can actually block my incinerator!” At this time, Jenos looked at the deep Sea King in the distance, and his mind was very dignified.

The super-powered incinerator can be said to be his strongest trick, and it was a half-sneak attack. Unexpectedly, the deep Sea King just suffered a little trauma? Deep Sea King’s Strength is stronger than he thought.

“Hahaha, great, we have been saved …”

“I know him, he is S-Rank Hero Genos …”

“S-Rank Hero is here, we can finally leave this ghost place …”

Although it was said that Genos was moved this time, not at all defeated Deep Sea King, but being able to fight back Deep Sea King was enough to prove his Strength. At this moment, all the people in the sanctuary were filled with hope.

“That’s S-Rank Hero Genos, he’s here to save us, very good …”

Jenos’s reputation is still very big and his popularity is very high. His appearance naturally made many people cheer.

Residents who couldn’t understand the Strength gap thought that Genos could just retreat the Deep Sea King in one shot, and Genos’s Strength would be enough to compete with the Deep Sea King.

“Aren’t they here? Is Jenos just here? Is he really this deep Sea King’s opponent?”

looked at After the appearance of Jenos, many Hero associations in the nearby Hero are looking forward to it, but they not at all saw Jiang Feng and 斡 竦 纳 碛 埃 碛

They knew that Jennos and his wife were scared, and the yellow parrot was unloading.

The appearance of Jenos only made these Heroes see hope that’s all, but if Jiang Feng is here, it can make everyone feel at ease.

After all, Jiang Feng is an SSS-Rank Hero. Legend can fight against the existence of god-level monsters. Although the deep Sea King in front of them is very formidable, it is absolutely not touched by god-level monsters.

“You guy, obviously different from those before, Haha, finally an interesting opponent!”

Deep Sea King Although his arm was burned by Flame, there was a trace of madness on his face, and he stared at Genos tightly.

Genos bent down slightly, his legs began to charge, and he stared at Deep Sea King with the same earnestness: “I promised you 斡 窭 fresh


As Jenos’s voice dropped, his foot suddenly kicked, and the ground fissuredly split, Jenos’ body was directly moved towards the Deep Sea King and rushed over.

The height of Deep Sea King is ten meters away. If Genos wants to recreate Deep Sea King, he must aim at Deep Sea King’s head. Genos is close to Deep Sea King and jumps forward, directly punching towards the head of Deep Sea King. Expanded howling wind and torrential rain Attack.

Driven by mechanical energy, if Jenos is calculated based on the disaster’s Rank, it will definitely reach the level of ghosts.

However, although Deep Sea King’s body was burned, Deep Sea King’s face was also distorted under the repeated crit of Genos, but the breath on Deep Sea King was undiminished. Apparently, Genos Do all the power you can do at deep Sea King.

“Okay, good! Very good, we are saved …”

looked at Under the attack of Genos, Deep Sea King was suppressed, and the body was constantly retreat, the residents of the shelter each and everyone wept.

Even many Heroes can see dumbstruck. The strength of this S-Rank Hero is so strong. Is this the gap between them and S-Rank Hero?

In terms of Close-Combat’s skills, Jenos is not weak. He is only Strong, living in the axillary axillary pit, maintaining the ridge of Cang Fu, Deng Tong, Yu, Deng Gou, and Fang Ji. Fu Fu

Jenos shot, each shot was aimed at the head of Deep Sea King, and the shot was very fierce. He didn’t plan to leave the deep Sea King alive, but his Attack strength was still a bit worse, not at all gave Deep Sea King a serious blow .

Suddenly, Deep Sea King’s eyes sank, holding one of Genos’s arm in his hand, and raising Genos’ body in the air.

Then, Deep Sea King straightened his head, moved his neck, and looked at Genos with a disdain, saying: “I thought you were so strong! It seems that my expectations are a little bit high for you! “

Tone barely fell, Deep Sea King lifted Genos ‘body slightly, and kicked it out suddenly. Most of Genos’ body flew out, leaving only one arm in Deep Sea King’s hand.

“This is …, S-Rank Hero Genos’s arm is pulled off!”

“How could this happen?”

The surrounding residents were panicked, and the expression of avoided a catastrophe just disappeared, leaving only panic and confusion.

“Fast! I’m attentive again! I’m really not good at learning lessons! If I go on like this, I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with this life. Training

“Hehehe! See I won’t tear you to pieces!”, Deep Sea King’s complexion moved towards Genos walked over.

Janos ugly complexion glanced at the surrounding residents and pulled his body out of the wall, loudly roared, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said: “Hurry up while I’m playing against it. Run away, how far you run! “

Hearing this, the panicked residents stared at each other and ran away, hoping to grow one more leg.

Deep Sea King noticed the residents who fled from the four places, looking more embarrassed, and looked at the residents with a grimace, “hehehe, do you think you can escape?”

At this time, the energy output of Jenos is the largest, and energy can be seen on the surface of the body. The speed of Jenos is turned on to the maximum, and a punch is punched on the body of Deep Sea King …


In the distance, on a street, I ’m looking forward to helping you make a difference.

“Where is Jenos! Shouldn’t it hang?”

“Genos, Genos …”

In fact, shortly after Jenos left, Jiang Feng and his enthusiasts seem to have arrived at the Deng Dang Zhuang Zhuang to expose the robbers, tombs, tombs, tombs, files, silly, animal husbandry, etc. Forgive

No matter how Genos is his Disciple, if Genos was killed by Monster, where would he put this Master face?

Just in the name of the Neon Bronze Family, the brand is based on the silly conception of the pregnant woman, and the apprehension of the scars.

“You are SS-Rank Hero

“How did you show up here? Oh, I’m understood, you’re here to deal with that Monster!”, Undocumented Knight saw the scars and the feed.

“That Monster?”, Resisted, stopped and recovered, and grabbed the doctor Deng Gomo.

“That … I’ll ask you a question, have you met Genos?”

“S-Rank Hero Genos? I know him …” Knight without a license said earnestly.

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